Table of Contents
This will explain to you what everything does in the config.
Top Options
# Ultra Chat #
#Color GUI Settings:
#If true the command will be /chat color instead of /color
ChatColor_Command: false
#Used for assistance in development. Read more about it here:
bstats: true
#Join / Leave messages:
Join_Message: '&e %player% has joined the server!'
Leave_Message: '&e %player% has left the server!'
These are settings that are used for configuring the plugin.
ChatColor_Command: false
is if /color is to be disabled or not.
The join and leave messages is what is said when a player joins the game.
Chat formatting type.
# Chat Format Type #
# Vailed types: normal, channel, json, range.
# Set to nothing to not format the chat.
# Check the wiki for an explenation of each type!
chat_format: 'normal'
#The default color that opped players chat in. Do &r for none.
Op_Chat_Color: '&c'
This sets what type of formatting you want to use.
Normal is the chat which is formatted but has nothing special to it.
Channel is when there are these chat rooms which a player can join. See the channels configuration down bellow for more.
Is where players can hover over a user name and see configurable text.
This new format is where people can talk to eachother in three ways: Local, World, Global.
Local is where only people in a certain radius can talk to each other.
World is where only people in the same world can talk to each other with the /world command.
Global is where everyone can see what the person is saying with the /global command.
Finialy Op_Chat_Color: '&c'
is just the default chat color of ops.
# Channels #
#Note: Custom Chat must be enabled for this to work!
#Edit the channels.yml when the server is stopped!
#Default Channel. This is the channel the player first joins the server. It is also given when the channel the player is on does not exsist.
Default_Channel: 'global'
#This is a list for the channels. It will only affect the list of channels. (Name should match the same as the one in the channels.yml)
- global
- vip
#If json should be enabled on channels or not.
Channel_Json: false
Settings for the channels.
# Range #
#If json should be enabled on the range chat or not.
Range_Json: false
#The global channel which everyone can see.
format: '&6[Global]&r %prefix% %player% %suffix% &7>>'
- Example
- Text
format: '&d[World]&r %prefix% %player% %suffix% &7>>'
- Example
- Text
format: '&b[Local]&r %prefix% %player% %suffix% &7>>'
- Example
- Text
range: 100
The range: 100
is how close people need to be to talk to each other. So currently by default they need to be within 100 blocks.
The json needs to be surrended in qutoes when using placeholders or colors.
format: '&6[Global]&r %prefix% %player% %suffix% &7>>'
- '&5This is some cool text'
- '&3Wow!'
Chat Formatting
#Console Chat Log: (JSON chat only!)
#With json on the chat no longer prints to the console. This option fixes that issue! Set to true if you want it enabled!
console_log: false
#New player join. If the player hasn't joined the server before then this message will play. If you don't want it put none.
New_Player: '&d%player% has just joined the server for the first time! Welcome!'
#Moto of the day. You can use chat colors.
#If you have PlaceholderAPI installed you can use these placeholders:!
Motd_Enabled: true
- '&6Welcome to the server,&r %player_name%&6.'
- '&6There are currently&b %server_online% &6players online!'
Finial it is time for formatting.
#Variables: %prefix% - Gives you the players prefix. %suffix% - gives you the player suffix!
#You can use PlaceHolderAPI here! Check out the placeholders here:
#You can have unlimited custom chat formats.
#Note: If PlaceHolderAPI placeholders are not showing up please check to make sure you have the extension installed and that you reloaded the plugin.
#Notice: The JSON is only if the JSON above is set to true. JSON can also use PlaceHolderAPI!
# Important Note! #
# If you give a player the '*' permission they will have every single custom chat.
# When json is enabled the message is sent several times based on the number of custom formats you have!
# To advoid this give them the permission -(yourpermission). Ex:
#The Chat_Count number must represent how many custom chats you have.
Chat_Count: 5
#Each new custom chat must be a single number and all of them must go 1 - (what ever number you have last). There can't be any numbers skipped.
#The permission node you want to give it. *Does not need to match up with the number above*
Permission: ''
#The custom format in the chat. The message is added after the end of the string.
Format: '%prefix% %player% %suffix%&7>> '
#JSON formating if enabled. In order to use color codes surround the message in single quotes. ''
- Example
- Example 2
#You can now also suggest a command to a player who clicks it. %player% is the only valid placeholder.
Permission: ''
Format: '%prefix% %player% %suffix% &7>> '
- Example
- Example 2
Permission: ''
Format: '%prefix% %player% %suffix%&7>> '
- '&cNotice'
- '&7Use colorcodes in quotes'
Permission: ''
Format: '%prefix% %player% %suffix%&7>> '
- '45'
- Same with numbers
Permission: ''
Format: '%prefix% %player% %suffix%&7>> '
- Example
- Example 2
#For any player opped.
#The format.
Format: '%prefix% %player% %suffix%&c>> '
- Example
- Example 2
#The default chat when a player does not have a custom one.
Format: '<%prefix% %player% %suffix%&f>'
- Example
- Example 2
Custom Chat:
Custom Chat
Notice: This is outdated. Check the config section for better assistance. Ultra chat supports Multi Styles!
Custom Chat supports PlaceHolderAPI! You can use any variable from the list in your chat! Click me for the list!
Each one can have there own format and permission!
First you need to change Custom_Chat_Enabled:
to true.
You can change the permission to your suit. The default Permission is ''
If a player does not have one of the 5 chat perms then they use the Default_Chat!
If a player is op then they use the Op_Chat!
The player codes were changed!
To help you under stand If I gave a group perm to and change the format to: Format: '&7[&5%factions_chat_tag%&7] %player% &7>>' it would be:
[Faction Name] Player name >> Message
The "%factions_chat_tag%" is from placeholderAPI. You can use any of THESE placeholders!
Ultra Chat works with plugins like pex and group manager! Using the format above with a permission plugin with the prefix of owner (&7[&1Owner&7]) it would look like:
[Faction Name] [Owner]Player Name >> Message
Since by default Essentials makes the prefix the displayname if you have essentials you wouldn't need to put %prefix% or %suffix%.