1 Hooking into MobArena
garbagemule edited this page 2018-09-23 18:07:07 +02:00

On this page:


If you are a plugin developer and want to hook into MobArena, this page has all you need to get started:

Maven setup

There is no official Maven repository for MobArena, but you can use the excellent JitPack service to get up and running anyway.

In your pom.xml, you'll need to add the JitPack repository:


Then add MobArena as a dependency:


You will also likely have to modify your plugin.yml to softdepend on MobArena:

name: BestPlugin
author: you
main: me.you.best.BestPlugin
version: '1.0.0'
api-version: 1.13
softdepend: [MobArena]        <-- like this

Get a hold of the plugin instance

Here are the building blocks you need to get a hold of the MobArena plugin instance.

import com.garbagemule.MobArena.MobArena;

public MyPlugin extends JavaPlugin {
     private MobArena mobarena;

     public void onEnable() {

     private void setupMobArena() {
         Plugin plugin = getServer().getPluginManager().getPlugin("MobArena");
         if (plugin == null) {
             // MobArena isn't loaded
         this.mobarena = (MobArena) plugin;
         // You now have a MobArena plugin instance!

The Things API

MobArena has a concept of Things. A Thing is something that can be given to, taken from, and/or held by a player. The operations are not mandatory, which means you can have Things that can be given to players, but not taken from them or held by them. Examples of Things are ItemStacks, commands, potion effects, and economy money.

You can create your own Thing implementations and hook into the Things API by providing custom ThingParsers. If you are just providing special ItemStacks, you can hook into MobArena's own ItemStackThingParser by registering an ItemStackParser instead of a full ThingParser.

To register a ThingParser or ItemStackParser in MobArena, you could do something like this:

    private MobArena mobarena;

    private void registerParsers() {
        ThingParser customThingParser = ...
        ItemStackParser customItemStackParser = ...

        ThingManager thingman = mobarena.getThingManager();

All of MobArena's internal parsing of Things happens via the Things API, so you should be able to do just as much as MobArena itself with your own parsers. By default, MobArena's core parsers will run before yours, so it is good practice to put a prefix on your own Things.

For an example of a plugin that hooks into MobArena's Things API, check out Magic by NathanWolf.

MobArena events

If you want to listen to stuff that happens in MobArena, you can listen for MobArena's custom events. You can find a list of all of MobArena's custom events in the events package: com.garbagemule.MobArena.events

The events should be self-explanatory, but feel free to hop on Discord if you need a rundown of what they do and when they're fired. You can also check the ArenaImpl, ArenaListener, and MASpawnThread classes, which are where most of the events are fired from.

The ArenaMaster

Most of MobArena's internals can be reached via the ArenaMaster instance that you can get by calling getArenaMaster() on the plugin instance. It has various methods for accessing:

  • MobArena's global messenger instance
  • Arenas and arena classes
  • Players in MobArena arenas

Since a lot of the ArenaMaster, Arena, and ArenaClass methods are being replaced, removed, or rewritten, it is pretty gnarly territory at the moment. Please hop on Discord for a chat about what you're trying to do before you get too far into it. Perhaps the rewrites can accommodate your specific needs :)