Up until Minecraft version 1.5 it was not possible to teleport entities
within vehicles. With the 1.5 update came the change in the Minecraft
teleportation logic to dismount before teleporting the entity, if
This commit ammends the existing CraftBukkit logic for rejecting
teleportation for entities in vehicles to permit the action. Due to this
change, CraftBukkit is now in-line with Minecraft 1.5 teleportation logic.
By: bendude56 <bendude56@gmail.com>
When a player dies their inventory is normally scattered over the the area
in which they died. Plugins should be able to modify this behaviour by
defining whether or not the player's inventory will be dropped on the ground or waiting for the player when they eventually respawn.
This commit implements the methods included in the Bukkit half for the new
behaviour by acting upon the boolean flag. The boolean flag is tested
prior to clearing the inventory as well as prior to dropping the items on
the ground. If the flag is true (indicating "keep inventory"), the items
are not removed from the player's inventory and are not dropped on the
By: Jerom van der Sar <jerom.sar@hotmail.com>
This change improves the quality of life for plugin developers using
iterator iteration with side-effects. In the specified Guava patch, the
internal iterator no longer relies on the AbstractList iterator which
iterates by index, and will instead wrap the provided iterator in a
transformer given the Function.
By: Wesley Wolfe <wesley.d.wolfe+git@gmail.com>
This commit centralizes event handling to where damage is actually applied
to the entity to avoid bugs that have resulted from nodamageticks,
modifications to damage after the event has been called, and similar
mishaps. This also implements new API for getting and setting of
modifications made to the damage amount actually applied to the entity.
This is done by storing the change in the damage amount as each modifier
is applied by vanilla code.
The method that actually damages the armor worn by an entity has been
relocated beneath the event called as to not apply durability loss when
the event has been cancelled.
By: t00thpick1 <t00thpick1dirko@gmail.com>
When a chunk is loaded the server tries to ensure it has its initial light
calculations done before sending it to the player. When ticking entities
the server tries to ensure the entity does not walk into an unloaded chunk.
To accomplish these the server checks a one chunk radius around the chunk
to be lit or a two chunk radius around the chunk the entity is in. These
lookups happen every tick even though their result is unlikely to change
that often. To reduce the cost of these checks we replace them with a
system to keep track of what neighbor chunks a chunk has loaded and update
it when chunks load or unload which is a much less frequent action. On a
server with ten players this change removes about 100,000 calls a tick to
LongObjectHashMap's containsKey method.
By: Travis Watkins <amaranth@ubuntu.com>
To handle changes in 1.7.9 we changed skull meta to use GameProfile
instances instead of strings of player names. This reflects what vanilla is
actually storing for skulls now. As skulls still require a name our API was
not changed and we instead look up the rest of the profile information from
the name. The way this was implemented made it so that deserializing a skull
or setting its name potentially involved a network request. As skull meta
itself does not actually require a complete profile we now simply create one
that only contains a name and leave populating it to the server when it is
actually needed.
By: Travis Watkins <amaranth@ubuntu.com>
With the current API it is possible to create an inventory with a specific
type, but it is not possible to give such an inventory a title other than
the default.
The commit changes that by adding a method to optionally supply the title
for the given inventory type and holder, creating the functionality to
display any supported inventory type with a 32 character length String.
If the inventory title supplied is larger than 32 characters then an
IllegalArgumentException is thrown stating so.
By: eueln <euelnd@gmail.com>
In commit 6efeddfe57, TALL_REDWOOD was used instead of the proper TreeType
of MEGA_REDWOOD. Additionally, this fixes an issue in CraftWorld with an
improper boolean flag related to the generation of MEGA_REDWOOD trees.
By: GJ <gjmcferrin@gmail.com>
23 classes have been removed as they are no longer needed using the new
capture logic. This should help quite a bit with future MC updates.
BlockPlaceEvent Refactor
Before calling Item.interactWith, a recording flag is turned on for
setTypeAndData to capture a blockstate for each block that attempts to be set.
When a block place event is cancelled, the recorded blockstate, stack
size, and metadata will revert back to the captured state. If the event is
not cancelled, a notification will be sent to clients and block physics
will be updated.
BlockChangeDelegate Refactor
Now that we have the ability to capture blockstates through world, there
is no need to modify world gen classes with BlockChangeDelegate. Instead
we will simply capture blocks during world generation in order to "replay"
all of the captured blockstates to send back to delegates.
StructureGrowDelegate and BlockSapling.TreeGenerator have also been
removed as part of this change. BlockSapling and BlockMushroom will
capture blockstates the same as block placement and revert back any grow
events if needed.
By: bloodshot <jdroque@gmail.com>
The AnvilInventory reports its size as the sum of the ingredient and
result inventories, but when trying to access the slots, only the
ingredient inventory is used, leading to an ArrayIndexOutOfBounds exception.
This change overrides getItem(I) and setItem(I) to use both inventories,
with the slot number adjusted based on their size.
By: Andre LeBlanc <andre@norcode.com>
Setting the goal target overrides the entity's will to do something
else. This makes it so entities like wolves with attack another player
with .setTarget(), instead of hanging next to their owner.
By: PaulBGD <ultimate@burngames.net>
If a conversation is abandoned due to a player disconnecting and an
exception is thrown in a ConversationAbandonedListener, the server will
crash. This commit prevents the exception from propagating further up
the stack and instead just logs the error.
By: Devin Ryan <devin@forairan.com>
Currently, plugins can set a player's display name to null, which could
cause issues for other calls to getDisplayName that aren't expecting a null
value. This changes setDisplayName to follow the same logic as
setPlayerListName, which sets the player's name back to their unmodified
"vanilla" name if it receives a null value as a parameter.
By: GJ <gjmcferrin@gmail.com>
Previously, the SlotType for the last 4 slots in a player's inventory
returned QUICKBAR when it should have returned SlotType.CONTAINER. This
updates the code for determining slot type to return the proper value.
By: GJ <gjmcferrin@gmail.com>
Previously, the SlotType for the 0 slot in a furnace returned CONTAINER,
when it should have returned SlotType.CRAFTING. This updates the code for
determining slot type to return the proper value.
By: GJ <gjmcferrin@gmail.com>
Previously, when a skeleton was spawned via the spawn(...) function, the
resulting skeleton had no equipped bow and therefore could not properly
attack. This fix gives all skeletons the proper equipment and ensures that
they are able to attack.
By: GJ <gjmcferrin@gmail.com>
Bans require a name and UUID but our API only allows for a single string
identifier for a ban entry. Until this is sorted out go back to the old
name based setup since we can always get a UUID given a name.
By: Travis Watkins <amaranth@ubuntu.com>
Any new API here needs more thought, skulls require a name but OfflinePlayer
is not guaranteed to have one. There is a Mojang approved way to get a
complete profile from a name but not from a UUID so for now just pretend
this still only uses names.
By: Travis Watkins <amaranth@ubuntu.com>
The getEntries methods on these return player names instead of UUIDs.
As we need the UUIDs for our API we add a getValues method to get at
the data we need. To further ensure we get the most data possible we
also add a way to get at the stored GameProfile to ensure we always
have both the UUID and the name from the list.
By: Travis Watkins <amaranth@ubuntu.com>
The server's check is for whether or not a player can pass the whitelist
not just if the player is on it. That seems like more useful information
but the API has always just checked if they are on it so this commit
restores that.
By: Travis Watkins <amaranth@ubuntu.com>
When getting an OfflinePlayer by name we lookup their UUID and then
use that to fetch the OfflinePlayer. If the player has not played on
this server before the resulting OfflinePlayer will return null for
getName(). As this is unintuitive we now create the OfflinePlayer directly
using the profile we looked up and make OfflinePlayer prefer that data.
By: Travis Watkins <amaranth@ubuntu.com>
When working with inventories you regularly end up with different
Inventory objects that have the same underlying Minecraft inventory.
Currently, even those these point to the same thing, they are not
considered equal. With this commit comparing any Inventory object that
represents the same inventory will result in equals(Object) returning
By: Jeremy Wood <farachan@gmail.com>
The method in EntityLiving to remove a potion effect was remapped during
the 1.7.5 update. The method invocation in CraftLivingEntity was not
updated to invoke the remapped method, which has led to a random method in
LivingEntity being called in its place.
This commit corrects the behavior of removePotionEffect by changing the
method to invoke the remapped method as opposed to EntityLiving#m(float).
Thanks to @gabizou for finding this issue.
By: Nate Mortensen <nate.richard.mortensen@gmail.com>
When VanillaCommandWrapper dispatches a command containing a
PlayerSelector wtih c>-1 (implicitly true for @a), it loops over the
selected players and exectures the command with each player. However, the
loop index is only incremented if the command fails. As a result, a
successful command is repeated on the same player indefinitely, locking up
the server. This commit fixes the issue by incrementing the loop index
regardless of whether the command succeeds, ensuring the command is only
executed once per player identified by the PlayerSelector.
By: WolfieMario <wolfiemario@hotmail.com>
Previously the alias system would pass all arguments from the alias
to its command(s) implicitly. The new system requires arguments to be
explicitly passed so server owners can have more control over where and
how they are passed. To ensure this isn't a breaking change during the
migration from bukkit.yml to commands.yml we now add the $1- argument
to the alias commands to match the previous behavior.
By: Travis Watkins <amaranth@ubuntu.com>
Previously no implementation existed to access various additional
information fields regarding bans. This implementation expands on the
information outlined in the sister Bukkit commit to provide access to
the Minecraft implementation of the ban system.
This implementation of the banning API contains 2 new classes which
provide access to the internal workings of the built-in banning
system within Minecraft.
The CraftBanEntry class simply supports the representation of an internal
Minecraft BanEntry object. The data that may be modified within this new
object must be manually saved to the list contained within the
CraftBanEntry using it's save() method.
The CraftBanList class supports the representation of an internal
Minecraft BanList object through proxy methods. These methods do
validation on the passed objects where needed to ensure safe input to the
backed Minecraft objects.
These changes additionally re-route the existing banning API to the newer,
more detailed, system. Functionality prior to this change still behaves
as documented by the contract defined by the methods changed.
By: mbax <matt@phozop.net>
Hanging entities are placed into the entity tracker and updates are sent
out to clients for the initial placement. Thereafter data watchers are
configured to monitor the item inside the frame. However, if the
direction the ItemFrame facing changes the entity tracker will not send
out updates.
This commit removes and recreates the ItemFrame entity in the same way
that was already done for Painting entities. This causes clients to
be updated appropriately.
By: EdGruberman <ed@rjump.com>
Currently we use the async chunk loading system only when players trigger
chunk loading. If a chunk is loaded for any other reason it goes through
a separate codepath. This means if a player has trigged a chunk load and
before the chunk loads something else wants the same chunk we will load it
twice and throw away the second result. With this change we instead use
the sync processing feature of the AsynchronousExecutor to load the chunk
which will pull it out of the queue if it was already queued to load. This
means we only ever load a chunk once. Because chunk generation is not
thread safe we still fallback to the vanilla chunk loading system if the
chunk does not currently exist.
By: Travis Watkins <amaranth@ubuntu.com>
Because EntityFireball.setDirection() adds a random offset to passed
parameters, it is not appropriate for use in an API method. As such,
the values need to be directly set to remain accurate.
By: t00thpick1 <t00thpick1dirko@gmail.com>
Previously, trying to launch a ThrownExpBottle or Fish projectile would
result in an IllegalArgumentException. This commit adds support for both
ThrownExpBottle and Fish, which means that all current projectiles are
now properly supported by this method.
By: GJ <gjmcferrin@gmail.com>
Previously, if an error occurred during CraftServer initialization before the
logger was instantiated, it would cause an NPE and the server would never
finish loading properly. By instantiating the logger before attempting to
load anything else in CraftServer, we ensure that a logger will always be
available in the case of any errors.
By: GJ <gjmcferrin@gmail.com>
ItemStacks do not stack if one has null for a tag, while the other has an
empty tag. In CraftItemStack, if you set an item to an empty ItemMeta, it
will create an empty tag for the internal ItemStack.
This changes the setItemMeta function to check for empty meta, and then
use null for the tag instead of an empty NBTTagCompound.
By: Wesley Wolfe <weswolf@aol.com>
Damage caused by explosions will return null for the event as of
6588d6f72bbca74bf150de65593ac575b846111b. As such, a null check is
now necessary when handling non-living entity damage events.
By: t00thpick1 <t00thpick1dirko@gmail.com>
When falling back to vanilla recipes in the iteration of recipes,
a check is necessary to ensure that vanilla recipes are present.
RecipeIterator has been modified to account for the multi-map setup.
By: t00thpick1 <t00thpick1dirko@gmail.com>
Due to vanilla blanket comparing data values, and the unspecified
order of hashmap iterators, we need to run through custom recipes
first, and therefore separately, to ensure that they are actually
used. By not adding the custom results to the experience table, we do
not override the experience gains from vanilla smelting recipes.
By: t00thpick1 <t00thpick1dirko@gmail.com>
Minecraft now uses resource packs instead of texture packs, which broke
the setTexturePack method, as the client no longer listens on the MC|TPack
This commit fixes the issue by adding in a setResourcePack method, and by
deprecating setTexturePack and rewriting it to call the newly added
setResourcePack. In order to simplify the method and prevent this from
happening in the future, setResourcePack calls EntityPlayer.a(String) to use
the same logic as minecraft when sending resource packs.
By: Nate Mortensen <nate.richard.mortensen@gmail.com>
In Minecraft 1.7, URL processing was removed from the client while the
server gained the ability to designate a URL to be launched in response to
clicking text. However, this functionality is not implemented in the
vanilla server. This commit adds that functionality to messages sent to
the client, processing URLs as clickable.
Additionally, char array iteration is replaced with regex.
By: mbax <matt@phozop.net>
When growing trees we use a BlockChangeDelegate which queues up the block
changes so plugins can modify/block/log tree growing. However, we always
check the actual world when checking for existing blocks. This means when
the tree growing code checks to see if putting a leaf in a block is valid
it may incorrectly overwrite a log block that should exist in that
location. To ensure trees grow correctly we now check the delegate itself
for blocks that match the queried location before checking the world.
By: Travis Watkins <amaranth@ubuntu.com>
This commit adds support for the Tree Types that weren't added in the
initial update to Minecraft 1.7.
Pulled from PR #1277
By: BlackHole <black-hole@live.com>
Due to changes in the generation of trees, the name of the class responsible
for the generation of jungle trees has changed from WorldGenMegaTree to
WorldGenJungleTree. As such, references to WorldGenMegaTree need to be
updated to WorldGenJungleTree to generate the correct type of tree.
Pulled from PR #1277
By: BlackHole <black-hole@live.com>
Several sounds were renamed in Minecraft 1.7, and have been updated
accordingly. Additionally, two sounds, HURT and BREATH, were removed from
By: GJ <gjmcferrin@gmail.com>
For Cocoa Blocks, Block.getDropType() returns the item form of the Cocoa
block, rather than the Cocoa Bean item. Because of this, Cocoa blocks need
to have explicit handling in order to return the proper drop contents.
By: t00thpick1 <t00thpick1dirko@gmail.com>
Explosions directly caused by LivingEntities, such as creepers and tnt lit
by players, have their EntityDamageEvent explicitely handled within
the Explosion class. In order to prevent double events when damage
is handled for other DamageSources, we need return null for explosion
based damage sources.
By: t00thpick1 <t00thpick1dirko@gmail.com>
Log4j takes a long time to load on startup. Before it loads, the server
appears to have frozen as there is no output until after. We now print
a loading message before this happens to let the user know the server
is actually working.
By: Travis Watkins <amaranth@ubuntu.com>
This implements the detonate method from bukkit by setting the fuse
timer to 0. This makes a firework explode using the normal codepath,
but without waiting for the fuse.
By: Wesley Wolfe <weswolf@aol.com>
The validation check in CraftMapView.render(CraftPlayer) filters out any
values less than 0. As of Minecraft 1.7, -128 through -113 are valid colors,
so filtering them out prevents some of the new colors from being sent.
This commit fixes the issue by adjusting the validation check to include
any values less than or equal to -113. As the minimum value for a byte is
-128, no invalid colors are included.
By: t00thpick1 <t00thpick1dirko@gmail.com>
WorldGenerator setType and setTypeAndData have their arguments changed to
add in support for CraftBlockChangeDelegate, which changes the method
signature. This change in the method signature breaks any WorldGenerators
that aren't modified to use CraftBlockChangeDelegate.
This commit fixes the issue by readding the old method and maintaining the
CraftBlockChangeDelegate method. This makes it so that there is a
compatible method for both CraftBlockChangeDelegate WorldGenerators and
unmodified WorldGenerators.
Additionally, this commit reduces and corrects the diffs in
WorldGenerator, moving the fix for layering violations to
By: Nate Mortensen <nate.richard.mortensen@gmail.com>
Both log4j and our own jline/jansi initialization attempt to catch
errors caused by jansi's use of native libraries. However both of them use
the Exception type which does not catch all errors. On Windows Server 2008
R2 Enterprise without installing extra software the required C++ libraries
are not available which causes an error that does not extend Exception. To
ensure we catch all errors I've changed both of these to catch Throwable
instead which gets us a working console minus jansi functionality.
By: Travis Watkins <amaranth@ubuntu.com>
Something the log4j ConsoleAppender does makes the console work correctly
on Windows. After trying to pull pieces of it out and run them manually
I decided to just put the appender back. We now once again start with the
ConsoleAppender then remove it immediately after starting.
By: Travis Watkins <amaranth@ubuntu.com>
WorldMapCollection stores scoreboard, map (item), structure, and
village information. Scoreboards are explicitly handled globally,
while villages and structures are erroneously shared.
This commit separates the WorldMapCollections to not be shared among
custom worlds. Maps are special-cased to maintain the previous shared
By: Wesley Wolfe <weswolf@aol.com>
This change will print a warning when a plugin induces a forced save. A
player or console forcing a save (via a command) is ignored for purposes
of printing a warning.
By: Wesley Wolfe <weswolf@aol.com>
When Minecraft first introduced an auto-save feature, we
were taken by surprise by how much of an impact it actually had on the performance
of the server. After investigating the potential causes of the significant
slow-downs we saw at the time, we came to the conclusion that it was a
combination of the auto-save interval being incredibly frequent and
servers already having an auto-save solution that was conflicting with the
newly added built-in one.
Since we noticed that most servers already had their own auto-save
solution, we decided to completely disable the built in auto-save by
default. In hindsight, however, we were so happy that we discovered and
squashed the cause of the performance issues that we forgot to consider
the future and, as a result, some servers have unfortunately been caught
by surprise when they ran their servers without any auto-save plugins.
Without the auto-save plugin conflict, however, Minecraft's default save
interval of 45 seconds is not suitable for the types of servers that run
Bukkit, to the point where it was negatively impacting performance. As
such, we've decided to re-enable the built in auto-save at an interval of
5 minutes for newly created servers.
By: EvilSeph <evilseph@gmail.com>
This change removes a redundant addition of source encoding and makes our
compiler match the current maven default. This amends the commit
Upstream issue http://jira.codehaus.org/browse/MCOMPILER-70
By: Wesley Wolfe <weswolf@aol.com>
The recent Minecraft update rendered the
e20e50f85083dc53cb5456254bcf5781ef750daa fix incorrect by adding a
compound name to the base tag in some code. This fix changes all uses
of tag changes to explicitly use a name.
By: feildmaster <admin@feildmaster.com>
This change adds the location and a more specific message to the
IllegalArgumentException that gets thrown when a hanging entity is being
spawned in a location that it cannot survive.
By: Wesley Wolfe <weswolf@aol.com>
Opening a hopper inventory created by Server.createInventory will
currently have no effect as proper handling code is missing in
CraftEntityHuman for hopper inventories that aren't associated with a tile
entity or minecart. Initialization logic for hoppers is also missing from
CraftContainer, which is necessary for the opening of custom hopper
This commit fixes the two aforementioned by adding proper handling to
CraftHumanEntity for opening inventories not associated with a tile
entity, and by adding initialization logic for hoppers to CraftContainer.
By: FrozenBrain <carstenbamsti@googlemail.com>
This change adds the source encoding to the maven compiler plugin, which
will strictly enforce build consistency on multiple platforms and address
possible compilation issues on some of the source files. The source
encoding unintuitively is system-specified by default.
By: Wesley Wolfe <weswolf@aol.com>
Prior to this change when a plugin called Player.hasLineOfSite() the
method would always return false because EntityHuman does not extend
EntityInsentient. This commit changes that by explicitly checking for
line of sight between two entities and returning that value.
By: Roger Baumgartner <rogermarcbaumgartner@hotmail.com>
Maven paths that include spaces (and possible other characters) get
improperly translated when using a file handle from a URL. This changes
the unit test to open a stream directly from the URL, providing proper
file resolution on multiple platforms.
By: Wesley Wolfe <weswolf@aol.com>
This commit removes chat wrapping. It is no longer needed, as clients
properly render lines with line breaks.
This commit also changes an outgoing chat message to use the vanilla
behavior for indicating a client cannot chat with commands-only setting.
By: Wesley Wolfe <weswolf@aol.com>
If a plugin generates an exception when returning a world generator, the
server will crash. This change adds a try-catch block to keep the server
from crashing on plugin defined world generators.
By: riking <rikingcoding@gmail.com>
Custom inventories currently do not validate the titles provided. Null values
cause NPEs when writing packets. Values longer than 32 characters
disconnect clients.
This change throws and IllegalArgumentException for null titles or titles
longer than 32 characters.
By: Wesley Wolfe <weswolf@aol.com>
A method has been added to Player which allows the server to send a sound string to the client. Assuming the client has the specified sound, it will be played. This is needed by the implementation of the /playsound command.
By: h31ix <zero_gravity@outlook.com>
This commit implements the ability to set the scale of hearts that the
client renders. When the Packet44UpdateAttributes packet is sent, the
max health attribute is replaced with a scaled version, to preserve the
scaled health illusion clientside.
In order to accurately display the scaled health for players, a true
health is stored within CraftPlayer, and the datawatcher now stores the
scaled health. The getHealth() method for players still returns their
true health.
Changed setHealth() within EntityLiving to appropriately handle health
for instances of EntityPlayer. Inlined a call to
setHealth(getMaxHealth()) within the EntityLiving constructor to work
around CraftEntity instantiation.
Additionally fixes the health values sent when eating food within
FoodMetaData and ItemFood, which previously sent the unscaled health;
this commit alters them to send the properly scaled health.
Additionally fixes BUKKIT-4535, BUKKIT-4536, and BUKKIT-4127
By: T00thpick1 <t00thpick1dirko@gmail.com>
This changes livingEntity.addPotionEffect(PotionEffect, boolean) to
construct the MobEffect using the constructor that includes the ambient
setting as supplied by the PotionEffect
This also changes livingEntity.getActivePotionEffects() to construct the
PotionEffects using the ambient setting supplied by the MobEffects.
By: Jim Bilbrey <jb_aero@verizon.net>
API has been added to interface with Horses and to modify their inventories. Horse entities will now be recognized with the type EntityType.HORSE, and will no longer be UNKNOWN.
HorseJumpEvent, EntityDamageEvent, and EntityTameEvent are all correctly fired for horses.
This commit fixes BUKKIT-4393.
By: h31ix <zero_gravity@outlook.com>
The CraftBlock class is setting bit 0x4 of the update flag when bit 0x2
should in fact be set here. Bit 0x2 means "do updates"; bit 0x4 means
"don't do updates if the world is static, even when bit 0x2 is set".
By: Des Herriott <des.herriott@gmail.com>
Currently there are several cases where a player will have their inventory
screen closed client side but we will not call an event. To correct this
we call the event when the server is the cause of the inventory closing
instead of just when the client is the cause. We also ensure the server is
closing the inventory reliably so we get the events. Additionally this
commit also calls the event when a player disconnects which will handle
kicks, quits, and server shutdown.
By: Travis Watkins <amaranth@ubuntu.com>
Two connection status checks were added to setting a scoreboard for a
player. The first checks to see if a player has logged in yet, which
implicates the ability to receive packets. The second checks to affirm
that the CraftPlayer reference is still to a logged in player; setting
it while not logged in would maintain a stale player reference in the
scoreboard manager.
By: Wesley Wolfe <weswolf@aol.com>
The method getTeam gets the team from name of, as opposed to getting the
team a player belongs to.
This also addresses BUKKIT-4002 and partially BUKKIT-4044
By: Wesley Wolfe <weswolf@aol.com>
When a world is created using our API, it does not use secondary world
server and will maintain a reference to its own scoreboard. In vanilla,
this is not an issue as there is only ever one world.
Similarly to maps, an overwrite to the scoreboard reference has been
added for when another world has been created.
This should also address BUKKIT-3982 and BUKKIT-3985
By: Wesley Wolfe <weswolf@aol.com>
This implementation facilitates the correspondence of the Bukkit Scoreboard
API to the internal minecraft implementation.
When the first scoreboard is loaded, the scoreboard manager will be created.
It uses the newly added WeakCollection for handling plugin scoreboard
references to update the respective objectives. When a scoreboard contains no
more active references, it should be garbage collected.
An active reference can be held by a still registered objective, team, and
transitively a score for a still registered objective. An internal reference
will also be kept if a player's specific scoreboard has been set, and will
remain persistent until that player logs out.
A player's specific scoreboard becomes the scoreboard used when determining
team structure for the player's attacking damage and the player's vision.
By: mbax <matt@phozop.net>
This class is designed to be an invisible layer between a normal collection,
and one that silently loses entries because they are only weakly referencable.
Some operations have additional overhead to be semantically correct, but it
maintains the equals contract for all entries, as opposed to identity.
It does not support the equals or hash code method as it cannot easily have
the transitive and commutative properties.
By: Wesley Wolfe <weswolf@aol.com>
When an array of an inventory's contents is requested, we loop through the contents of the NMS inventory's ItemStacks in order to return Bukkit ItemStacks that can be used through the API. However, the NMS ItemStack can, in some cases, be larger than the physical size of the inventory. Using the size of the NMS array as a limit on the loop that follows can result in an ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException because the Bukkit array's length is the actual size of the inventory, and thus will be smaller.
With this commit we use the smaller of the two arrays' length as the limit in the loop, thus eliminating the possibility that the smaller array will be asked for an index higher than its length.
By: h31ix <zero_gravity@outlook.com>
When a block placement happens we currently update physics on the
attempted placement and update again if the placement is cancelled.
To correct the first one we simply set the block without applying
physics. To correct the second we have to add a new method to
BlockState that lets us update without applying physics and use
this method method when putting the block back.
By: Travis Watkins <amaranth@ubuntu.com>
Without this check, any non-null reference to a plugin is considered
'valid' for registering a task in the scheduler. This is obviously
unintentional behavior and has been changed to throw an
IllegalPluginAccessException. It is now consistent with the
SimplePluginManager event registration contract.
This in affect also addresses BUKKIT-3950 for uninitialized plugin
references (ones without a description).
By: Wesley Wolfe <weswolf@aol.com>
When cloning an item, all references are copied to the new item. For
collections, this makes internal changes become visible in both the old and
new items.
In CraftMetaItem, clone was not making copies of the appropriate collections
and has been fixed for non-null values.
In CraftMetaEnchantedBook and CraftMetaPotion, clone was using possible empty
collection references and has been changed to explicitly null-check instead.
By: Wesley Wolfe <weswolf@aol.com>
The client resets all formatting after a color code is received, but currently the ANSI codes do not, and so the console does not accurately reflect the appearance of the formatted text. Instead, the ANSI color codes are now set to reset all text attributes.
By: James Clarke <jamesrtclarke@me.com>
CraftServer methods that implement the Server interface will throw an
IllegalArgumentException if a method cannot operate on a null input
and given a null pointer.
This causes methods to fail early and identify that a plugin is
responsible for passing in an invalid argument. This will only
change the exception thrown, if there originally was a thrown
exception. This helps with hunting down legitimate problems
with CraftBukkit.
By: Edmond Poon <sagaciouszzzz@gmail.com>
Currently, CraftTravelAgent will call s() on the passed-in WorldServer in order to set DEFAULT. However, s() will always return null at this point, because WorldServer.P will still be null, as it is set after the constructor is called. Instead, we set CraftTravelAgent.DEFAULT to the instance that is being constructed.
By: James Clarke <jamesrtclarke@me.com>
The entity id is a non-unique, non-persistent value, and will cause
entities to lose their respective meta data on chunk unloading, and
By: feildmaster <admin@feildmaster.com>
Recent changes caused PlayerPortalEvent to suddenly return null
unexpectedly and could end up in NPEs resulting that did not before.
This commit addresses that situation by always ensuring a TravelAgent
instance is returned.
The TravelAgent for world 0 is returned arbitrarily in an effort to
compensate for plugins that are implementation dependent and expect some
form of a TravelAgent to be accessible in the event at all times.
By: EdGruberman <ed@rjump.com>
Vanilla does not check for blocks in which the player could
suffocate when changing dimension, so portals will happily spawn
players in blocks when using a portal under certain
circumstances. However, we currently check for these instances
and move the player up until they will not suffocate. This means
that players can sometimes be taken to above the target portal,
making it seem as if a portal was not created. Instead, we now
disable this suffocation check when moveToWorld is called from
changeDimension, mirroring vanilla behavior more accurately.
By: James Clarke <jamesrtclarke@me.com>