- Extract logic used in SQLite and MySQL for logging and closing SQL objects
- Decided to leave buildAuthFromResultSet methods individually as this might be more implementation-specific
- Rename DataSource#close to DataSource#closeConnection to fix conflict with static import
- Create method to check if email is empty or the default AuthMe email (avoids repetition)
- Check that input email has '@' inside text (relates to #1105)
- Remove SingleFilePersistenceHandler: DistributedFilesPersistenceHandler with segment size 1 can be used instead
- Rename SegmentFilesPersistenceHolder to DistributedFilesPersistenceHandler
- Rename SeparateFilePersistenceHandler to IndividualFilesPersistenceHandler to match LimboPersistenceType entry
- Add link to limbo page on Wiki in the settings
- Checkstyle config: allow todo comments with issue number
- Create consistency tests across all classes, ensuring: unique class names, users of expiring collectors implement HasCleanup, non-private fields are only constants
- Fix tag replacement in PlayerListener for {DISPLAYNAME}
- Introduce Usage.DEPRECATED to mark the hash algorithms accordingly
- Log warning when such a deprecated hash algorithm is used
- Update hash algorithms doc page
- Add usage message on argument mismatch where available
- Remove unused message keys
- Create tool task to search for a message key's usages and to find unused keys
- Add new checkstyle checks: require Javadoc on large private methods, default in switch, declaration order & others
- Update path exclusions in CodeClimate config to match newly renamed classes (e.g. PHPBB -> PhpBB)
- Create consistency check testing that excluded paths exist as classes
- Fix some trivial violations
- Update docs to reflect new commands, configurations (account recovery, limbo handling) and messages
- Change message for the recovery code email to contain the new command
- Create debug command to check if a player has the given permission
- Create debug command that outputs the size of various caches / DB info / number of saved instances in injector