The key can be retrieved via methods Location#toBlockKey() and
World provides lookup for blocks by long key via method World#getBlockAtKey(long)
The formatting for the key is as follows:
10 bit y|27 bit z|27 bit x
The y value is considered unsigned while z and x are considered two's complement
Y range: [0, 1023]
X, Z range: [-67 108 864, 67 108 863]
Adds the following:
- Add proper methods for getting and setting items in both hands. Deprecates old methods
- Enable/Disable slot interactions
- Allow using degrees for ArmorStand rotations (via new Rotations class)
Co-authored-by: SoSeDiK <>
Add Entity as a Source capability, and add more API choices, and on Location.
Co-authored-by: Esoteric Enderman <>
Co-authored-by: Bjarne Koll <>
Called when a player is firing a bow and the server is choosing an arrow to use.
Plugins can skip selection of certain arrows and control which is used.
Adds ability to control who receives it and who is the source/sender (vanish API)
the standard API is to send the packet to everyone in the world, which is ineffecient.
This adds a new Builder API which is much friendlier to use.
Fires an event anytime an enderman intends to teleport away from the player
You may cancel this, enabling ranged attacks to damage the enderman for example.
Gets the unique ID of the player currently known as the specified player name
In Offline Mode, will return an Offline UUID
This is a more performant way to obtain a UUID for a name than loading an OfflinePlayer
This is adds basic item meta for armor stands. It does not add all
possible metadata however.
There are armor, hand, and equipment types, as well as position data
that can also be added here. This initial addition should serve a
starting point for future additions in this area.
Allows plugins to populate profile properties from local sources to avoid calls out to Mojang API
to fill in textures for example.
If Mojang API does need to be hit, event fire so you can get the results.
This is useful for implementing a ProfileCache for Player Skulls
This event can be used for when you want to exclude a certain player
from triggering monster spawns on a server.
Also a highly more effecient way to blanket block spawns in a world
Adds an event to fire before an Entity is created, so that plugins that need to cancel
CreatureSpawnEvent can do so from this event instead.
Cancelling CreatureSpawnEvent rapidly causes a lot of garbage collection and CPU waste
as it's done after the Entity object has been fully created.
Mob Limiting plugins and blanket "ban this type of monster" plugins should use this event
instead and save a lot of server resources.
This allows plugins that give players the ability to apply the experience
points to the Item Mending formula, which will repair an item instead
of giving the player experience points.
Both an API To standalone mend, and apply mending logic to .giveExp has been added.
Adds ExperienceOrbMergeEvent
Fired when the server is about to merge 2 experience orbs
Plugins can cancel this if they want to ensure experience orbs do not lose important
metadata such as spawn reason, or conditionally move data from source to target.
Co-authored-by: Jake Potrebic <>
Any plugin still using this API will result in the server saving an inconsistent UUID to player data files,
which then triggers warnings such as "Tried to load unrecognized recipe: bukkit:9e5b92f5-e549-4f47-b0a8-9f89390ed77b removed now."
on the players login.
Plugin authors need to define a key to keep it consistent between server restarts.
Add a NetworkClient interface that provides access to:
- The socket address
- The protocol version
- The virtual host (the hostname/port the client used to connect
to the server)
Let plugins be able to control tab completion of commands and chat async.
This will be useful for frameworks like ACF so we can define async safe completion handlers,
and avoid going to main for tab completions.
Especially useful if you need to query a database in order to obtain the results for tab
completion, such as offline players.
Also Enforces mutability of the existing TabCompleteEvent.
Co-authored-by: Aikar <>
Essentials uses a custom logger name ("Essentials") instead of the
plugin logger. Log messages are redirected to the plugin logger by
setting the parent of the "Essentials" logger to the plugin logger.
With our changes, the plugin logger is now also called "Essentials",
resulting in an infinite loop. Make sure plugins can't change the
parent of the plugin logger to avoid this.
Currently, plugin prefixes are prepended to the log message in
the PluginLogger before passing the message to the underlying
logging framework. This is bad design because they need to be
stripped manually when using custom appenders to log messages
in a different format.
Additionally, it makes integration of alternative logging APIs hard
because all logging must go through the PluginLogger. Avoid using
PluginLogger and create a regular logger using the plugin name.
The implementation should handle plugin prefixes by displaying
logger names when appropriate.
SLF4J is a commonly used abstraction for various logging frameworks
such as java.util.logging (JUL) or Log4j. Currently, plugins are
required to do all their logging using the provided JUL logger.
This is annoying for plugins that target multiple platforms or when
using libraries that log messages using SLF4J.
Expose SLF4J as optional logging API for plugins, so they can use
it without having to shade it in the plugin and going through
several layers of logging abstraction.
This will take a Bukkit ItemStack and run it through any conversions a server process would perform on it,
to ensure it meets latest minecraft expectations.
Gets the Display name as seen in the Client.
Currently the server only supports the English language. To override this,
You must replace the language file embedded in the server jar.
Not all horses with Saddles have armor. This lets us break up the horses with saddles
and access their saddle state separately from an interface shared with Armor.
Adds a Pre Lookup Event and a Post Lookup Event so that plugins may prefill in profile data, and cache the responses from
profiles that had to be looked up.