while blocking
+ [Critical] Added a new check to prevent players from only making
criticals hits
= [NoFall] Fixed the false positive when falling into unclimbable vines
= [NoPwnage] Fixed an exception when getting message's parameters
= [Unpushable] Fixed the issues when two players are colliding
= [Running] Fixed players being able to move normally into cobweb
- [Unpushable] Disabled the check by default (consider it as
+ Added an "opbyconsoleonly" option
= Fixed an issue with the RunFly check and vines
= Fixed an issue with the WaterWalk check and blocks above the player
- Removed the fly tracker because of all its issues
+ Added the AutoSign check to prevent players from spamming signs
+ Added the Tracker check to prevent players from staying too much time
in the air
= Improved the FastBreak check (should work with various plugins)
= Improved the FastPlace check (shouldn't throw any false positive)
+ Added a simple check against the "safe-respawn" exploit
+ Added a permission to disable boat placement on the ground
= Fixed the issue with the FastBreak check and the enchantment
= Fixed the issue with the WaterWalk check and the step/stairs
= Fixed the inversion of Rei's Minimap permission
- Removed some useless code