0 Commands & Permissions
Ryandw11 edited this page 2020-06-26 20:18:49 -07:00


You can see the help page by doing /chat or /chat help!


Usage: /chat stop
Permission: ultrachat.stopchat
Bypass: ultrachat.stopchat.bypass

Toggle the chat.


Usage: /chat broadcast {messge}
Permission: ultrachat.broadcast

Make a broadcast to the server using the prefix in the config.

Command Spy

Usage: /spy
Solo Permission: ultrachat.spy
Other Players Permission: ultrachat.spy.others

See what commands players type in.

Staff Chat

Usage: /sc (message)
Permission: ultrachat.staffchat

Message all other staff members online.

Staff Chat Toggle

Usage: /sctoggle
Permission: ultrachat.staffchat.toggle

Toggle if you see the staff chat or not.

Chat Clear

Usage: /chat clear
Permission: ultrachat.clearchat

Clear the chat.

Silent Join

Usage: /chat sjoin (optional: {player})
Permission: ultrachat.sjoin, ultrachat.sjoin.others, ultrachat.sjoin.alert

Prevent any player without the alert permission from seeing you join.

Silent Leave

Usage: /chat sleave (optional: {player})
Permission: ultrachat.sjoin, ultrachat.sjoin.others, ultrachat.sjoin.alert

Mute any player when world chat is enabled.

Fake join

Usage: /chat join {player}
Permission: ultrachat.fakejoin

Send the join message with your name.

Fake leave

Usage: /chat leave {player}
Permission: ultrachat.fakeleave

Send the leave message with your name.

Raw Chat

Usage: /chat raw {message}
Permission: ultrachat.raw

Send a message to the server without a prefix.

Color Chat

Usage: /color
Permission(s): ultrachat.color

Opens up a GUI window for players to select their chat color!


Usage: /channel {channel}/list
Permission: ultrachat.channel
List permission: ultrachat.channel.list

Use the /channel command. Note: Case sensitive!


Usage: /global {message}
Permission: ultrachat.global
Requires Range formatting.

Use the /global command!


Usage: /world {message}
Permission: ultrachat.world
Requires Range formatting.

Use the /world command!


Usage: /chat hooks
Permission: ultrachat.hooks

Lists off the current hooks!

Other Permissions

Command Block Bypass

Permission: ultrachat.commandblock.bypass

Have the ability to use blocked commands in the config.yml

Chat Color

Permission: ultrachat.chat.color

Be able to use color chat when you have this permission (This does not involve the /color command!).

Hex Chat Color

Permission: ultrachat.chat.hex

Be able to use hex color chat when you have this permission (This does not involve the /color command!). (Example {#FFFFFF})


Permission: ultrachat.emoji

Be able to use emoji's. See the emoji page for more info! (Removed in recent updates. Will be added back in)