+ Connected AutoSpawnSpecialSettings to editor.yml
+ Started implementing AutoSpawnSpecialSettingsPanel
+ Updated MainAutoSpawnEditor to have a better Editing button handler
+ Connected the spawn rate button
+ Added CustomSetting to the config.yml
+ Updated the AutoSpawnCustomSettingsEditorPanel
+ Updated IntervalHandler to connect with the AutoSpawn class too
+ Updated AutoSpawnCustomSettingsHandler interface
+ Added in the IntervalSpawnHandler to keep the IntervalSpawnElement from getting too clustered
+ Added all the custom setting click actions to the IntervalSpawnElement
+ Added a method to AutoSpawnManager to create a new custom click action for the auto spawn system
+ Continued to work on CustomSettings Editor
+ Renamed ICustomSettingAction to have more abstract naming
+ Updated all skills to have accurate imports, and removed any unused
+ Connected MainAutoSpawnEditor to the rest of the panel
+ Updated TODO with more accurate time frame
+ Connected and set up auto spawn editing in BossPanelManager
+ Updated TODO
+ Fixed issue with plugin not compiling
+ Fixed bugs with the skill panels
+ Fixed material panel to list all correct materials and not list air or materials which couldn't also be an item
+ Completed the AutoSpawnInterval system
+ Updated TODO
+ Added some new suggestions to TODO
+ Added a new method to BossAPI to get BossEntity from name
+ Added IBossDeathHandler to add custom handlers for AutoSpawn
+ Modified AutoSpawnSettings to have a new method shuffleEntitiesList for when a boss is attempted to spawn
+ Modified IntervalSpawnElement to have a new method spawnAfterLastBossIsKilled
+ Added implementation of IBossDeathHandler into BossDeathListener
+ Continued implementation of the AutoSpawn system
+ Updated the autospawns.json file to be suitable for abstract spawn type
+ Added AutoSpawnFileManager and Handler
+ Created AutoSpawnManager
+ Completed GiveCommandNewRewardPanel
+ Completed GIveCommandRewardListPanel
+ Completed GiveCommandRewardMainEditPanel
+ Updated the TODO
+ Connected all new panels
+ Added a feature to the CustomItemsPanel to clone a custom Item
+ Updated the DropTablePanel config path
+ Added a Guide to the CustomItemsPanel
+ Started working on the SprayReward Menus
+ Added the SubSubVariablePanelHandler interface and abstract class
+ Added Panels in the BossPanelManager
+ Updated config.yml and editor.yml with new methods
+ Partially completed the implementation of SprayDropTable editing
+ Started the implementation of GiveDropTable editing
+ Started the implementation of DropDropTable editing
+ Added boss new skill command
+ Fixed up a few more issues
+ Added some commenting to methods in BossAPI
+ Added method to skillsFileManager to handle saving of new skill
+ Started implementing the special settings GUI
+ Connected the special settings GUI to initialization, and the previous menu
+ Fixed up a few grammar things in the editor.yml
+ Updated so that default items cannot be removed from the items.json
+ Updated so that all commands/messages panel handlers now split the message/command if it's greater then a specific amount of characters.
+ Completed the Command section of the skill GUI editing
+ Updated config.yml to support the new additions
+ Started implementing a string split for the GUIs
+ Added a name section to the commands for the command skills to know which section is which when saving/updating the skills
+ Improved the handling of Buttons on the Panel
+ Updated all panel handlers to now comply with the new system
+ Updated the editor.yml to have an individual GUI for CustomItems
+ Removed the menuName for Items from config.yml
+ Started implementing ModifyCommandEditorPanel
+ Added ListCommandListEditor
+ Updated editor.yml with new fields
+ Fixed color code issue in editor.yml
+ Fixed a few things in some panel editors
+ Updated config.yml to have the new Skill section in it
+ Added SkillTypeEditorPanel
+ Updated editor.yml to have the SkillTypeEditorPanel
+ Connected CustomSkillsPanel to the MainSkillEditorPanel
+ Implemented Taunt menus
+ Updated config.yml
+ Updated editor.yml
+ Fixed a few issues within editor.yml
+ Removed Death and Spawn Message List Editors and moved them to SingleMessageListEditor
+ Implemented method in WorldGuardHelper to get List of regions at location
+ Fixed up the Death Text Editor to contain all the true adjustable settings
+ Renamed the files correctly
+ Updated editor.yml with the new data and fixed some old data issues
+ Added IPanelListHandler for the easy access to the custom abstract methods
+ Fully implemented the text managers
+ Updated config.yml
+ Updated editor.yml
+ Added onSpawnTextSubEditor, onDeathTextSubEditor, onDeathTextEditor, onSpawnTextEditor
+ Added the connection in to MainBossEditPanel
+ Started to implement the SkillMainEditor Panel
+ Fixed some naming conventions with a few of the classes
+ Updated MainBossEdit with SkillMainEditor Panel
+ Added WeaponsEditor, MainHands, OffHands panel handlers
+ Optimized the ItemStack List Handler code so it's more efficient and less clustered
+ Updated editor.yml
+ Removed backup.yml as now no need for it
+ Added TargetingEditor, BossListTargetingEditor, BossListEditor GUI and modified BossListEquipmentEditorPanel to use a more abstract system
+ Fixed a patch on NotDamagedNearbyTargetHandler where no player would be targeted after all nearby players had hit the boss at least once
+ Added Equipment Editor Panel
+ Added method in Panel to allow support of adding parent panel handlers
+ Connected Equipment Editor Panel to Main Menu Panel
+ Started working more on the DropEditor Panel
+ Started to work the creation of DropTables
+ Added more messages
+ Updated DropTable fields to be creatable from default values
+ Added ListPanelHandler
+ Updated DropTable, CustomSkills, CustomItems, CustomBosses, Shop, AutoSpawns Panel to use the new list feature
+ Finished CustomItems, CustomSkills, DropTable Panels
+ Updated all of the BossEntity elements to have constructors so when you create a new boss it is more displayed as complete in the bosses.json
+ Fixed issue with the BossEntity#isCompleteEnoughToSpawn
+ Added BossShop command
+ Added ShopPanel
+ Updated bosses.json to have supporting shop variables
+ Added shop permissions
+ Added Shop messages
+ Added Vault dependency support
+ Updated Panel to have a loadPage method to reduce the repetitive code for loading pages from a list panel
+ Fixed issues reported by Fruit
+ Adjusted the GUIs to handle correctly
+ Completed some commands
+ Added GiveEgg command
+ Updated configuration files
+ Updated Messages to match color scheme of artwork
+ More small tweaks
+ Added boss giveEgg cmd
+ Completed BossInfo cmd
+ Completed BossKillAll cmd
+ Completed BossList cmd
+ begun working on boss nearby cmd
+ Improved some other methods of how the plugin works
+ Fixed bugs with loading and killing the boss
+ Added the beginning of Minions into the plugin
+ Added new methods to support the creation of minions
+ Made BossEntity extend from MinionsEntity to make some methods easier to use
+ Added minions.json to have them seperated and clean
+ Added Disarm, Fireball, Grapple, Insidious, Knockback, Launch, Lightning and Warp skill and started minions
+ Updated skills.json to hold all the new skills, and give examples on setting them up.
+ Done some work on the Cage custom skill
+ Adding a Cage Data file for data transferring to make it easier and more compact
+ Added a cage skill to skills.json
+ Finished how a Potion, Command and CustomSkill is handled.
+ Updated RandomUtils with a method that makes it easier for anything that is based on chance
+ Updated ServerUtils to have a dispatchCommand through console to make sending commands one single lambda expression
+ Added some debug messages for the skills
+ Started to work on the Skills portion of CustomBosses
+ Implemented the skills.json and added in some of the default configuration
+ Added a SkillHandler
+ Started and completed the Taunt system for bosses which runs on intervals.
+ Updated NumberUtils to contain a squared int method
+ Added MessageUtils to make sendMessage easier for radius messages, and just simple messages