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# This is a YML file. Be careful when editing. Check your edits in a YAML checker like #
# the one at #
2018-08-16 10:49:57 +02:00
# This locale is always current with the latest version
- tastybento
- Poslovitch
success: "&aSuccess!"
invalid: "Invalid"
command-cancelled: "&cCommand cancelled."
no-permission: "&cYou don't have the permission to execute this command (&7[permission]&c)."
use-in-game: "&cThis command is only available in game."
no-team: "&cYou do not have a team!"
no-island: "&cYou do not have an island!"
player-has-island: "&cPlayer already has an island!"
player-has-no-island: "&cThat player has no island!"
already-have-island: "&cYou already have an island!"
no-safe-location-found: "&cCould not find a safe spot to teleport you to on the island."
not-owner: "&cYou are not the owner of your island!"
not-in-team: "&cThat player is not in your team!"
offline-player: "&cThat player is offline or doesn't exist."
unknown-player: "&c[name] is an unknown player!"
general: "&cThat command is not ready yet - contact admin"
unknown-command: "&cUnknown command. Do &b/[label] help &cfor help."
wrong-world: "&cYou are not in the right world to do that!"
you-must-wait: "&cYou must wait [number]s before you can do that command again."
must-be-positive-number: "&c[number] is not a valid positive number."
changing-obsidian-to-lava: "Changing obsidian back into lava. Be careful!"
2017-12-22 14:25:22 +01:00
# Parameters in <> are required, parameters in [] are optional
2017-12-22 14:25:22 +01:00
header: "&7=========== &c[label] help &7==========="
syntax: "&b[usage] &a[parameters]&7: &e[description]"
syntax-no-parameters: "&b[usage]&7: &e[description]"
2017-12-22 14:25:22 +01:00
end: "&7================================="
parameters: "[command]"
description: "help command"
console: "Console"
description: "admin command"
description: "edit resets of the players"
description: "sets the resets of this player"
parameters: "<player> <resets>"
description: "resets the resets of this player to 0"
parameters: "<player>"
parameters: "[days]"
description: "purge islands abandoned for more than [days]"
days-or-more: "Must be at least 1 day or more"
purgable-islands: "Found [number] purgable islands."
purge-in-progress: "&cPurging in progress. Use purge stop to cancel"
number-error: "&cArgument must be a number of days"
confirm: "&dType [label] purge confirm to start purging"
completed: "&aPurging stopped"
see-console-for-status: "Purge started. See console for status"
description: "Toggle island purge protection"
move-to-island: "&cMove to an island first!"
protecting: "&aPurge-protecting island"
unprotecting: "&aRemoving purge protection"
description: "Stop a purge in progress"
stopping: "Stopping the purge"
no-purge-in-progress: "&cNo purge in progress!"
description: "Purge unowned islands - requires confirmation"
unowned-islands: "&dFound [number] islands"
parameters: "<owner> <player>"
description: "add player to owner's team"
name-not-owner: "&c[name] is not the owner."
name-has-island: "&c[name] has an island. Unregister or delete them first!"
2019-04-28 14:40:28 +02:00
success: "&b[name]&a has been added to &b[owner]&a's island."
parameters: "<owner>"
description: "disband owner's team"
use-disband-owner: "&cNot owner! Use disband [owner]."
disbanded: "&cAdmin disbanded your team!"
success: "&b[name]&a's team has been disbanded."
parameters: "<team player>"
description: "kick a player from a team"
cannot-kick-owner: "&cYou cannot kick the owner. Kick members first."
not-in-team: "&cThis player is not in a team."
admin-kicked: "&cThe admin kicked you from the team."
success: "&b[name] &ahas been kicked from &b[owner]&a's island."
parameters: "<player>"
description: "transfers island ownership to the player"
already-owner: "&c[name] is already the owner of this island!"
success: "&b[name]&a is now the owner of this island."
2018-07-19 07:42:50 +02:00
description: "Admin island range command"
2018-07-19 07:42:50 +02:00
already-off: "&cIndicators are already off"
already-on: "&cIndicators are already on"
2019-04-28 15:11:45 +02:00
description: "show/hide island range indicators"
2018-07-19 07:42:50 +02:00
hiding: "&2Hiding range indicators"
hint: |-
&cRed Barrier icons &fshow the current island protected range limit.
&7Gray Particles &fshow the max island limit.
&aGreen Particles &fshow the default protected range if the island protection range differs from it.
2018-07-19 07:42:50 +02:00
showing: "&2Showing range indicators"
parameters: "<player> <range>"
2019-04-28 15:11:45 +02:00
description: "sets the island protected range"
not-numeric: "&c[number] is not a whole number!"
2019-04-28 15:11:45 +02:00
too-low: "&cThe protection range must be greater than &b1&c!"
too-high: "&cThe protection range should be equal or less than &b[number]&c!"
same-as-before: "&cThe protection range is already set to &b[number]&c!"
success: "&aSet island protection range to &b[number]&a."
parameters: "<player>"
2019-04-28 15:11:45 +02:00
description: "resets the island protected range to the world default"
success: "&aReset island protection range to &b[number]&a."
parameters: "<player>"
description: "register player to unowned island you are on"
registered-island: "&aRegistered player to island at [xyz]."
reserved-island: "&aReserved island at [xyz] for player."
already-owned: "&cIsland is already owned by another player!"
no-island-here: "&cThere is no island here. Confirm to make one."
in-deletion: "&cThis island space is currently being deleted. Try later."
cannot-make-island: "&cAn island cannot be placed here, sorry. See console for possible errors."
parameters: "<owner>"
description: "unregister owner from island, but keep island blocks"
unregistered-island: "&aUnregistered player from island at [xyz]."
parameters: "<player>"
description: "get info on where you are or player's island"
no-island: "&cYou are not in an island right now..."
title: "========== Island Info ============"
island-uuid: "UUID: [uuid]"
owner: "Owner: [owner] ([uuid])"
last-login: "Last login: [date]"
deaths: "Deaths: [number]"
resets-left: "Resets: [number] (Max: [total])"
team-members-title: "Team members:"
team-owner-format: "&a[name] [rank]"
team-member-format: "&b[name] [rank]"
island-location: "Island location: [xyz]"
island-coords: "Island coordinates: [xz1] to [xz2]"
islands-in-trash: "&dPlayer has islands in trash."
protection-range: "Protection range: [range]"
purge-protected: "Island is purge protected"
max-protection-range: "Largest historical protection range: [range]"
protection-coords: "Protection coordinates: [xz1] to [xz2]"
is-spawn: "Island is a spawn island"
banned-players: "Banned players:"
banned-format: "&c[name]"
unowned: "&cUnowned"
2019-05-26 23:23:04 +02:00
description: "switch on/off protection bypass"
op: "&cOps can always bypass protection. Deop to use command."
removing: "Removing protection bypass..."
adding: "Adding protection bypass..."
parameters: "<player> <number>"
description: "switch player's island to the numbered one in trash"
out-of-range: "&cNumber must be between 1 and [number]. Use &l[label] trash [player] &r&cto see island numbers"
cannot-switch: "&cSwitch failed. See console log for error."
success: "&aSuccessfully switched the player's island to the specified one."
no-unowned-in-trash: "&cNo unowned islands in trash"
no-islands-in-trash: "&cPlayer has no islands in trash"
parameters: "[player]"
description: "show unowned islands or player's islands in trash"
title: "&d=========== Islands in Trash ==========="
count: "&l&dIsland [number]:"
use-switch: "&aUse &l[label] switchto <player> <number>&r&a to switch player to island in trash"
use-emptytrash: "&aUse &l[label] emptytrash [player]&r&a to permanently remove trash items"
parameters: "[player]"
description: "Clear trash for player, or all unowned islands in trash"
success: "&aTrash successfully emptied."
description: "display BentoBox and addons versions"
parameters: "<player> <range>"
description: "set the range of player's island"
range-updated: "&aIsland range updated to &b[number]&a."
description: "reload"
parameters: "<player>"
description: "teleport to a player's island"
manual: "&cNo safe warp found! Manually tp near to &b[location] &cand check it out"
parameters: "<player>"
description: "get a player's rank on their island"
rank-is: "&aRank is [rank] on their island."
parameters: "<player> <rank>"
description: "set a player's rank on their island"
unknown-rank: "&cUnknown rank!"
not-possible: "&cRank must be higher than visitor"
rank-set: "&aRank set from [from] to [to]."
2019-01-04 21:33:17 +01:00
description: "set an island as spawn for this world"
2019-01-04 21:33:17 +01:00
already-spawn: "&cThis island is already a spawn!"
no-island-here: "&cThere is no island here."
confirmation: "&cAre you sure you want to set this island as the spawn for this world?"
success: "&aSuccessfully set this island as the spawn for this world."
2019-08-10 20:40:23 +02:00
parameters: "[player]"
description: "open system settings or island settings for player"
Implemeted Blueprint bundles and blueprints (#672) * A prototype for Blueprint bundles and blueprints This stores blueprints inside bundles. Each bundle can have up to 3 blueprints defines by the World.Environment. This is not a finished manager. It just handles all the saving and loading side of things. I thought this would help you so you can then concentrate on the UI. * WIP: Copy blocks to Blueprint done. * WIP Pasting done. * WIP: Added BlueprintsManager to ultimately replace SchemsManager. * Moved blueprint suffix and changed to .blu * Fixed unit test. * Now tested and working. Integrated with new island and resetting island. If there are no blueprint bundles or blueprints then a default bedrock set will be made and put in the game mode addon's blueprints folder. Still to do: enable schems to be loaded and pasted for legacy support. Add blueprints and a bundle to GameModeAddons like BSkyBlock. * Renamed most of the classes * Cleaned up clipboard and paster. * Further cleanup on blueprint clipboard and paster. * Merged blueprint classes into one package. * Put Blueprint data objects in their own package. Isolated schems classes for later removal. * Renamed admin command classes and changed locale files. * More clean up to remove schems * Schem to blueprints converter done. Converts schems to blueprint bundles and sets up a default set. Tested the happy-path. Need to do more testing on edge cases. * Added basic UI for development. Fixed bug with schem conversion. * Adds permissions into the blueprints. Fixes tests, cleans up some naming * Added IslandCreationPanel and created BlueprintManagementPanel * Fixed JSONDatabaseHandler's constructor being public * Made the Blueprints button in ManagementPanel open the Blueprint management panel * Fixed tests and ignored one (NPE)
2019-05-15 20:16:41 +02:00
parameters: "<load/copy/paste/pos1/pos2/save>"
Implemeted Blueprint bundles and blueprints (#672) * A prototype for Blueprint bundles and blueprints This stores blueprints inside bundles. Each bundle can have up to 3 blueprints defines by the World.Environment. This is not a finished manager. It just handles all the saving and loading side of things. I thought this would help you so you can then concentrate on the UI. * WIP: Copy blocks to Blueprint done. * WIP Pasting done. * WIP: Added BlueprintsManager to ultimately replace SchemsManager. * Moved blueprint suffix and changed to .blu * Fixed unit test. * Now tested and working. Integrated with new island and resetting island. If there are no blueprint bundles or blueprints then a default bedrock set will be made and put in the game mode addon's blueprints folder. Still to do: enable schems to be loaded and pasted for legacy support. Add blueprints and a bundle to GameModeAddons like BSkyBlock. * Renamed most of the classes * Cleaned up clipboard and paster. * Further cleanup on blueprint clipboard and paster. * Merged blueprint classes into one package. * Put Blueprint data objects in their own package. Isolated schems classes for later removal. * Renamed admin command classes and changed locale files. * More clean up to remove schems * Schem to blueprints converter done. Converts schems to blueprint bundles and sets up a default set. Tested the happy-path. Need to do more testing on edge cases. * Added basic UI for development. Fixed bug with schem conversion. * Adds permissions into the blueprints. Fixes tests, cleans up some naming * Added IslandCreationPanel and created BlueprintManagementPanel * Fixed JSONDatabaseHandler's constructor being public * Made the Blueprints button in ManagementPanel open the Blueprint management panel * Fixed tests and ignored one (NPE)
2019-05-15 20:16:41 +02:00
description: "manipulate blueprints"
bedrock-required: "&cAt least one bedrock block must be in a blueprint!"
Implemeted Blueprint bundles and blueprints (#672) * A prototype for Blueprint bundles and blueprints This stores blueprints inside bundles. Each bundle can have up to 3 blueprints defines by the World.Environment. This is not a finished manager. It just handles all the saving and loading side of things. I thought this would help you so you can then concentrate on the UI. * WIP: Copy blocks to Blueprint done. * WIP Pasting done. * WIP: Added BlueprintsManager to ultimately replace SchemsManager. * Moved blueprint suffix and changed to .blu * Fixed unit test. * Now tested and working. Integrated with new island and resetting island. If there are no blueprint bundles or blueprints then a default bedrock set will be made and put in the game mode addon's blueprints folder. Still to do: enable schems to be loaded and pasted for legacy support. Add blueprints and a bundle to GameModeAddons like BSkyBlock. * Renamed most of the classes * Cleaned up clipboard and paster. * Further cleanup on blueprint clipboard and paster. * Merged blueprint classes into one package. * Put Blueprint data objects in their own package. Isolated schems classes for later removal. * Renamed admin command classes and changed locale files. * More clean up to remove schems * Schem to blueprints converter done. Converts schems to blueprint bundles and sets up a default set. Tested the happy-path. Need to do more testing on edge cases. * Added basic UI for development. Fixed bug with schem conversion. * Adds permissions into the blueprints. Fixes tests, cleans up some naming * Added IslandCreationPanel and created BlueprintManagementPanel * Fixed JSONDatabaseHandler's constructor being public * Made the Blueprints button in ManagementPanel open the Blueprint management panel * Fixed tests and ignored one (NPE)
2019-05-15 20:16:41 +02:00
copy-first: "&cCopy first!"
file-exists: "&cFile already exists, overwrite?"
no-such-file: "&cNo such file!"
could-not-load: "&cCould not load that file!"
could-not-save: "&cHmm, something went wrong saving that file: [message]"
set-pos1: "&aPosition 1 set at [vector]"
set-pos2: "&aPosition 2 set at [vector]"
set-different-pos: "&cSet a different location - this pos is already set!"
need-pos1-pos2: "&cSet pos1 and pos2 first!"
copying: "&bCopying blocks..."
copied-blocks: "&bCopied [number] blocks to clipboard"
look-at-a-block: "&cLook at block within 20 blocks to set"
mid-copy: "&cYou are mid-copy. Wait until the copy is done."
copied-percent: "&6Copied [number]%"
parameters: "[air]"
description: "copy the clipboard set by pos1 and pos2 and optionally the air blocks"
Implemeted Blueprint bundles and blueprints (#672) * A prototype for Blueprint bundles and blueprints This stores blueprints inside bundles. Each bundle can have up to 3 blueprints defines by the World.Environment. This is not a finished manager. It just handles all the saving and loading side of things. I thought this would help you so you can then concentrate on the UI. * WIP: Copy blocks to Blueprint done. * WIP Pasting done. * WIP: Added BlueprintsManager to ultimately replace SchemsManager. * Moved blueprint suffix and changed to .blu * Fixed unit test. * Now tested and working. Integrated with new island and resetting island. If there are no blueprint bundles or blueprints then a default bedrock set will be made and put in the game mode addon's blueprints folder. Still to do: enable schems to be loaded and pasted for legacy support. Add blueprints and a bundle to GameModeAddons like BSkyBlock. * Renamed most of the classes * Cleaned up clipboard and paster. * Further cleanup on blueprint clipboard and paster. * Merged blueprint classes into one package. * Put Blueprint data objects in their own package. Isolated schems classes for later removal. * Renamed admin command classes and changed locale files. * More clean up to remove schems * Schem to blueprints converter done. Converts schems to blueprint bundles and sets up a default set. Tested the happy-path. Need to do more testing on edge cases. * Added basic UI for development. Fixed bug with schem conversion. * Adds permissions into the blueprints. Fixes tests, cleans up some naming * Added IslandCreationPanel and created BlueprintManagementPanel * Fixed JSONDatabaseHandler's constructor being public * Made the Blueprints button in ManagementPanel open the Blueprint management panel * Fixed tests and ignored one (NPE)
2019-05-15 20:16:41 +02:00
parameters: "<name>"
description: "load blueprint into the clipboard"
Implemeted Blueprint bundles and blueprints (#672) * A prototype for Blueprint bundles and blueprints This stores blueprints inside bundles. Each bundle can have up to 3 blueprints defines by the World.Environment. This is not a finished manager. It just handles all the saving and loading side of things. I thought this would help you so you can then concentrate on the UI. * WIP: Copy blocks to Blueprint done. * WIP Pasting done. * WIP: Added BlueprintsManager to ultimately replace SchemsManager. * Moved blueprint suffix and changed to .blu * Fixed unit test. * Now tested and working. Integrated with new island and resetting island. If there are no blueprint bundles or blueprints then a default bedrock set will be made and put in the game mode addon's blueprints folder. Still to do: enable schems to be loaded and pasted for legacy support. Add blueprints and a bundle to GameModeAddons like BSkyBlock. * Renamed most of the classes * Cleaned up clipboard and paster. * Further cleanup on blueprint clipboard and paster. * Merged blueprint classes into one package. * Put Blueprint data objects in their own package. Isolated schems classes for later removal. * Renamed admin command classes and changed locale files. * More clean up to remove schems * Schem to blueprints converter done. Converts schems to blueprint bundles and sets up a default set. Tested the happy-path. Need to do more testing on edge cases. * Added basic UI for development. Fixed bug with schem conversion. * Adds permissions into the blueprints. Fixes tests, cleans up some naming * Added IslandCreationPanel and created BlueprintManagementPanel * Fixed JSONDatabaseHandler's constructor being public * Made the Blueprints button in ManagementPanel open the Blueprint management panel * Fixed tests and ignored one (NPE)
2019-05-15 20:16:41 +02:00
description: "list available blueprints"
no-blueprints: "&cNo blueprints in blueprints folder!"
available-blueprints: "&aThese blueprints are available for loading:"
Implemeted Blueprint bundles and blueprints (#672) * A prototype for Blueprint bundles and blueprints This stores blueprints inside bundles. Each bundle can have up to 3 blueprints defines by the World.Environment. This is not a finished manager. It just handles all the saving and loading side of things. I thought this would help you so you can then concentrate on the UI. * WIP: Copy blocks to Blueprint done. * WIP Pasting done. * WIP: Added BlueprintsManager to ultimately replace SchemsManager. * Moved blueprint suffix and changed to .blu * Fixed unit test. * Now tested and working. Integrated with new island and resetting island. If there are no blueprint bundles or blueprints then a default bedrock set will be made and put in the game mode addon's blueprints folder. Still to do: enable schems to be loaded and pasted for legacy support. Add blueprints and a bundle to GameModeAddons like BSkyBlock. * Renamed most of the classes * Cleaned up clipboard and paster. * Further cleanup on blueprint clipboard and paster. * Merged blueprint classes into one package. * Put Blueprint data objects in their own package. Isolated schems classes for later removal. * Renamed admin command classes and changed locale files. * More clean up to remove schems * Schem to blueprints converter done. Converts schems to blueprint bundles and sets up a default set. Tested the happy-path. Need to do more testing on edge cases. * Added basic UI for development. Fixed bug with schem conversion. * Adds permissions into the blueprints. Fixes tests, cleans up some naming * Added IslandCreationPanel and created BlueprintManagementPanel * Fixed JSONDatabaseHandler's constructor being public * Made the Blueprints button in ManagementPanel open the Blueprint management panel * Fixed tests and ignored one (NPE)
2019-05-15 20:16:41 +02:00
description: "set the blueprint's origin to your position"
description: "paste the clipboard to your location"
pasting: "&aPasting..."
description: "set 1st corner of cuboid clipboard"
description: "set 2nd corner of cuboid clipboard"
Implemeted Blueprint bundles and blueprints (#672) * A prototype for Blueprint bundles and blueprints This stores blueprints inside bundles. Each bundle can have up to 3 blueprints defines by the World.Environment. This is not a finished manager. It just handles all the saving and loading side of things. I thought this would help you so you can then concentrate on the UI. * WIP: Copy blocks to Blueprint done. * WIP Pasting done. * WIP: Added BlueprintsManager to ultimately replace SchemsManager. * Moved blueprint suffix and changed to .blu * Fixed unit test. * Now tested and working. Integrated with new island and resetting island. If there are no blueprint bundles or blueprints then a default bedrock set will be made and put in the game mode addon's blueprints folder. Still to do: enable schems to be loaded and pasted for legacy support. Add blueprints and a bundle to GameModeAddons like BSkyBlock. * Renamed most of the classes * Cleaned up clipboard and paster. * Further cleanup on blueprint clipboard and paster. * Merged blueprint classes into one package. * Put Blueprint data objects in their own package. Isolated schems classes for later removal. * Renamed admin command classes and changed locale files. * More clean up to remove schems * Schem to blueprints converter done. Converts schems to blueprint bundles and sets up a default set. Tested the happy-path. Need to do more testing on edge cases. * Added basic UI for development. Fixed bug with schem conversion. * Adds permissions into the blueprints. Fixes tests, cleans up some naming * Added IslandCreationPanel and created BlueprintManagementPanel * Fixed JSONDatabaseHandler's constructor being public * Made the Blueprints button in ManagementPanel open the Blueprint management panel * Fixed tests and ignored one (NPE)
2019-05-15 20:16:41 +02:00
parameters: "<blueprint name>"
2019-05-22 21:16:38 +02:00
description: "save the copied clipboard"
back: "Back"
2019-05-22 21:16:38 +02:00
instruction: "Click on blueprint then click here"
normal: "Normal"
nether: "Nether"
end: "The End"
title: "Blueprint Bundle Manager"
edit: "Click to edit"
2019-05-27 04:40:13 +02:00
rename: "Right-click to rename"
2019-05-22 21:16:38 +02:00
edit-description: "Click to edit description"
world-name-syntax: "[name] world"
world-instructions: |
Place blueprint
to right to set
trash: "Trash"
trash-instructions: "Right click here to delete"
permission: "Permission"
perm-required: "Required"
perm-not-required: "Not Required"
perm-format: "&e"
remove: "Right click to remove"
blueprint-instruction: |
Click to select,
then add to bundle.
Right-click to rename.
2019-05-22 21:16:38 +02:00
select-first: "Select Blueprint first"
new-bundle: "New Bundle"
new-bundle-instructions: "Click to make a new bundle"
quit: "quit"
prompt: "Enter a name, or 'quit' to quit"
too-long: "&cToo long"
pick-a-unique-name: "Please pick a more unique name"
success: "Success!"
conversation-prefix: ">"
quit: "quit"
instructions: |
Enter a multi line description for [name]
and 'quit' on a line by itself to finish.
default-color: ""
success: "Success!"
cancelling: "Cancelling"
slot: "&fPreferred Slot [number]"
slot-instructions: |
&aLeft click to increment
&aRight click to decrement
parameters: "[flag]"
description: "Reset all islands to default flag settings in config.yml"
confirm: "&4This will reset the flag(s) to default for all islands!"
success: "&aSuccessfully reset all islands' flags to the default settings."
success-one: "&a[name] flag set to default for all islands."
description: "Manage world settings"
2018-08-11 15:12:42 +02:00
parameters: "<player>"
2018-08-11 15:12:42 +02:00
description: "deletes a player's island"
cannot-delete-owner: "&cAll island members have to be kicked from the island before deleting it."
2018-08-11 15:12:42 +02:00
deleted-island: "&aIsland at &e[xyz] &ahas been successfully deleted."
2018-10-13 01:19:21 +02:00
parameters: "<player>"
description: "toggle console protection debug reporting"
turning-on: "Turning on console debug for [name]."
turning-off: "Turning off console debug for [name]."
description: "edit deaths of players"
description: "resets deaths of the player"
parameters: "<player>"
success: "&aSuccessfully reset &b[name]&a's deaths to &b0&a."
description: "sets deaths of the player"
parameters: "<player> <deaths>"
success: "&aSuccessfully set &b[name]&a's deaths to &b[number]&a."
description: "adds deaths to the player"
parameters: "<player> <deaths>"
success: "&aSuccessfully added &b[number] &adeaths to &b[name], increasing the total to &b[total]&a deaths."
description: "removes deaths to the player"
parameters: "<player> <deaths>"
success: "&aSuccessfully removed &b[number] &adeaths to &b[name], decreasing the total to &b[total]&a deaths."
description: "BentoBox admin command"
description: "displays copyright and license information"
description: "reloads BentoBox and all addons, settings and locales"
locales-reloaded: "&2Languages reloaded."
addons-reloaded: "&2Addons reloaded."
settings-reloaded: "&2Settings reloaded."
addon: "&6Reloading &b[name]&2."
addon-reloaded: "&b[name] &2reloaded."
warning: "&cWarning: Reloading may cause instability, so if you see errors afterwards, restart the server."
unknown-addon: "&cUnknown addon!"
2018-08-11 15:12:42 +02:00
plugin-version: "&2BentoBox version: &3[version]"
description: "displays BentoBox and addons versions"
2019-02-02 10:38:25 +01:00
loaded-addons: "Loaded Addons:"
loaded-game-worlds: "Loaded Game Worlds:"
addon-syntax: "&2[name] &3[version] &7(&3[state]&7)"
game-world: "&2[name] &7(&3[addon]&7): &aOverworld&7, &r[nether_color]Nether&7, &r[end_color]End"
server: "&2Running &3[name] [version]&2."
database: "&2Database: &3[database]"
description: "displays the Management Panel"
description: "displays the Catalog"
2019-05-01 10:48:47 +02:00
description: "performs localization files analysis"
2019-05-01 10:48:47 +02:00
see-console: |-
&aCheck the console to see the feedback.
&aThis command is so spammy that the feedback cannot be read from chat...
Database transition (#662) - JSON is now the default database type - JSON database files are now pretty-printed - It is now possible to migrate from a database type to another through the use of a command and specific transition database types - It is recommended to move from YAML to JSON. = Commits breakdown = * Proposal to make JSON the default database and retire YAML. * Make JSON file format easier to read. * Fix tests. * Adds a hybrid Yaml2Json database type. This database always tries to use JSON if it is available. If a YAML file is found, it will be loaded and replaced with a JSON file. * Move to generic database transition code * Better comments * Adds transitional database options so admins can choose. Adds Yaml2MySQL option and changes config.yml to add instructions. * Enables full database migration between databases. Adds /bbox migrate command. Adds a number of transition databases. DB starts transition when the server boots up and will migrate organically. The admin can force an immediate update using the bbox migrate command. This operation requires an API breaking change: Addons that use the Config API must now implement ConfigObject in their config class instead of DataObject. This is to differentiate YAML config classes from YAML database classes. If a class is already implements WorldSettings (GameModeAddons), then no change is required because WorldSettings implements ConfigObject now. If an old addon is used that does not implement ConfigObject, BentoBox will not load. * Added null check to YAML deletion * Removed the 2YAML transition dbs because YAML is deprecated. YAML does not support some data structures so conversion could corrupt data. * Fixed some javadoc and added missing DatabaseType#JSON2MARIADB * Renamed package database/transitiondb to database/transition
2019-05-08 21:15:22 +02:00
description: "migrates data from one database to another"
players: "&6Migrating players"
names: "&6Migrating names"
addons: "&6Migrating addons"
class: "&6Migrating [description]"
migrated: "&AMigrated"
confirm: "&cType command again within &b[seconds]s&c to confirm."
previous-request-cancelled: "&6Previous confirmation request cancelled."
request-cancelled: "&cConfirmation timeout - &brequest cancelled."
previous-command-cancelled: "&cPrevious command cancelled"
stand-still: "&6Do not move! Teleporting in [seconds] seconds"
moved-so-command-cancelled: "&cYou moved. Teleport cancelled!"
description: "About this addon"
parameters: "[home number]"
description: "teleport you to your island"
teleport: "&aTeleporting you to your island."
2018-01-04 05:43:58 +01:00
teleported: "&aTeleported you to home &e#[number]."
description: "The main island command"
pick-world: "&cSpecify world from [worlds]"
description: "teleport you to the spawn"
2019-01-20 09:22:46 +01:00
teleporting: "&aTeleporting you to the spawn."
no-spawn: "&cThere is no spawn in this world."
Implemeted Blueprint bundles and blueprints (#672) * A prototype for Blueprint bundles and blueprints This stores blueprints inside bundles. Each bundle can have up to 3 blueprints defines by the World.Environment. This is not a finished manager. It just handles all the saving and loading side of things. I thought this would help you so you can then concentrate on the UI. * WIP: Copy blocks to Blueprint done. * WIP Pasting done. * WIP: Added BlueprintsManager to ultimately replace SchemsManager. * Moved blueprint suffix and changed to .blu * Fixed unit test. * Now tested and working. Integrated with new island and resetting island. If there are no blueprint bundles or blueprints then a default bedrock set will be made and put in the game mode addon's blueprints folder. Still to do: enable schems to be loaded and pasted for legacy support. Add blueprints and a bundle to GameModeAddons like BSkyBlock. * Renamed most of the classes * Cleaned up clipboard and paster. * Further cleanup on blueprint clipboard and paster. * Merged blueprint classes into one package. * Put Blueprint data objects in their own package. Isolated schems classes for later removal. * Renamed admin command classes and changed locale files. * More clean up to remove schems * Schem to blueprints converter done. Converts schems to blueprint bundles and sets up a default set. Tested the happy-path. Need to do more testing on edge cases. * Added basic UI for development. Fixed bug with schem conversion. * Adds permissions into the blueprints. Fixes tests, cleans up some naming * Added IslandCreationPanel and created BlueprintManagementPanel * Fixed JSONDatabaseHandler's constructor being public * Made the Blueprints button in ManagementPanel open the Blueprint management panel * Fixed tests and ignored one (NPE)
2019-05-15 20:16:41 +02:00
description: "create an island, using optional blueprint (requires permission)"
parameters: "<blueprint>"
too-many-islands: "&cThere are too many islands in this world: there isn't enough room for yours to be created."
2018-08-16 06:08:50 +02:00
unable-create-island: "&cYour island could not be generated, please contact an administrator."
creating-island: "&aCreating your island, please wait a moment..."
Implemeted Blueprint bundles and blueprints (#672) * A prototype for Blueprint bundles and blueprints This stores blueprints inside bundles. Each bundle can have up to 3 blueprints defines by the World.Environment. This is not a finished manager. It just handles all the saving and loading side of things. I thought this would help you so you can then concentrate on the UI. * WIP: Copy blocks to Blueprint done. * WIP Pasting done. * WIP: Added BlueprintsManager to ultimately replace SchemsManager. * Moved blueprint suffix and changed to .blu * Fixed unit test. * Now tested and working. Integrated with new island and resetting island. If there are no blueprint bundles or blueprints then a default bedrock set will be made and put in the game mode addon's blueprints folder. Still to do: enable schems to be loaded and pasted for legacy support. Add blueprints and a bundle to GameModeAddons like BSkyBlock. * Renamed most of the classes * Cleaned up clipboard and paster. * Further cleanup on blueprint clipboard and paster. * Merged blueprint classes into one package. * Put Blueprint data objects in their own package. Isolated schems classes for later removal. * Renamed admin command classes and changed locale files. * More clean up to remove schems * Schem to blueprints converter done. Converts schems to blueprint bundles and sets up a default set. Tested the happy-path. Need to do more testing on edge cases. * Added basic UI for development. Fixed bug with schem conversion. * Adds permissions into the blueprints. Fixes tests, cleans up some naming * Added IslandCreationPanel and created BlueprintManagementPanel * Fixed JSONDatabaseHandler's constructor being public * Made the Blueprints button in ManagementPanel open the Blueprint management panel * Fixed tests and ignored one (NPE)
2019-05-15 20:16:41 +02:00
pick: "&aPick an island"
unknown-blueprint: "&cThat blueprint has not been loaded yet."
description: "display info about your island or the player's island"
parameters: "<player>"
2019-05-05 07:24:04 +02:00
description: "show the name of neighboring islands around you"
parameters: ""
the-following-islands: "&aThe following islands are nearby:"
syntax: "&6[direction]: &a[name]"
north: North
south: South
east: East
west: West
no-neighbors: "&cYou have no immediate neighboring islands!"
description: "restart your island and remove the old one"
Implemeted Blueprint bundles and blueprints (#672) * A prototype for Blueprint bundles and blueprints This stores blueprints inside bundles. Each bundle can have up to 3 blueprints defines by the World.Environment. This is not a finished manager. It just handles all the saving and loading side of things. I thought this would help you so you can then concentrate on the UI. * WIP: Copy blocks to Blueprint done. * WIP Pasting done. * WIP: Added BlueprintsManager to ultimately replace SchemsManager. * Moved blueprint suffix and changed to .blu * Fixed unit test. * Now tested and working. Integrated with new island and resetting island. If there are no blueprint bundles or blueprints then a default bedrock set will be made and put in the game mode addon's blueprints folder. Still to do: enable schems to be loaded and pasted for legacy support. Add blueprints and a bundle to GameModeAddons like BSkyBlock. * Renamed most of the classes * Cleaned up clipboard and paster. * Further cleanup on blueprint clipboard and paster. * Merged blueprint classes into one package. * Put Blueprint data objects in their own package. Isolated schems classes for later removal. * Renamed admin command classes and changed locale files. * More clean up to remove schems * Schem to blueprints converter done. Converts schems to blueprint bundles and sets up a default set. Tested the happy-path. Need to do more testing on edge cases. * Added basic UI for development. Fixed bug with schem conversion. * Adds permissions into the blueprints. Fixes tests, cleans up some naming * Added IslandCreationPanel and created BlueprintManagementPanel * Fixed JSONDatabaseHandler's constructor being public * Made the Blueprints button in ManagementPanel open the Blueprint management panel * Fixed tests and ignored one (NPE)
2019-05-15 20:16:41 +02:00
parameters: "<blueprint>"
none-left: "&cYou have no more resets left!"
resets-left: "&cYou have &b[number] &cresets left"
confirmation: |-
&cAre you sure you want to do this?
&cAll island members will be kicked from the island, you will have to reinvite them afterwards.
&cThere is no going back: once your current island is deleted, there will be &lno &r&cway to retrieve it later on.
kicked-from-island: "&cYou are kicked from your island in [gamemode] because the owner is resetting it."
description: "set your home teleport point"
2018-08-16 06:08:50 +02:00
must-be-on-your-island: "&cYou must be on your island to set home!"
num-homes: "&cHomes can be 1 to [number]."
home-set: "&6Your island home has been set to your current location."
not-allowed: "&cYou are not allowed to set your home in the Nether."
confirmation: "&cAre you sure you want to set your home in the Nether?"
not-allowed: "&cYou are not allowed to set your home in the End."
confirmation: "&cAre you sure you want to set your home in the End?"
parameters: "[home number]"
description: "set a name for your island"
name-too-short: "&cToo short. Minimum size is [number] characters."
name-too-long: "&cToo long. Maximum size is [number] characters."
name-already-exists: "&cThere is already an island with that name in this gamemode."
parameters: "<name>"
description: "reset your island name"
2017-12-22 14:25:22 +01:00
description: "manage your team"
description: "display detailed info about your team"
description: "make a player coop rank on your island"
parameters: "<player>"
cannot-coop-yourself: "&cYou cannot coop yourself!"
already-has-rank: "&cPlayer already has a rank!"
you-are-a-coop-member: "&2You were cooped by [name]"
success: "&aYou cooped &b[name]."
description: "remove a coop rank from player"
parameters: "<player>"
cannot-uncoop-yourself: "&cYou cannot uncoop yourself!"
cannot-uncoop-member: "&cYou cannot uncoop a team member!"
player-not-cooped: "&cPlayer is not cooped!"
you-are-no-longer-a-coop-member: "&cYou are no longer a coop member of [name]'s island"
all-members-logged-off: "&cAll island members logged off so you are no longer a coop member of [name]'s island"
success: "&b[name] &ais no longer a coop member of your island."
description: "give a player trusted rank on your island"
parameters: "<player>"
trust-in-yourself: "&cTrust in yourself!"
members-trusted: "&cMembers are already trusted"
player-already-trusted: "&cPlayer is already trusted!"
you-are-trusted: "&2You are trusted by &b[name]&a!"
success: "&aYou trusted &b[name]&a."
description: "remove trusted player rank from player"
parameters: "<player>"
cannot-untrust-yourself: "&cYou cannot untrust yourself!"
cannot-untrust-member: "&cYou cannot untrust a team member!"
player-not-trusted: "&cPlayer is not trusted!"
you-are-no-longer-trusted: "&cYou are no longer trusted by &b[name]&a!"
success: "&b[name] &ais no longer trusted on your island."
description: "invite a player to join your island"
2018-08-16 06:08:50 +02:00
invitation-sent: "&aInvitation sent to [name]"
removing-invite: "&cRemoving invite"
name-has-invited-you: "&a[name] has invited you to join their island."
to-accept-or-reject: "&aDo /[label] team accept to accept, or /[label] team reject to reject"
you-will-lose-your-island: "&cWARNING! You will lose your island if you accept!"
cannot-invite-self: "&cYou cannot invite yourself!"
cooldown: "&cYou cannot invite that person for another [number] seconds"
island-is-full: "&cYour island is full, you can't invite anyone else."
none-invited-you: "&cNo one invited you :c."
you-already-are-in-team: "&cYou are already on a team!"
already-on-team: "&cThat player is already on a team!"
invalid-invite: "&cThat invite is no longer valid, sorry."
parameters: "<player>"
2018-08-16 06:08:50 +02:00
you-can-invite: "&aYou can invite [number] more players."
description: "accept an invitation"
you-joined-island: "&aYou joined an island! Use /[label] team info to see the other members."
name-joined-your-island: "&a[name] joined your island!"
confirmation: |-
&cAre you sure you want to accept this invite?
&c&lYou will &nLOSE&r &c&lyour current island!
description: "reject an invitation"
you-rejected-invite: "&aYou rejected the invitation to join an island."
name-rejected-your-invite: "&c[name] rejected your island invite!"
description: "cancel the pending invite to join your island"
cannot-leave: "&cOwners cannot leave! Become a member first, or kick all members."
description: "leave your island"
2018-08-16 06:08:50 +02:00
left-your-island: "&c[name] &cleft your island"
success: "&aYou left this island."
description: "remove a member from your island"
parameters: "<player>"
owner-kicked: "&cThe owner kicked you from the island in [gamemode]!"
cannot-kick: "&cYou cannot kick yourself!"
success: "&b[name] &ahas been kicked from your island."
description: "demote a player on your island down a rank"
parameters: "<player>"
cant-demote-yourself: "&cYou can't demote yourself!"
failure: "&cPlayer cannot be demoted any further!"
2018-08-16 06:08:50 +02:00
success: "&aDemoted [name] to [rank]"
description: "promote a player on your island up a rank"
parameters: "<player>"
failure: "&cPlayer cannot be promoted any further!"
2018-08-16 06:08:50 +02:00
success: "&aPromoted [name] to [rank]"
description: "transfer your island ownership to a member"
cant-transfer-to-yourself: "&cYou can't transfer ownership to yourself! &7(&oWell, in fact, you could... But we don't want you to. Because it's useless.&r&7)"
target-is-not-member: "&cThat player is not part of your island team!"
name-is-the-owner: "&a[name] is now the island owner!"
parameters: "<player>"
you-are-the-owner: "&aYou are now the island owner!"
description: "ban a player from your island"
parameters: "<player>"
cannot-ban-yourself: "&cYou cannot ban yourself!"
cannot-ban: "&cThat player cannot be banned."
cannot-ban-member: "&cKick the team member first, then ban."
cannot-ban-more-players: "&cYou reached the ban limit, you cannot ban any more players from your island."
player-already-banned: "&cPlayer is already banned."
player-banned: "&b[name]&c is now banned from your island."
owner-banned-you: "&b[name]&c banned you from their island!"
you-are-banned: "&bYou are banned from this island!"
description: "unban a player from your island"
parameters: "<player>"
cannot-unban-yourself: "&cYou cannot unban yourself!"
player-not-banned: "&cPlayer is not banned."
player-unbanned: "&b[name]&a is now unbanned from your island."
you-are-unbanned: "&b[name]&a unbanned you from their island!"
description: "list banned players"
noone: "&aNo one is banned on this island."
the-following: "&bThe following players are banned:"
names: "&c[line]"
you-can-ban: "&bYou can ban up to &e[number] &bmore players."
description: "display island settings"
description: "select language"
description: "expel a player from your island"
parameters: "<player>"
cannot-expel-yourself: "&cYou cannot expel yourself!"
cannot-expel: "&cThat player cannot be expelled."
cannot-ban-member: "&cYou cannot expel a team member!"
not-on-island: "&cThat player is not on your island!"
player-expelled-you: "&b[name]&c expelled you from the island!"
success: "&aYou expelled &b[name] &afrom the island."
owner: "Owner"
sub-owner: "Sub-Owner"
member: "Member"
trusted: "Trusted"
coop: "Coop"
visitor: "Visitor"
banned: "Banned"
admin: "Admin"
mod: "Mod"
2018-07-12 06:55:00 +02:00
command-is-banned: "Command is banned for visitors"
2017-12-22 14:25:22 +01:00
2018-06-10 02:22:38 +02:00
description: "Toggle spawning"
name: "Animal spawning"
2018-06-10 02:22:38 +02:00
description: "Toggle interaction"
name: "Anvils"
hint: "Anvil use disabled"
2018-06-10 02:22:38 +02:00
description: "Toggle interaction"
name: "Armor stands"
hint: "Armor stand use disabled"
2018-06-10 02:22:38 +02:00
description: "Toggle interaction"
name: "Beacons"
hint: "Beacon use disabled"
2018-06-10 02:22:38 +02:00
description: "Toggle interaction"
name: "Beds"
hint: "Bed use disabled"
2019-02-10 23:11:11 +01:00
name: "Boats"
description: "Toggle boats interactions"
hint: "No boat interaction allowed"
2018-06-10 02:22:38 +02:00
description: "Toggle breaking"
name: "Break blocks"
hint: "Block breaking disabled"
2018-06-10 02:22:38 +02:00
description: "Toggle breeding"
name: "Breed animals"
hint: "Animal breeding protected"
2018-06-10 02:22:38 +02:00
description: "Toggle interaction"
name: "Brewing stands"
hint: "No brewing allowed"
2018-06-10 02:22:38 +02:00
description: "Toggle interaction"
name: "Buckets"
hint: "No bucket use allowed"
description: "Toggle button use"
name: "Buttons"
hint: "No button use allowed"
2018-12-28 11:14:52 +01:00
name: "Containers"
description: |-
&aToggle interaction with chests,
&ashulker boxes and flower pots.
&7Other containers are handled
&7by dedicated flags.
hint: "Container access disabled"
name: "Dispensers"
description: "Toggle dispenser interaction"
hint: "Dispenser interaction disabled"
name: "Droppers"
description: "Toggle dropper interaction"
hint: "Dropper interaction disabled"
name: "Elytra"
description: "Toggle elytra allowed or not"
hint: "&cWARNING: Elytra cannot be used here!"
2018-12-28 10:54:07 +01:00
name: "Hoppers"
description: "Toggle hopper interaction"
hint: "Hopper interaction disabled"
2018-07-19 07:42:50 +02:00
description: "Toggle chest damage from explosions"
name: "Chest Damage"
2018-06-10 02:22:38 +02:00
description: "Toggle teleportation"
name: "Chorus fruits"
hint: "No teleporting"
description: |-
&aEnable to clean any
&asuper-flat chunks in
&aisland worlds
name: "Clean Super Flat"
description: |-
&aToggle tilling coarse
&adirt and breaking podzol
&ato obtain dirt
name: "Coarse dirt tilling"
hint: "No coarse dirt tilling"
2018-06-10 02:22:38 +02:00
description: |-
&aToggle collecting lava
&a(override Buckets)
name: "Collect lava"
hint: "No lava collection"
2018-06-10 02:22:38 +02:00
description: |-
&aToggle collecting water
&a(override Buckets)
2018-06-10 02:22:38 +02:00
name: "Collect water"
hint: "No water collection"
name: "&eCommand Ranks"
description: "&aConfigure command ranks"
2018-06-10 02:22:38 +02:00
description: "Toggle use"
name: "Workbenches"
hint: "No workbench use"
2018-07-19 07:42:50 +02:00
description: "Toggle creeper damage"
name: "Creeper damage"
description: "Toggle creeper griefing"
name: "Creeper griefing"
hint: "No creeper griefing allowed"
2018-06-10 02:22:38 +02:00
description: "Toggle crop trampling"
name: "Trample crops"
hint: "Crops are protected"
2018-06-10 02:22:38 +02:00
description: "Toggle door usage"
name: "Use doors"
hint: "No door use"
2019-02-23 11:03:00 +01:00
name: "Dragon Egg"
description: |-
&aPrevents interaction with Dragon Eggs.
&cThis does not protect it from being
&cplaced or broken.
hint: "No Dragon Egg interaction"
description: "Prevent dye use"
name: "Dye use"
hint: "No dying allowed"
2018-06-10 02:22:38 +02:00
description: "Toggle egg throwing"
name: "Egg throwing"
hint: "No egg throwing"
2019-07-11 22:55:17 +02:00
2018-06-10 02:22:38 +02:00
description: "Toggle use"
name: "Enchanting table"
hint: "No table use"
description: "Toggle use/crafting"
name: "Ender Chests"
hint: "Ender chests are disabled in this world"
description: |-
&aEndermen will drop
&aany block they are
&aholding if killed.
name: "Enderman Death Drop"
description: |-
&aEndermen can remove
&ablocks from islands
name: "Enderman griefing"
2018-06-10 02:22:38 +02:00
description: "Toggle use"
name: "EnderPearls"
hint: "No enderpearl use"
2018-06-10 02:22:38 +02:00
description: "Display entry and exit messages"
island: "[name]'s island"
2018-06-10 02:22:38 +02:00
name: "Enter/Exit messages"
2018-08-16 06:08:50 +02:00
now-entering: "&bNow entering [name]"
now-leaving: "&bNow leaving [name]"
name: "Experience bottle throwing"
description: "Toggle throwing experience bottles."
hint: "Not allowed to throw experience bottles"
name: "Fire burning"
description: |-
&aToggle whether fire can burn
&ablocks or not.
2018-06-10 02:22:38 +02:00
description: "Toggle extinguishing fires"
2018-06-10 02:22:38 +02:00
name: "Fire extinguish"
hint: "No fire extinguishing allowed"
name: "Fire ignition"
description: |-
&aToggle whether fire can be ignited
&aby non-player means or not.
2018-06-10 02:22:38 +02:00
name: "Fire spread"
description: |-
&aToggle whether fire can spread
&ato nearby blocks or not.
name: "Fish Scooping"
description: "Allow scooping of fishes using a bucket"
hint: "No scooping of fishes"
name: "Flint and steel"
description: |-
&aAllow players to ignite fires using
&aflint and steel or fire charges.
hint: "No flint and steel or fire charges usage"
2018-06-10 02:22:38 +02:00
description: "Toggle use"
name: "Furnace"
hint: "No furnace use"
2018-06-10 02:22:38 +02:00
description: "Toggle use"
name: "Gates"
hint: "No gate use"
description: |-
&aRemove mobs that go
&aoutside protected
&aisland space
name: "&eLimit mobs to island"
2018-06-10 02:22:38 +02:00
description: "Toggle hurting"
name: "Hurt animals"
hint: "No animal hurting allowed"
2018-06-10 02:22:38 +02:00
description: "Toggle hurting"
name: "Hurt monsters"
hint: "No monster hurting"
2018-06-10 02:22:38 +02:00
description: "Toggle hurting"
name: "Hurt villagers"
hint: "No villager hurting"
name: "Item Frame"
description: "Toggle interaction"
hint: "Item Frame use disabled"
description: |-
&aMobs can damage
&aitem frames
name: "Item Frame Damage"
2018-06-10 02:22:38 +02:00
description: |-
2018-06-10 02:22:38 +02:00
&aConfigure invincible visitor
name: "&eInvincible Visitors"
2018-06-24 03:38:48 +02:00
hint: "&cVisitors protected"
description: |-
&aPlayers respawn
&aon island
name: "Island respawn"
2018-06-10 02:22:38 +02:00
description: "Toggle dropping"
name: "Item drop"
hint: "Items cannot be dropped"
2018-06-10 02:22:38 +02:00
description: "Toggle pickup"
name: "Item pickup"
hint: "Items cannot be picked up"
description: "Toggle usage"
name: "Jukebox use"
hint: "No jukebox use allowed"
2019-02-24 17:49:07 +01:00
name: "Leaf decay"
description: "Allow leaves to naturally decay"
2018-06-10 02:22:38 +02:00
description: "Toggle use"
name: "Leash use"
2018-07-19 07:42:50 +02:00
2018-06-10 02:22:38 +02:00
description: "Toggle use"
2018-07-28 18:32:11 +02:00
name: "Lever use"
2018-07-19 07:42:50 +02:00
hint: "No lever use"
name: "Liquids flowing outside islands"
description: |-
&aToggle whether liquids can flow outside
&aof the island's protection range.
&aDisabling it helps avoiding lava and water
&agenerating cobblestone in the area between
&atwo islands.
&cNote that liquids will still flow vertically.
&cThey will also not spread horizontally if
&cthey are placed outside an island's
&cprotection range.
2018-06-10 02:22:38 +02:00
description: "Toggle lock"
name: "Lock island"
2018-06-10 02:22:38 +02:00
description: "Toggle cow milking"
name: "Milking"
hint: "No milking allowed"
2019-02-10 22:55:45 +01:00
name: "Minecarts"
description: "Toggle minecart interactions"
hint: "No minecart interaction allowed"
2018-06-10 02:22:38 +02:00
description: "Toggle spawning"
name: "Monster spawning"
description: |-
2018-06-10 02:22:38 +02:00
&aToggle access
&ato mount inventory
name: "Mount inventory"
hint: "No access to mount inventory"
name: "Name tags"
description: "Toggle use"
hint: "No name tags use"
name: "Natural creature spawning outside range"
description: |-
&aToggle whether creatures (animals and
&amonsters) can spawn naturally outside
&aan island's protection range.
&cNote that it doesn't prevent creatures
&cto spawn via a mob spawner or a spawn
description: "Toggle use"
name: "Note block"
hint: "No note block use"
name: "Obsidian scooping"
description: |
&aToggle scooping
&aAllow obsidian to be scooped up
&awith an empty bucket back into lava.
&aProtects newbies. Reduces resets.
description: |-
&aWhen disabled, plants
&awill not grow on islands
&awhere all members are offline.
&aMay help reduce lag.
name: "Offline Growth"
description: |-
&aWhen disabled, redstone
&awill not operate on islands
&awhere all members are offline.
&aMay help reduce lag.
2019-01-18 11:08:53 +01:00
name: "Offline Redstone"
2018-06-10 02:22:38 +02:00
description: |-
2018-06-10 02:22:38 +02:00
&aAllow pistons to push
&ablocks outside island
name: "Piston Push"
description: "Toggle placing"
name: "Place blocks"
hint: "Not allowed to place blocks"
2019-01-18 11:08:53 +01:00
name: "Potion throwing"
description: |-
&aToggle throwing potions.
&aThis include splash and lingering potions.
2019-01-18 11:08:53 +01:00
hint: "Not allowed to throw potions"
2018-06-10 02:22:38 +02:00
description: "Toggle use"
name: "Nether Portal"
hint: "Portal use is disallowed"
description: "Toggle use"
name: "End Portal"
hint: "Portal use is disallowed"
2018-06-10 02:22:38 +02:00
description: "Toggle usage"
name: "Pressure Plates"
hint: "No pressure plate use"
2018-06-10 02:22:38 +02:00
description: |-
2018-06-10 02:22:38 +02:00
&cEnable/Disable PVP
&cin the End.
name: "End PVP"
hint: "No PVP allowed in the End"
2018-06-10 02:22:38 +02:00
description: |-
2018-06-10 02:22:38 +02:00
&cEnable/Disable PVP
&cin the Nether.
2018-06-10 02:22:38 +02:00
name: "Nether PVP"
hint: "No PVP allowed in the Nether"
2018-06-10 02:22:38 +02:00
description: |-
2018-06-10 02:22:38 +02:00
&cEnable/Disable PVP
&con island.
name: "Overworld PVP"
2018-06-24 03:38:48 +02:00
hint: "&cPVP is not allowed"
2018-08-01 23:18:05 +02:00
active: "&cPVP is active here!"
2018-06-10 02:22:38 +02:00
description: "Toggle use"
name: "Redstone items"
hint: "No redstone item use"
description: |-
&aPrevents the end exit
&aisland from generating
&aat coordinates 0,0
name: "Remove end exit island"
2018-06-11 01:00:47 +02:00
description: |-
2018-06-11 01:00:47 +02:00
&aRemove monsters when
&ateleporting to island
name: "Remove monsters"
description: "Toggle riding"
name: "Animal riding"
hint: "No animal riding allowed"
2018-06-10 02:22:38 +02:00
description: "Toggle shearing"
name: "Shearing"
hint: "No shearing"
2018-06-10 02:22:38 +02:00
description: "Toggle use"
name: "Spawn eggs"
hint: "No throwing spawn eggs"
description: |-
&aAllows to change a spawner's entity type
&ausing spawn eggs.
name: "Spawn eggs on spawners"
hint: "changing a spawner's entity type using spawn eggs is not allowed"
description: |-
&aAllow TNT and TNT minecarts
&ato break blocks and damage
2018-07-19 07:42:50 +02:00
name: "TNT damage"
description: |-
&aPrevents priming TNT.
&aIt does not override the
&aFlint and steel protection.
name: "TNT priming"
hint: "No TNT priming"
2018-06-10 02:22:38 +02:00
description: "Toggle trading"
name: "Villager trading"
hint: "No villager trading"
2018-06-10 02:22:38 +02:00
description: "Toggle access"
name: "Trap doors"
hint: "No trapdoor use"
name: "Trees growing outside range"
description: |-
&aToggle whether trees can grow outside an
&aisland's protection range or not.
&aNot only will it prevent saplings placed
&aoutside an island's protection range from
&agrowing, but it will also block generation
&aof leaves/logs outside of the island, thus
&acutting the tree.
description: "Toggle crushing"
name: "Turtle Eggs"
hint: "Turtle eggs cannot be crushed!"
description: "Toggle Frost Walker enchantment"
name: "Frost Walker"
hint: "Frost Walker cannot be used here"
name: "Experience pickup"
description: "Toggle experience orb pickup"
hint: "cannot pickup experience orb"
name: "Prevent teleport when falling"
description: |-
&aPrevent players from teleporting
&aback to their island using commands
&aif they are falling.
hint: "&cYou cannot teleport back to your island while you are falling."
2019-08-10 20:40:23 +02:00
name: "Toggle wither damage"
description: |-
&aIf active, withers can
&adamage blocks and players
2018-06-10 02:22:38 +02:00
locked: "&cThis island is locked!"
protected: "&cIsland protected: [description]"
world-protected: "&cWorld protected: [description]"
spawn-protected: "&cSpawn protected: [description]"
2018-06-10 02:22:38 +02:00
next: "Next Page"
previous: "Previous Page"
name: "&6Advanced Settings"
description: "&aDisplays a sensible amount of settings."
name: "&aBasic Settings"
description: "&aDisplays the most useful settings."
name: "&cExpert Settings"
description: "&aDisplays all the available settings."
click-to-switch: "&eClick &ato switch to the &r[next]&r&a."
title: "&6Protection"
description: |-
&aProtection settings
&afor this island
title: "&6Settings"
description: |-
&aGeneral settings
&afor this island
title: "&b[world_name] &6Settings"
description: "&aSettings for this game world"
title: "&b[world_name] &6World Protections"
description: |
&aProtection settings when
&aplayer is outside their island
name-layout: "&a[name]"
description-layout: |
&7Allowed for:
allowed-rank: "&3- &a"
blocked-rank: "&3- &c"
minimal-rank: "&3- &2"
2018-06-10 02:22:38 +02:00
menu-layout: "&a[description]"
setting-cooldown: "&cSetting is on cooldown"
setting-layout: |
&7Current setting: [setting]
setting-active: "&aActive"
setting-disabled: "&cDisabled"
2017-12-22 14:25:22 +01:00
panel-title: "Select your language"
selected: "&aCurrently selected."
click-to-select: "&eClick &ato select."
authors: "&aAuthors:"
author: "&3- &b[name]"
edited: "&aChanged your language to &e[lang]&a."
title: "BentoBox Management"
name: "&6Gamemodes"
description: "&eClick &ato display currently loaded Gamemodes"
Implemeted Blueprint bundles and blueprints (#672) * A prototype for Blueprint bundles and blueprints This stores blueprints inside bundles. Each bundle can have up to 3 blueprints defines by the World.Environment. This is not a finished manager. It just handles all the saving and loading side of things. I thought this would help you so you can then concentrate on the UI. * WIP: Copy blocks to Blueprint done. * WIP Pasting done. * WIP: Added BlueprintsManager to ultimately replace SchemsManager. * Moved blueprint suffix and changed to .blu * Fixed unit test. * Now tested and working. Integrated with new island and resetting island. If there are no blueprint bundles or blueprints then a default bedrock set will be made and put in the game mode addon's blueprints folder. Still to do: enable schems to be loaded and pasted for legacy support. Add blueprints and a bundle to GameModeAddons like BSkyBlock. * Renamed most of the classes * Cleaned up clipboard and paster. * Further cleanup on blueprint clipboard and paster. * Merged blueprint classes into one package. * Put Blueprint data objects in their own package. Isolated schems classes for later removal. * Renamed admin command classes and changed locale files. * More clean up to remove schems * Schem to blueprints converter done. Converts schems to blueprint bundles and sets up a default set. Tested the happy-path. Need to do more testing on edge cases. * Added basic UI for development. Fixed bug with schem conversion. * Adds permissions into the blueprints. Fixes tests, cleans up some naming * Added IslandCreationPanel and created BlueprintManagementPanel * Fixed JSONDatabaseHandler's constructor being public * Made the Blueprints button in ManagementPanel open the Blueprint management panel * Fixed tests and ignored one (NPE)
2019-05-15 20:16:41 +02:00
name: "&6Blueprints"
description: "&aOpens the Admin Blueprint menu."
name: "&f[name]"
description: |+
&aIslands: &b[islands]
name: "&6Addons"
description: "&eClick &ato display currently loaded Addons"
name: "&6Hooks"
description: "&eClick &ato display currently loaded Hooks"
name: "&cReload"
description: "&eClick &c&ltwice &r&ato reload BentoBox"
name: "&6Addons Catalog"
description: "&aOpens the Addons Catalog"
name: "&bThis looks empty here..."
description: "&aWhat if you take a look at our catalog?"
name: "&6Compatibility"
&aRunning &e[name] [version]&a.
&aBentoBox is currently running on a
&a&lCOMPATIBLE &r&aserver software and
&aIts features are fully designed to
&arun in this environment.
&aRunning &e[name] [version]&a.
&aBentoBox is currently running on a
&a&lSUPPORTED &r&aserver software and
&aMost of its features will run smoothly
&ain this environment.
&aRunning &e[name] [version]&a.
&aBentoBox is currently running on a
&6&lNOT SUPPORTED &r&aserver software or
&aWhile most of its features will run
&acorrectly, &6platform-specific bugs or
&6issues are to be expected&a.
&aRunning &e[name] [version]&a.
&aBentoBox is currently running on an
&c&lINCOMPATIBLE &r&aserver software or
&cWeird behaviour and bugs can occur
&cand most features may be unstable.
2019-04-20 12:00:59 +02:00
title: "Gamemodes Catalog"
title: "Addons Catalog"
name: "&6Gamemodes"
description: |+
&eClick &ato browse through the
&aavailable official Gamemodes.
name: "&6Addons"
description: |+
&eClick &ato browse through the
&aavailable official Addons.
description-template: |+
&eClick &ato get the link to the
&alatest release.
already-installed: "Already installed!"
install-now: "Install now!"
name: "&bThis looks empty here..."
description: |+
&cBentoBox could not connect to GitHub.
&aAllow BentoBox to connect to GitHub in
&athe configuration or try again later.
2019-04-20 12:00:59 +02:00
successfully-loaded: |
&6 ____ _ ____
&6 | _ \ | | | _ \ &7by &atastybento &7and &aPoslovitch
&6 | |_) | ___ _ __ | |_ ___ | |_) | _____ __ &72017 - 2019
&6 | _ < / _ \ '_ \| __/ _ \| _ < / _ \ \/ /
&6 | |_) | __/ | | | || (_) | |_) | (_) > < &bv&e[version]
&6 |____/ \___|_| |_|\__\___/|____/ \___/_/\_\ &8Loaded in &e[time]&8ms.