User Flag GUI will no longer show values as 'undefined'. Instead, if no
claim value is found then the default value will be displayed instead.
This should be more friendly for end-users.
* Fix sponge /givepet command.
* Add 'protect-tamed-entities' claim config to allow protection for tamed entities such as horses. This new config setting is enabled by default.
For whatever reason, during a shutdown a plugin may have custom data
that causes Sponge to trigger spawn events. To avoid issues, we ignore
all spawns during shutdown.
* Improve '/trustlist' command.
Note: This command now supports adding and removing trusted users and
* Improve '/claiminfo' command.
Note: Trusted users will now link to the improved '/trustlist' command.
* Fix sizing for various GUI's. All GUI's should now fill screen.
* Add '/claimreserve' command for administrators to reserve claim names.
* Add support for untrusting specific type via all untrust commands.
* Add #pet context support.
* Hide teleport button if player does not have access to teleport.
* Fix pagination error when swapping between menu's.
Examples are as follows
modid:#all - This would block all entities with modid.
modid:#monster - This would block all monsters with modid.
modid:#animal - This would block all animals with modid.
These can be used in either source or target contexts.
* Server contexts will be automatically added if not found on set.
* Flag definitions will automatically add a server context if none is
found on deserialization.
* Option and Flag GUI will fallback to no server context if none is
* Fix user permission check.
* Add check for max inspection distance.
* Add radius-inspect option to config.
* Add active contexts when checking permissions.
* Fix missing options from claim tab.
* Fix '/claimlist' showing claims to non-trusted users.
* Fix setOptionValue return result.
* Fix wrong version in 'plugin.yml'.
* Force local weather change to player on toggle.
* Add missing fr_FR translations.
* Fixed '/cfg' and '/cog' commands.
* Fixed 'create-mode' not working as intended.
* Fixed 'any' usage with flag commands.
* Fixed 'command-execute' usage.
* Fixed 'command-execute-pvp' usage.
* Fixed option removal/save with LP v5.
* Added context support for controlling user flag command usage.
* Added context support to option GUI.
* Added permission 'griefdefender.user.claim.command.flag.arg' which controls if a user can use flag command with arguments.
* Added permission 'griefdefender.user.claim.command.flag.gui' which controls if a user can use flag GUI.
* Added new group context '#all' which can be used to represent all sources or targets.
* Removed 'max-claim-inspection-distance' from config as it is now controlled by 'radius-inspect' option.
* Removed 'combat-timeout' from config as it is now controlled by 'pvp-combat-timeout' option.
* Implemented the folloing new options
'player-command-enter' - Handles executing commands when a player enters a claim.
'player-command-exit' - Handles executing commands when a player exits a claim.
Note: both command options support the following placeholders : %player%, %owner%, %uuid%, %world%, %server%, %location%
'player-gamemode' - Used to determine the gamemode of a player when entering a claim.
'player-deny-godmode' - Used to determine if a player can be in godmode when entering a claim.
'player-walk-speed' - Controls the player walk speed when entering a claim.
'player-weather' - Controls player local weather when entering a claim.
'pvp-combat-command' - Used to determine if a player can use commands during PvP combat.
'pvp-combat-teleport' - Used to determine if a player can teleport during PvP combat.
'pvp-combat-timeout' - Used to determine how many seconds PvP combat is considered to continue after the most recent damage.
'radius-inspect' - Controls the radius in blocks to search within when inspecting for claims.
'spawn-limit' - Used to control the spawn limit for a specific set of entities in a claim.
* Only save once when toggling flag definitions that include multiple definitions.