0 Commands & Permissions
Aurora Lahtela edited this page 2025-01-18 10:52:27 +02:00

Plan Header

Commands & Permissions

This page is an in depth documentation of all permissions & commands.
Page version: 5.6 build 2959


  • Permissions
  • Commands


Permission Default (on spigot) Description
plan.command op Access /plan command
plan.server op Access /plan server command
plan.servers op Access /plan servers command
plan.network op Access /plan network command
plan.player.self true Access /plan player command, get link to own player page
plan.player.other op get link to anyone's player page
plan.search op Access /plan search command
plan.ingame.self true Access /plan ingame command, view own data in game
plan.ingame.other op view anyone's data in game
plan.register.self true Access /plan register command, register user that can view player's own page
plan.register.other op Access /plan register command, register user that can view any page, or register users for others
plan.unregister.self true Access /plan unregister command, remove own Plan-user
plan.unregister.other op remove anyone's Plan-user
plan.setgroup.other op change Plan user web group and list web groups.
plan.logout.other op logout users from Plan panel
plan.info op Access /plan info command
plan.reload op Access /plan reload command
plan.disable op Access /plan disable command
plan.users op Access /plan users command, Plan-user list
plan.data.base op Access /plan db command
plan.data.backup op Access /plan db backup command
plan.data.restore op Access /plan db restore command
plan.data.move op Access /plan db move command
plan.data.hotswap op Access /plan db hotswap command
plan.data.clear op Access /plan db clear command
plan.data.remove.player op Access /plan db remove command
plan.data.remove.server op Access /plan db uninstalled command
plan.data.export op Access /plan export command
plan.data.import op Access /plan import command
plan.json.self true Access /plan json command, download own Plan data as .json
plan.json.other op download anyone's Plan data as .json
plan.ignore.commanduse false Commands used by this player are ignored
plan.ignore.afk false AFK Time not calculated for this player
List of permissions for convenience
- plan.command
- plan.server
- plan.servers
- plan.network
- plan.player.self
- plan.player.other
- plan.search
- plan.ingame.self
- plan.ingame.other
- plan.register.self
- plan.register.other
- plan.unregister.self
- plan.unregister.other
- plan.setgroup.other
- plan.logout.other
- plan.info
- plan.reload
- plan.disable
- plan.users
- plan.data.base
- plan.data.backup
- plan.data.restore
- plan.data.move
- plan.data.hotswap
- plan.data.clear
- plan.data.remove.player
- plan.data.remove.server
- plan.data.export
- plan.data.import
- plan.json.self
- plan.json.other
- plan.ignore.commanduse
- plan.ignore.afk


On proxy platforms (Bungeecord, Velocity) /plan command is /planproxy to allow executing both on servers. The permissions are the same and all subcommands are available on all platforms.


Permission: plan.command
Main command, only shows subcommands that are permitted.


Permission: plan.command
Main command on proxy platforms, only shows subcommands that are permitted.
Aliases planbungee, planvelocity

/plan server [server]

Permission: plan.server
Displays link to /server page
Aliases analyze, a, analyse, analysis

/plan servers

Permission: plan.servers
List servers and their IDs in Plan database
Aliases serverlist, listservers, sl, ls

/plan network

Permission: plan.network
Displays link to /network page
Aliases netw

/plan player [name/uuid]

Permission: plan.player.self
Displays link to /player page, viewing other player's links requires plan.player.other
Aliases inspect

/plan players

Permission: plan.player.other
Displays link to /players page
Aliases pl, playerlist, list

/plan search <part>

Permission: plan.search
Lookup player names

/plan ingame [name/uuid]

Permission: plan.ingame.self
View player info in game, viewing other player's info requires plan.ingame.other
Aliases qinspect

/plan json [name/uuid]

Permission: plan.json.self
Displays link to player's json data download, viewing other player's link requires plan.json.other

/plan accept

Permission: none
Accept a pending action
Aliases yes, y

/plan cancel

Permission: none
Cancel a pending action
Aliases deny, no, n

/plan info

Permission: plan.info
View information about the plugin status

/plan reload

Permission: plan.reload
Restart the plugin and reload changes in config

/plan disable [feature]

Permission: plan.disable
Disable the plugin or a feature until next reload

/plan register [--code ${code}]

Permission: plan.register.self
Display link to /register page or complete registration. Registering users for other players requires plan.register.other

/plan unregister [username]

Permission: plan.unregister.self
Unregister user, unregistering users for other players requires plan.unregister.other

/plan logout [* / username]

Permission: plan.logout.other
Log out all users (*) or a specific user from the plan panel. Provides means for cookie invalidation after cookie persistence was implemented.

/plan users

Permission: plan.users
List registered Plan users
Aliases webusers, web

/plan groups

Permission: plan.setgroup.other
List Plan web groups

/plan setgroup [username] [groupname]

Permission: plan.setgroup.other
Set a Plan user's web group.

/plan export [export kind]

Permission: plan.export
Export some files

/plan import [import kind]

Permission: plan.import
Import some data to Plan

/plan db [subcommand]

Permission: plan.data.base
Perform actions on the Plan database
Aliases database

Subcommands for /plan db

/plan db backup

Permission: plan.data.backup
Backup a database to an sqlite file

/plan db restore

Permission: plan.data.restore
Restore a database from an sqlite file

/plan db move

Permission: plan.data.move
Move data from one Plan database to another, overwriting old data in the process

/plan db hotswap

Permission: plan.data.hotswap
Change to another Plan database and reload the plugin

/plan db clear

Permission: plan.data.clear
Remove ALL data from a database

/plan db remove <name/uuid>

Permission: plan.data.remove.player
Delete data of a player from the current database

/plan db uninstalled <server>

Permission: plan.data.remove.server
Set a server as uninstalled in the current database (doesn't remove / delete the data to preserve existing data on player pages, but hides the server from viewed as /server or on network page)

/plan db remove_join_addresses

Permission: plan.data.clear
Delete all join addresses of the server this is run on. Related to a Fabric data gathering bug.

/plan db migrate_to_online_uuids [--remove_offline]

Permission: plan.data.clear
Moves and combines offline uuid data to online uuids where possible. If --remove_offline flag is given offline players without online UUIDs are also removed, otherwise they are kept as is.