Upstream has released updates that appear to apply and compile correctly.
This update has not been tested by PaperMC and as with ANY update, please do your own testing
Bukkit Changes:
6b3c598b PR-814: Add a method to send multiple equipment changes
181a984b Update Maven shade version to align with CraftBukkit
a5a36e32 Revert "Update Maven shade version to align with CraftBukkit"
7a8f4a42 Update Maven shade version to align with CraftBukkit
58327201 Add support for Java 20
CraftBukkit Changes:
b56426c7a PR-1142: Calculate explosion damage separately for each affected EntityComplexPart
fbe3410af PR-1140: Add a method to send multiple equipment changes
8434e3633 Add support for Java 20
c998a1d23 Increase outdated build delay
4a929b5d6 SPIGOT-7267: Fix EntityType#getTranslationKey() and add unit test
086d8dc8a SPIGOT-7268: CraftMetaPotion reads ShowParticles and ShowIcon properties incorrectly
8ba5e399e SPIGOT-7262: Improve visibility API
Spigot Changes:
a2190e30 Rebuild patches
There's some inconsistencies between the EntityChangeBlockEvent and the BlockDestroyEvent. The destroy event has always the right final type but the change block event has always air even for waterlogged blocks. This fix this behavior only for possible case to avoid a bigger patch.
Abstracts relative teleport flags and instead makes a generic TeleportFlag option. This has the benefit of being able to easily add new flags in the future.
This adds a new flag, which allows you to keep inventories open when teleporting players (vanilla behavior).
These are breaking changes to the teleport api, however, it's still marked as experimental so I find this a fair change.
A recent patch moved the internal unit tests to mokito, allowing
deep mocking to easily setup a mocked server instance.
While this change is useful, the server's Server#getItemFactory methods
is one of the hottest paths during unit testing, being called numerous
times by material tests.
As mokito mocks keep track of each invocation to allow for verifications
of invocations down the line, the server mock allocates a huge amount of
memory to keep track of all invocations, ultimately leading to an OOM
The previous solution solved this by increasing the tests memory to 2 GB,
however as of right now simply configuring the server mock as "stubOnly",
properly prevents the overflow of invocation records as none of the unit
test code relies on invocation verification.
Upstream improperly used the enum name for looking up the vanilla entity
type to get the translation key; temp patch this until upstream fixes this,
also add some quick validation
Upstream has released updates that appear to apply and compile correctly.
This update has not been tested by PaperMC and as with ANY update, please do your own testing
Bukkit Changes:
37262de8 PR-812: Add Registry#match(String)
d6b40162 SPIGOT-4569: Add more BlockData API
f9691891 PR-809: Throw a more clear error for BlockIterators with zero direction, add Vector#isZero()
91e79e19 PR-804: Added methods to get translation keys for materials, itemstacks and more
426b00d3 PR-795: Add new BiomeParameterPoint passed to BiomeProvider#getBiome
0e91ea52 SPIGOT-7224: Add events for brewing stands and campfires starting their actions
CraftBukkit Changes:
a50301aa5 Fix issues with fluid tag conversion and fluid #isTagged
6aeb5e4c3 SPIGOT-4569: Implement more BlockData API
7dbf862c2 PR-1131: Added methods to get translation keys for materials, itemstacks and more
7167588b1 PR-1117: Add new BiomeParameterPoint passed to BiomeProvider#getBiome
7c44152eb SPIGOT-7224: Add events for brewing stands and campfires starting their actions
This adds API to force a projectile to hit a provided entity. Example usage could be if you have a player disguised as another entity, you could simulate an arrow colliding with the (fake) entity hitbox.
This adds a check to the offline-mode warning to see if Velocity is enabled. If it is enabled then it warns the user to make sure to secure their server and links to the Velocity documentation on that.
Upstream has released updates that appear to apply and compile correctly.
This update has not been tested by PaperMC and as with ANY update, please do your own testing
CraftBukkit Changes:
ab8ace685 SPIGOT-7236: Bone meal doesn't increase use statistic
7dcb59b8e Avoid switch on material in previous commit
Spigot Changes:
19641c75 SPIGOT-7235: World.Spigot#strikeLightningEffect doesn't do anything
This creates a problem with Paper's item serialization
api where deserialized items, which are internally
created as a CraftItemStack, will be completely lost if
#setAmount(0) is invoked (since the underlying handle
is set to null), while a regular Bukkit ItemStack
simply sets the amount field to zero, retaining the
item's data.
Vanilla treats items with zero amounts the same as items
with less than zero amounts, so this code doesn't create
a problem with operations on the vanilla ItemStack.
The EntityResurrectEvent logic is supposed to locate a totem of undying
in any of the interaction slots of the player inventory and then, if the
called EntityResurrectEvent is not cancelled, shrink that item by 1,
usually reducing it to zero.
For this, the logic iterates over the items in the interaction slots and
breaks out the loop if a totem of undying was found.
However, even if no totem of undying was found, the iteration item stack
variable remains as a refernce to the last interaction slot probed.
Plugins uncancelling a EntityResurrectEvent, which is published
pre-cancelled to listeners if no totem of undying could be found,
would hence cause the server logic to shrink completely unrelated items
found in, at the writing of this patch, the players off hand slot.
This patch corrects this behaviour by only shrinking the item if a totem
of undying was found and the event was called uncancelled.
Upstream has released updates that appear to apply and compile correctly.
This update has not been tested by PaperMC and as with ANY update, please do your own testing
Bukkit Changes:
79e39671 SPIGOT-7034: Add methods for set/get instrument in Goat Horn
CraftBukkit Changes:
4768df736 SPIGOT-7034: Add methods for set/get instrument in Goat Horn
941d7e954 SPIGOT-7225: FireworkMeta#getPower() can throw a NullPointerException for items with no power set
Upstream has released updates that appear to apply and compile correctly.
This update has not been tested by PaperMC and as with ANY update, please do your own testing
Bukkit Changes:
d352d965 SPIGOT-7221: Add Enemy (Entity) interface
CraftBukkit Changes:
397c5557c SPIGOT-7221: Add Enemy (Entity) interface
a0d3dfaf2 PR-1129: Fix state corruption while handling explosion damage on EntityComplexPart
d67777f8b SPIGOT-7218: Player's outer layer of skin disappears after respawn
Upstream has released updates that appear to apply and compile correctly.
This update has not been tested by PaperMC and as with ANY update, please do your own testing
Bukkit Changes:
aef9b6d2 PR-800: Add support for NoteBlock sounds in Skulls
CraftBukkit Changes:
ae8f5fc02 PR-1125: Add support for NoteBlock sounds in Skulls
0a1c89e4b SPIGOT-7212: Allow negative firework power
909a246af SPIGOT-7211: generateTree() with Consumer or Predicate is broken
c810c3ed8 Increase outdated build delay
* Add missing EntityChangeBlockEvent
* Fix duplicate empty bottle when canceled for creative player
* Use native update impl instead of craftbukkit -> nms
Upstream has released updates that appear to apply and compile correctly.
This update has not been tested by PaperMC and as with ANY update, please do your own testing
CraftBukkit Changes:
2ed3e3e6e SPIGOT-7210: Fix structures in custom worlds
585ab5ba1 SPIGOT-7207: WorldCreator creates world as super flat even when normal is specified
Messing with game time sent to the client isn't worth the trouble whenever it may be used by the client now and in the future for such a small issue. Mojang, plz fix
* Fix inconsistencies in dispense events regarding stack size
The javadocs for BlockDispenseEvent suggest the ItemStack is a single
item which is being dispensed. Before this fix, sometimes it was the whole
stack before a single item had been taken. This fixes that so the stack size
is always 1.
* Ensure stack size is correct in minecart and armor dispense behaviors
Upstream has released updates that appear to apply and compile correctly.
This update has not been tested by PaperMC and as with ANY update, please do your own testing
Bukkit Changes:
f50ad1f8 PR-798: Add PrepareGrindstoneEvent and refactor related events to use PrepareInventoryResultEvent
0cac7963 SPIGOT-7204: Add TeleportCause#DISMOUNT
b4dd47b0 SPIGOT-7202: Deprecate removed door effects
CraftBukkit Changes:
ab1586c2f PR-1123: Add PrepareGrindstoneEvent
b402824ea SPIGOT-7204: Add TeleportCause#DISMOUNT
06a6a1012 PR-1121: Add unit test for spawn egg meta
c18668be3 SPIGOT-7192: Call PlayerInteractEvent with Action.LEFT_CLICK_AIR if the entity interacted is hidden to the player
47124f639 Increase outdated build delay
645993470 SPIGOT-7201: Spawner ItemMeta not working as expected
* Account for splash water bottles now extinguishing entities
* improvements and javadocs
* reorder patches
* rename event to WaterBottleSplashEvent
Co-authored-by: Jake Potrebic <>
Upstream has released updates that appear to apply and compile correctly.
This update has not been tested by PaperMC and as with ANY update, please do your own testing
Bukkit Changes:
dea9ce0a SPIGOT-7198: Add Sittable interface to Camel
CraftBukkit Changes:
eecb4c0dc SPIGOT-7196: Exception loading alternate worlds
0ff61e8fa SPIGOT-7198: Add Sittable interface to Camel
676441aac PR-1121: Handle additional missing SpawnEggs in MetaSpawnEgg
e85280e02 Handle missing SpawnEggs in MetaSpawnEgg
Spigot Changes:
d90018e0 SPIGOT-7199: NPE loading or creating world with custom chunk generator
Upstream has released updates that appear to apply and compile correctly. This update has not been tested by PaperMC and as with ANY update, please do your own testing
Bukkit Changes:
38866413 SPIGOT-6765: Pass WorldInfo, Random and coordinates to ChunkGenerator should methods
CraftBukkit Changes:
f3dab3a48 SPIGOT-7191: TNT minecart explosions crash the server
b5aa0bed9 SPIGOT-7184: ExplosionPrimeEvent not called for ExplosiveMinecart
e7aab5493 SPIGOT-6765: Pass WorldInfo, Random and coordinates to ChunkGenerator should methods
The modified patch prevents entity loading off the main thread when
entities are initially loaded.
However, the initial loading of an entity is not the only time the
Entity#readAdditionalSaveData method is called. Commands like /data also
invoke the method (through Entity#load) to update an entities data
without completely re-creating it.
This however breaks with the current patch, as the patch moves parts of
the entity lookup for persistent anger deserialisation into the first
tick of an entity (which obviously is only called once and hence not
re-run when an already ticking entity is modified as laid out above).
This change actively runs the now split logic for deserialisation again
if the entity has already ticked its first tick. This way, initial
deserialisation is still split into one off thread and the first tick
parts, but following main thread deserialisations can happen completely
inside Entity#readAdditionalSaveData is called.
Due to the weakly consistent of ConcurrentLinkedQueue iterator, at some points, packet will be resent twice times or more, causing some weird behaviors (e.g. kicked for illegal movement since the same ClientboundPlayerPositionPacket was sent two times). This changes for the patch add a flag for marking if the packet was consumed to prevent such issue and ensure consistently of the packet queue.
The max search distance used to get the closest Poi data on X/Z axis is cubed
instead of squared (one time in the parameter and another time in the function)
for almost all search.
Generally this has been hidden by another check that already does a pre
distance check between the poi pos and the source pos for individual
component but the issue still happens for diagonal distance search.
Discovered by Samsuik
This moves the setHealth call to below the recordDamage call to prevent
recordDamage from clearing the CombatTracker, since recordDamage will
clear the CombatTracker if the entity is dead. This fixes death messages
such as the "doomed to fall" messages.
Upstream has released updates that appear to apply and compile correctly.
This update has not been tested by PaperMC and as with ANY update, please do your own testing
Bukkit Changes:
9a4de097 SPIGOT-7171: Ability to get the IP/hostname players are requesting status of
CraftBukkit Changes:
f43634ae4 SPIGOT-7170: Cannot set slots in custom smithing inventory
48f3a2258 SPIGOT-7171: Ability to get the IP/hostname players are requesting status of
30e31b4d1 SPIGOT-7177: Certain blocks don't call BlockCanBuildEvent
982364797 SPIGOT-7174: Avoid adding air to CraftMetaBundle
Spigot Changes:
6198b5ae PR-122: Add missing parentheses to pumpkin and melon growth modifier
1aec3fc1 Rebuild patches
For whatever reason, vanilla does not mark the chunk as
dirty when changing its tick lists.
We also have it return dirty if the time since the last
save has changed, since it would affect the tick offsets
in the ticklist.
CB used the dirty flag to construct the chunk unload event,
but then sets mustNotSave to the inverted value of the event
after calling the event without considering that the chunk may
actually be brought up to loaded status again later. Then, CB
overrides the isUnsaved method of LevelChunk to additionally
use mustNotSave.
Thus, if the chunk is not marked dirty when unloading, the
mustNotSave value will be set to true. Then, once the chunk
is reloaded and edited the dirty flag will be set. However,
when unloading the chunk finally, the isUnsaved method
will return false due to mustNotSave being true. Thus, the
chunk will never be saved.
To fix these issues, no longer make mustNotSave override
isUnsaved and always set the save flag for the chunk unload
This issue started popping up recently due to the recent
change to mark chunks as not dirty after saving them, which
increased the chance of the save issue occurring in the first
* Added EntityToggleSitEvent Patches
* Updated event phrasing, fixed Boolean not being primitive, pandas now fire event, and event is defined and called in 1 line
* Updated event phrasing, fixed Boolean not being primitive, pandas now fire event, and event is defined and called in 1 line
* Added EntityToggleSitEvent Patches
* Added EntityToggleSitEvent Patches
* Added EntityToggleSitEvent Patches
Crashes caused by the missing AWT dependency come up in the support channels fairly often.
This patch detects the missing dependency and stops the server with a clear error message,
containing a link to instructions on how to install a non-headless JRE.
When we update the chunk state to border, it should be
the case that isChunkLoaded returns true and that
getChunkIfLoadedImmediately returns a non-null value.
Now add the chunk to the loaded map before making any
callbacks after updating to border state.
adding the getHandle method causes some issues with things like ProtocolLib
due to the expectation that all classes which provide a getHandle method
are public.
Upstream has released updates that appear to apply and compile correctly.
This update has not been tested by PaperMC and as with ANY update, please do your own testing
Bukkit Changes:
09943450 Update SnakeYAML version
5515734f SPIGOT-7162: Incorrect description for Entity#getVehicle javadoc
6f82b381 PR-788: Add getHand() to all relevant events
CraftBukkit Changes:
aaf484f6f SPIGOT-7163: CraftMerchantRecipe doesn't copy demand and specialPrice from BukkitMerchantRecipe
5329dd6fd PR-1107: Add getHand() to all relevant events
93061706e SPIGOT-7045: Ocelots never spawn with babies with spawn reason OCELOT_BABY
Previously, PoiChunk#empty would create a new empty poi chunk with
loaded already set to true, as no data was contained in the chunk.
This allowed the poi chunk to skip expensive trips to the main thread.
However, PoiChunk#parse used #empty to create the initial PoiChunk
instance that is then filled with data.
This leads to PoiChunks returned from #parse to already be marked as
loaded, preventing the then needed trip to the tick thread to update
things like the village distance tracker.
To fix this, this commit now marks the PoiChunks loaded state as false
if the parse logic actually read and parsed any data.
This allows the PoiChunk#load method to properly run its callbacks when
called for the first time.
Patch documentation to come
Issues with the old system that are fixed now:
- World generation does not scale with cpu cores effectively.
- Relies on the main thread for scheduling and maintaining chunk state, dropping chunk load/generate rates at lower tps.
- Unreliable prioritisation of chunk gen/load calls that block the main thread.
- Shutdown logic is utterly unreliable, as it has to wait for all chunks to unload - is it guaranteed that the chunk system is in a state on shutdown that it can reliably do this? Watchdog shutdown also typically failed due to thread checks, which is now resolved.
- Saving of data is not unified (i.e can save chunk data without saving entity data, poses problems for desync if shutdown is really abnormal.
- Entities are not loaded with chunks. This caused quite a bit of headache for Chunk#getEntities API, but now the new chunk system loads entities with chunks so that they are ready whenever the chunk loads in. Effectively brings the behavior back to 1.16 era, but still storing entities in their own separate regionfiles.
The above list is not complete. The patch documentation will complete it.
New chunk system hard relies on starlight and dataconverter, and most importantly the new concurrent utilities in ConcurrentUtil.
Some of the old async chunk i/o interface (i.e the old file io thread reroutes _some_ calls to the new file io thread) is kept for plugin compat reasons. It will be removed in the next major version of minecraft.
The old legacy chunk system patches have been moved to the removed folder in case we need them again.
Co-authored-by: Shane Freeder <>
Also, restores un/loading worlds mid tick. This will not be officially supported API contract that such a routine is safe, and these restrictions may be restored in the future.
Upstream has released updates that appear to apply and compile correctly.
This update has not been tested by PaperMC and as with ANY update, please do your own testing
Bukkit Changes:
c7c11188 SPIGOT-2620: Add Player#sendBlockChanges()
f63d2b44 Improve annotation test on parameters
3372e7b4 SPIGOT-1244, SPIGOT-6860, SPIGOT-6874: Various Javadoc and formatting fixes
a1e8a9ab PR-793: Ignore .checkstyle file generated by Eclipse IDE
CraftBukkit Changes:
c2c39089e SPIGOT-2620: Add Player#sendBlockChanges()
8209158db PR-1113: Ignore .checkstyle file generated by Eclipse IDE
Spigot Changes:
4aa5ead2 Rebuild patches
* Make WorldCreator#keepSpawnLoaded return the WorldCreator (Fixes#8321)
Thought that I fixed this before push/merge, apparently not, hence, fix
the return type and add mitigation for this.
* Fix patch/build
* Rebuild patches
Upstream has released updates that appear to apply and compile correctly.
This update has not been tested by PaperMC and as with ANY update, please do your own testing
Bukkit Changes:
9ae3f10f SPIGOT-3842: Add Player#fireworkBoost() and expand Firework API
48c0c547 PR-786: Add methods to get sounds from entities
CraftBukkit Changes:
5cc9c022a SPIGOT-7152: Handle hand item changing during air interact event
4ffa1acf6 SPIGOT-7154: Players get kicked when interacting with a conversation
4daa21123 SPIGOT-3842: Add Player#fireworkBoost() and expand Firework API
e5d6a9bbf PR-1100: Add methods to get sounds from entities
b7e9f1c8b SPIGOT-7146: Reduce use of Material switch in ItemMeta
Spigot Changes:
4c157bb4 Rebuild patches