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5 Command Line Tools
Henry edited this page 2022-04-27 00:27:13 +01:00

You can build modpacks via command line tools as well.

Building Modpacks

Get the .jar from the launcher-builder/build/libs/ folder.

java -jar launcher-builder-X.Y.Z-SNAPSHOT.jar
    --version "pick_a_version"
    --input .
    --output upload
    --manifest-dest "upload/your_modpack.json" 
  • "version" is the version of your modpack and it doesn't have to be a number -- whenever you want to push an update, you have to change the version code to anything else that has never been used before
  • "input" is the folder with "loaders," "src," and "modpack.json" -- . means "the current folder"
  • "output" is the folder to put the output
  • "manifest-dest" is the manifest file that is generated

Command Prompt

There should be a upload/ folder now with the generated files.

Generated Files

Deploying the Server

See Deploying Server Modpacks.

Generating a Package Listing

There is no command line tool to do this. However, the format of packages.json is pretty simple so you should be able to generate it yourself easily.