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Channel & Language Files
Channel & Language Files
Ryandw11 edited this page 2019-03-25 19:36:46 -07:00
# UltraChat #
# Channels #
#Channel name {Note: it is better pratice to use lowercase}
#Notice: Turn the server off then edit ths config!
#Channel prefix.
prefix: '&a[Global]&r'
#Channel permission, Use none for no permission.
permission: 'none'
#Messages from this channel will always appear no matter what channel the player is in.
always_appear: false
#This is the chat format ***Note the channel prefix is added by default.
format: '%prefix% %player% %suffix%&7>> '
#This is the JSON format:
- 'Wow'
- 'No Way!'
#Example Channel:
prefix: '&a[&6VIP&a]&r'
permission: 'channel.vip'
always_appear: false
format: '%prefix% %player% %suffix%&7>> '
- '&3Money: $&b%vault_eco_balance_fixed%'
- '&3Username: &f%player_name%'
# %p represents player. (Not applicable to all messages)
# %s represents a message if there is one. (Not applicable to all messages)
plugin-prefix: '&7[&aUltraChat&7]'
no-perm: '&cYou do not have permission for this command.'
error-channel-enabled: '&cError: Chat channels are not enabled on this server!'
error-channel-usage: '&cError: Use /channel {channel}!'
channel-json-hover: '&5Click to join the channel!'
chat-stop-off: '&eThe chat has been &2Enabled &eby:&5 %p&e!'
chat-stop-on: '&eThe chat has been &4disabled 7eby:&5 %p&e!'
stop-chat-message: '&cThe chat is currently not active.'
broadcast-prefix: '&7[&4UltraChat&7] '
chat-clear: '&3The chat has been cleared by &9%p&3!'
config-reload: '&aThe config has been reloaded!'
chat-cmd-not-valid: '&cThat is not a valid command. Do /chat help for help!'
cmd-spy-on: '&bCommand Spy Enabled!'
cmd-spy-off: '&bCommand Spy Disabled!'
cmd-spy-format: '&3[&6CommandSpy&3]&b %p: &3%s'
oth-cmd-spy-on: '&a%p&b''s command spy has been enabled!'
oth-cmd-spy-off:'&a%p&b''s command spy has ben disabled!'
staff-chat-on: '&dStaff chat has been enabled!'
staff-chat-off: '&dStaff chat has been disabled!'
staff-chat-format: '&7[&dStaff Chat&7] &9%p: &3%s'
color-gui: '&aChat Color'
silent-join-message: '%p &7has joined the game silently!'
silent-leave-message: '%p &7has left the game silently!'
no-swear: '&cSwearing is not allowed on this server!'
mention: '&aSomeone has mentioned you!'
conosle-chat-log: '%p: %s'