+ Added feature in BossSpawnEvent and BossDeathEvent where u can do isAutoSpawn to check if the section is an auto spawn section
+ Fixed issue where BossSpawnEvent wasn't being called for AutoSpawn sections
+ Fixed issue where AutoSpawn sections wouldn't spawn on custom location
+ Fixed issue where when u do /boss killall it doesn't update the auto spawns so they can no longer spawn
+ Fixed the auto spawn message not disabling the default boss spawn messages when set to true
+ Added more debug to explain to people why an AutoSpawn won't work (Remember you can go in the config.yml and set debug: false to disable debug messages)
+ Added Ticks to the TimeUnit conversion class
+ Fixed issue with potion effects lagging the server
+ Fixed issue with potion effect types not being compatible in 1.8.8 or other versions
+ Fixed issue with PotionEffectConverter throwing NPE if input is null
+ General Project clean up
+ Fixed /boss new autospawn command not working
+ Fixed issue with AddItems Panel duplicating buttons to the bottom panel
+ Fixed issue with Lower versions (running Legacy build) having issues with enchanted items
+ Fixed issue with Vault not connecting to the plugin properly when using CMI instead of Essentials
+ Improved the message handling for start-up/shut-down
+ Added aspect to disable the plugin when it has issues loading
+ Added an aspect to disable every feature on the boss editing if the boss isn't enabled for editing.
+ Added feature for displaying which Targeting System is selected
+ Added /epicbosses and /eb aliases to BossCmd
+ Fixed issue of SpawnItemManager not updating
+ Improved the message which is displayed when a boss is not complete enough to be enabled.
+ Fixed bug with BossTextManager buttons not working
+ Added /boss menu to the /boss help lists
+ Added SpawnItem button to the MainBossEditMenu
+ Fixed issue with Bosses still taunting even after death
+ Fixed boss reload error
+ Fixed boss shop not displaying anything
+ Fixed boss shop not displaying a back button, and taking u back to the main menu for boss editing
+ Added /Boss New AutoSpawn command
+ Made all the panel opening Async to remove any lag from spam button clicking
+ Connected AutoSpawn right click in MainMenu to the /boss new autospawn command
+ Connected DropTable Editing Button in the DropsEditorPanel
+ Fixed issue of AutoSpawnsPanel not listing the AutoSpawns
+ Fixed issue of AutoSpawnSpecialSettings not displaying FIREWORK_CHARGE
+ Fixed issue of AutoSpawnType not display MOB_SPAWNER
+ Fixed issue with inverted editing mode
+ Fixed issue with the AutoSpawn list displaying an inverted editing mode
+ Fixed entities not display auto spawn name
+ Fixed issue with IntervalSpawnElement not working on canSpawn
+ Fixed issue with IntervalSpawnElement#getCustomSettingActions not connecting to IntervalSpawnHandler properly
+ Fixed issue with IntervalSpawnElement SpawnRate not updating in the GUI
+ Completed the AutoSpawnSpecialSettingsEditorPanel
+ Updated the AutoSpawnEditor Panels so that they cannot be modified unless the edit mode is enabled on the auto spawn section
+ Begun working on AutoSpawnMessageEditorPanel
+ Connected AutoSpawnSpecialSettings to editor.yml
+ Started implementing AutoSpawnSpecialSettingsPanel
+ Updated MainAutoSpawnEditor to have a better Editing button handler
+ Connected the spawn rate button
+ Added CustomSetting to the config.yml
+ Updated the AutoSpawnCustomSettingsEditorPanel
+ Updated IntervalHandler to connect with the AutoSpawn class too
+ Updated AutoSpawnCustomSettingsHandler interface
+ Added in the IntervalSpawnHandler to keep the IntervalSpawnElement from getting too clustered
+ Added all the custom setting click actions to the IntervalSpawnElement
+ Added a method to AutoSpawnManager to create a new custom click action for the auto spawn system
+ Continued to work on CustomSettings Editor
+ Renamed ICustomSettingAction to have more abstract naming
+ Updated all skills to have accurate imports, and removed any unused
+ Connected MainAutoSpawnEditor to the rest of the panel
+ Updated TODO with more accurate time frame
+ Connected and set up auto spawn editing in BossPanelManager
+ Updated TODO
+ Fixed issue with plugin not compiling
+ Fixed bugs with the skill panels
+ Fixed material panel to list all correct materials and not list air or materials which couldn't also be an item
+ Completed the AutoSpawnInterval system
+ Updated TODO
+ Added some new suggestions to TODO
+ Added a new method to BossAPI to get BossEntity from name
+ Added IBossDeathHandler to add custom handlers for AutoSpawn
+ Modified AutoSpawnSettings to have a new method shuffleEntitiesList for when a boss is attempted to spawn
+ Modified IntervalSpawnElement to have a new method spawnAfterLastBossIsKilled
+ Added implementation of IBossDeathHandler into BossDeathListener
+ Continued implementation of the AutoSpawn system
+ Updated the autospawns.json file to be suitable for abstract spawn type
+ Added AutoSpawnFileManager and Handler
+ Created AutoSpawnManager