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synced 2025-02-19 13:51:20 +01:00
API tutorial
Administrator commands
Custom items
Data Structure Guide
Dungeon NPCs
Dungeon configuration
Dungeon items
DungeonSign ActionBar
DungeonSign Bed
DungeonSign Block
DungeonSign BossShop
DungeonSign Checkpoint
DungeonSign Classes
DungeonSign Command
DungeonSign Door
DungeonSign DungeonChest
DungeonSign End
DungeonSign Flag
DungeonSign Hologram
DungeonSign Interact
DungeonSign Leave
DungeonSign Lives
DungeonSign Lobby
DungeonSign MSG
DungeonSign Note
DungeonSign Place
DungeonSign Protection
DungeonSign Ready
DungeonSign ResourcePack
DungeonSign RewardChest
DungeonSign Script
DungeonSign SoundMessage
DungeonSign Start
DungeonSign Teleport
DungeonSign Title
DungeonSign Trigger
Floor configuration
Game Goal
Game Initializer
Game rules
Getting started
Global structures
Grundlegende Informationen
Legacy support
Multi group setups
Plugin integration
Signs legacy
Simple dungeon
Daniel Saukel edited this page 2021-08-21 23:43:53 +02:00
This changelog covers changes as of DungeonsXL Beta 0.8.2. Earlier versions were maintained by the developers of Die Reiche Erethons.
- New features:
Far future
- New features:
0.18.x / 0.19.x
- New features:
- New features:
- World loading performance improvements
- Improved directions util (support for e.g. NNE for north-northeast)
- Support for BossShopPro
- API module
- Event system
- Game rule API
- New sign system and API
- Group adapter API
- Parties integration
- Built-in command signs
- Official support for French and German language
- Place signs now take a numeric parameter that fires a sign trigger with it as the ID when the block is placed
- All containers can now be dungeon chests and all doors including trap doors can be locked doors
- Send an error message when a dungeon without a ready sign is played
- Send information which requirements aren't fulfilled
- Additional requirements check when the dungeon loads
- New game rules:
- gameGoal
- difficulty
- fireTick
- blockFadeDisabled: Feature to block e.g. melting of ice
- deathScreen: Heals the player and copies him to the respawn location instead of actually killing him
- foodLevel
- escapeLocation and finishLocation: Sets the location where the player is teleported when he finishs or escapes from the dungeon
- interactionBlacklist: A list of items you can't use to interact with blocks, e.g. buckets to take fluids
- resetClassInventoryOnRespawn
- useNativeCitizensRegistry (unsupported): Allows to spawn Citizens into the plugin's own registry. This may be more compatible with addons but bumps ID numbers endlessly
- mobItemDrops and mobExpDrops: Allows to enable / disable or whitelist mobs to drop items / exp
- Global dungeon access time frame requirement
- /dxl announce command
- DXL now saves & restores all attributes
- /dxl delete now looks for MFDs that contain the map and removes it from them or deletes them if the map is a start or end floor
- Reworked group signs:
- Touching while in a group now adds the whole group to the sign if the sign was empty
- If the sign was not empty and if the player is not the leader of his group, the player leaves his group and joins the group on the sign
- Changes:
- DungeonsXL now depends on the Spigot API, not Bukkit
- Updated to Commons 6.2.1
- Updated to Caliburn 1.0 Release Candidate 2
- New language file system
- Switched GUI library to Vignette
- New legacy support system
- Code improvements and modernizations for 1.13-1.16
- breakWhitelist and breakPlacedBlocks now complement each other (that means if a block is on the breakWhitelist, it will be breakable even if it is not placed; if it is placed, it will be breakable even if it is not on the whitelist)
- Renamed "timeLastPlayed" to "timeLastPlayedRequiredDungeons"
- Game rules are now "dungeon rules" which means they are known before the game is initialized
- Message and similar signs are now initialized when the world loads instead of when the game starts
- Signs similar to the message sign now take their text from the same game rule as message signs
- Renamed "message" game rule to "messages" for consistency
- Changed hologram sign line separator from
- Instances now aren't deleted with a repeating task but whenever the last player leaves them
- Instance IDs now use a static counter
- Redstone signs now use themselves as the block to power if they are not wall signs
- Announcers with interval <= 0 are now disabled
- Switched to Bukkit's permission system
- Several features now depend on their game rule, including timeToFinish which now requires the gameGoal to be either TIME_SCORE or TIME_SURVIVAL
- mustFinish*, timeToNextPlay* have been replaced with requirements
- Removed features:
- Everything related to chunk loading
- Game types and game type parameter on ready signs
- Old CommandsXL command signs
- Legacy custom mob system
- Bugfixes:
- Fixed edit permissions getting added to the wrong world
- Made teleport signs more accurate
- Fixed that players sometimes don't die, also
- Fixed placeable block position check
- Edit players now always respawn in their edit world if they die
- Invalid requirements are now ignored and don't cause exceptions
- Fixed Citizens NPCs being treated as players in some cases
- Fixed import command NPE
- Fixed bed sign initialization
- Fixed lives sign NPE
- Fixed entity combustion
- Improved exception handling for dungeon signs
- Fixed worlds being loaded twice at the same time (1.14)
- Fixed resetting experience statistics instead of actual EXP after entering dungeon
- Fixed EXP loss after dying in a dungeon with keepInventoryOnDeath: true
- Fixed that end signs didn't work when the player quit the server while being in a dungeon before
- Fixed that use item triggers didn't work when a block was touched directly
- Fixed bug where old game instances were kept in memory and only deleted on startup
- Fixed keepInventoryOnDeath duplicating items in 1.14+
- Improved script sign compatibility
- Fixed possible memory leak
- Block signs now work even if they are not placed on ground
- Fixed that global signs couldn't load startIfElementsAtLeast from file, also, also
- Once more: Portal rotation
- Requirements now work in the main config
- Fixed that "choose class" message was sent even if classes weren't needed
- Fixed ProjectileSource -> Entity ClassCastException
- Fixed redstone trigger behavior
- Fixed script sign NPE
- One bugged sign now does not stop the game initialization process anymore
- Fixed world loading / unloading / saving issues
- Fixed DPlayerJoinDGroupEvent.getDPlayer() being null bug
- Fixed teleport sign rotation check in 1.13+
- Fixed some (potential) problems with Citizens
- Added lobbyContainersEnabled config value that forbids users to use containers before the game has started
- Fixed MFD bug when floor does not exist
- Fixed teleport signs not being accurate
- Fixed NPE while disabling the plugin
- Fixed removeWhenPlayed and floorCount MFD settings
- Fixed portal checks ignoring world, also
- Groups can't be disbanded while in dungeon anymore
- Meta:
- Added Travis CI integration
- Improved compilation speed
- Fixed script sign behavior, also
- Improved group disbanding message
- Fixed door signs in 1.13+
- New features:
- Added a "note" sign that can be used to add notes in edit mode that are invisible in games
- Added PlaceholderAPI integration
- Bugfixes:
- New features:
- Added dungeon chests that allow items from loot tables to be put into a chest
- Added enderchest, bed and dispenser permissions in addition to bypass node
- Added %block_x%, %block_y% and %block_z% placeholders to the externalMobProviders map in the main config. They are replaced with whole numbers instead of decimals as some mob plugins don't support them
- Added "fly" game rule
- Added a legacy sign type check to prevent sign types that have been replaced but still exist for compatibility from being used for new signs
- Changes:
- "Chest" signs have been renamed to "RewardChest" signs. Older signs are still supported
- Reward and dungeon chest signs now work without a chest attached. They set a chest automatically where they stand and fill it with the contents of their loot table.
- Groups are not necessarily tied to colors anymore - this allows more than 15 groups per game
- Recoded announcement cache initialization
- Code improvements and cleanups
- Bugfixes:
- /dxl reload and /dxl now show the amounf of maps correctly
- Fixed loading global data in worlds that are not loaded on startup (like Multiverse worlds), also
- Fixed group and game sign rotations
- Fixed gamemode not being reset if keepInventory is true
- Improved configuration error handling
- A player's flight (all versions), invulnerability and collidability (only 1.9+) states are now saved and, if necessary, restored after entering a dungeon
- Fixed NPE on weather change in a game world if the game has not started yet
- Fixed NPE on entity interaction in a game world if the game has not started yet
- Fixed message select class message when a player clicks a ready sign
- Properly close I/O streams
- Fixed announcers in 1.13.x
- Updated the item library, Caliburn, to its latest version (0.5.4). This resolves multiple problems in 1.13.2 - including the ready sign issues.
- Fixed keepInventory killing players after they leave the dungeon even if not necessary
- Updated to Minecraft 1.13.2
- Removed NoReload
- Fixed mob trigger ID issues
- Bugfixes:
- Changes:
- Update to DRECommons 5.1
- Code improvements:
- New code to load global protections
- Better toString() methods for debug
- Proper dependency injection
- New features:
- Removed features:
- /dxl deletePortal command
- Bugfixes:
- New features:
- Reimplemented timeToNextLoot game rule
- Bugfixes:
- Fixed /dxl lives NPE if the sender is not in a dungeon
- New features:
- Bugfixes:
- Fixed entity protection game rules
- Fixed /dxl rename
- Fixed MFDs not linking correctly
- Changes:
- New features:
- Reworked tutorials, also. They now support MFDs, are less error prone and don't depend on deprecated methods anymore
- Bugfixes:
- Fixed max instances setting
- Removed features:
- Removed MythicMobs signs (have been deprecated in favor of ExternalMob signs a long time ago)
- Removed unsafe performance tweaks
- Code changes:
- Updated to Caliburn 0.4.5 and DRECommons 4.3
- Use DRECommons PlayerCollection
- No more direct NMS usage
- Java 8
- Got rid of as many deprecated methods as possible to make DXL ready for 1.13
- Improved stability of instantiation system
- ... and more
- New features:
- Floor config setting to modify world environments
- Readded sound signs
- Sign localizations
- Finished break / build rules
- Per floor weather and time settings
- Retry countdown for started dungeons instead of just for finished ones, also
- Added a list for protected entities
- Reworked global signs, also
- Erroneous signs now print debug output at least in some cases
- LWC integration
- 1.13 compatibility
- Misc:
- Bugfixes:
- Fixed compatibility with CraftBukkit
- Fixed Citizens support, also
- Fixed reward bugs, also, also
- Fixed sign protections, also
- Fixed offline players not leaving the dungeon properly when the server stops, also,
- Fixed death message visibility
- Teleportations now consider pitch and yaw
- Better error handling if HolographicDisplays is not enabled but hologram signs are used
- Fixed saving health scales, also, also
- Messages are not sent to players who are offline anymore
- Fixed announcers
- Fixed level requirement with keepInventoryOnEnter
- Requirements aren't demanded anymore if players have the ignorerequirements permission node
- Fixed NPE on portal cration
- Fixed portal rotation (like, for real this time)
- Fixed water portal protection
- Fixed game sign protections
- Fixed /dxl group show NPE
- Reviewed global protection persistence, also
- Fixed /dxl reload bug
- Fixed instance deletion problems, improved stability, also
- Eliminated circumstances where the game can be null
- Improved dungeon sign error handling
- Improved error handling if a world saved in a serialized location is unloaded
- Fixed wrong allocation of players to instances after restart
- Fixed NPE if the dungeon of a group / game sign is unknown
- Fixed incompatibility with plugins that change sign blocks onSignChange
- Fixed that players were teleported to the spawn instead of their last location after exhausting all lives
- Fixed load order with Citizens & its addons
- Fixed live counter, also
- Fixed script signs overriding block sign blocks with their own replacement air
- Fixed dungeon portals teleporting players into the nether
- Code changes:
- Refactored listeners
- Recoded chat system
- ...and more
- New features:
- Made a few buttons translatable
- Groups now have the name of their color instead of an ID name
- Group tags flying over the head if enabled
- Bugfixes:
- New features:
- Added 1.11-1.11.2 support module for ResourcepackAPI
- New features:
- /dxl test now works in edit worlds
- Code changes:
- Recoded /dxl play command
- Recoded floor / finish system (should be more reliable now)
- Compiled against BRCommons 1.0.6
- Bugfixes:
- The console may now execute /dxl kick; dxl.kick node now works as it should
- Fixed some bugs with multi floor dungeons
- Fixed dungeon config initialization bug
- Fixed /dxl test command
- Game types without rewards now don't give rewards anymore
- ...and a few minor things
- New features:
- ActionBar sign
- Title sign
- Code changes:
- Compiled against BRCommons 1.0.5
- ...and some improvements which are linked to the bugfixes
- Bugfixes:
- Fixed a minor shading bug
- Fixed /dxl reload breaking games
- Made DXL player representation getters more robust
- Fixed end sign NPE
- Announcers are not sent to players in an instance anymore
- Fixed rename command not updating sign data
- New features:
- Bugfixes:
- Fixed incompatibility with some plugins that forcefully set a gamemode after teleporting into a world
- Fixed /dxl lives NPE
- Fixed /dxl invite NPE
- Blocked PlugMan (just for DungeonsXL)
- Code changes:
- Compiled against BRCommons 1.0.3 and Caliburn 0.2.3
- Removed performance debug
- New features:
- Custom ready titles
- Bugfixes:
- Fixed cloned Citizens
- Fixed that Citizens were regarded as players in some cases
- Fixed bug with overscaled health
- Fixed bug when a player tries to loot a chest for the second time
- Fixed erroneous MFD check
- groupColorPriority list is now fixed automatically if it's wrong / in the old format
- Code changes:
- Recoded player persistence system
- Clean up API
- Recoded tutorial system
- Compiled against BRCommons 1.0.2 and Caliburn 0.2.2 for Minecraft 1.11
- ...and more.
- New features:
- Improve treasure inventory
- More configurable block protection system
- New game block system
- Team bed
- Team flag
- Protection
- Locked door
- Group colors
- Group lives
- Allow other materials for portals
- BossShop integration
- Allow player instead of group for /dxl group show and /dxl enter
- Game goal system to handle win / finish conditions
- Improved game type system
- Per dungeon resource packs
- Bugfixes:
- Fixed /dxl reload
- Fixed /dxl lives receiver bug
- Fixed portal facing bug
- Fixed portal chat spam
- Fixed portal teleportation bug
- Fixed open door sign
- Fixed /dxl list NPE
- Use double jump bugfix only when placeBlocks is false
- Fixed compatibility issue with health scale lower than 20
- Fixed games not marked as started (resolves friendly fire and pvp rule bugs and maybe more unknown problems)
- Fixed /dxl msg command if no floor config exists
- Fixed ghost sign bug
- Fixed play command in edit mode
- Fixed edit invitations
- Fixed PvE exception in 1.8.x and lower
- New features:
- Bugfixes:
- /dxl reload now works with all reloadable features
- Code changes:
- Compiled against Caliburn 0.2
- New features:
- Disabled block burning in instances (except because of flint and steel)
- Bugfixes:
- Create .raw only when needed
- Code changes / bugfixes:
- New features:
- Erroneous chest signs are now marked in game and cause a log message
- Bugfixes:
- Made some classes public to allow JavaDoc generation
- Fixed NullPointerException with sign data
- Fixed ready signs without floor config
- Code changes:
- Created fake registry to resolve Citizens save file spam and ID bumping
- Recoded world system
- Compiled against BRCommons 1.0.1 for Minecraft 1.10.2
- Minor changes to the command system
- Experimental performance tweaks
- Files are now copied asynchronously in many cases
- Instances are now loaded asynchronously
- Tweaks can be enabled / disabled in the main config
- Switched to multi module project setup
- Compiled against Caliburn and IXL 0.1.8
- New features:
- Commands:
- Kick command
- Import command
- Status command
- Fortune trigger
- Backup system
- Commands:
- Bugfixes:
- Fixed ClassCastException with WaveTrigger
- Teleport signs now work correctly with scripts
- Fixed message sign and secure objects
- Fixed ItemsXL integration
- ...and more
- Code changes
- Improved trigger code
- New features
- Signs:
- Start sign enhancements
- Drop
- Lives modifier
- Timer for ready signs
- Open door
- Hologram sign
- Permission requirement
- Signs now also accept right clicks instead of sending a message that the player has to left-click the sign
- Signs:
- Bugfixes:
- Compiled against Caliburn 0.1.6 (resolves classes bug)
- Fixed game sign exception
- Fixed a few exceptions
- Code changes:
- Compiled against BRCommons 1.0 for Minecraft 1.10
- Complete player handling rewrite
- New features:
- Permission bridge
- Config value priority system
- Globally announce games
- Script system
- Announcements
- Classes
- Mobs
- Signs
- Group size requirement
- Disabled weather in edit worlds
- Support for ItemsXL / CaliburnAPI
- Added maxInstances config value to prevent overloading
- Added teleport sign
- Bugfixes:
- DPlayerUpdateEvent is now fired correctly
- Fixed all dungeons being ended when an end sign is triggered
- Fixed NullPointerException with redstone signs
- Fixed ConcurrentModificationException with trigger signs
- Fixed language file serialization
- Fixed arrows treated as MythicMobs
- Fixed finishing dungeon when a player leaves the group
- Better wave mob count calculation
- Overhauled messages
- ...and more
- Removed or deprecated features:
- Extended support only for Minecraft 1.7.x and 1.8.x
- Bugfixes:
- Fixed dungeon entering issues.
- Bugfixes:
- Forbid some abusable group commands while in dungeon
- Fixed death console error
- Code changes:
- Compiled against BRCommons 0.5.2 for Minecraft 1.9.4
- Bugfixes:
- Fixed /dxl lives command message
- Code changes:
- Events: Created and implemented a whole bunch of events
- Trigger API
- Reward API
- Custom sign API improvements
- Requirement API
- Game type API
- Global protected blocks API
- Restructure packages
- Rewrite task handling
- Use Maven
- Use BR-Commons
- Rewrite portals: Use PlayerMoveEvent instead to support different portal types in the future
- Rewrote permission system
- Miscellaneous improvements
- New features:
- Metrics integration
- Command white / blacklist in dungeon
- Advanced groups:
- Different groups in one dungeon
- Advanced group support for signs
- Group command
- Group names
- Group captains
- Enter command
- Advanced game types:
- Adventure
- Adventure - Time is Running
- Apocalypse - Last Man Standing
- Apocalypse - Limited Mobs
- Apocalypse - Time is Running
- Player versus Environment - Last Man Standing
- Player versus Environment- Limited Mobs
- Player versus Environment- Time is Running
- Player versus Player - Last Man Standing
- Player versus Player - Factions Battlefield
- Quest
- Quest - Time is Running
- Test
- Tutorial
- Default
- Block modification and gamemode rules
- PvP rules
- Reworked test command
- Secure mode
- Time is running mode
- Title messages can now be disabled through the main config
- Level requirements and rewards
- Wave trigger and sign
- External mob sign
- Integrations:
- Citizens
- Integration with any custom mob plugin that provides a spawn command with world and coordinates (built-in: MythicMobs, InsaneMobs & CustomMobs)
- Progress trigger
- Bugfixes:
- Fixed chest signs
- Fixed /dxl play|test bug when the map isn't saved yet
- Fixed /dxl list bug if no floor config exists
- Fixed DXL data save bug
- Fixed exception if no DXL data file exists
- Fixed /dxl edit not working without permission even if the player is invited
- Fixed keepInventoryOnDeath
- Fixed /dxl test requirement check
- Fixed that only wall signs worked as DXL signs
- Fixed lives in tutorial and test mode
- Fixed inventory bugs
- Fixed error handling when dungeons are set up incorrectly
- Fixed loot inventory bug
- Fixed M trigger for MythicMobs
- Fixed natural mob spawning in edit / game worlds
- Removed or deprecated features:
- Deprecated the MythicMobs sign
- Deprecated the /dxl deleteportal command
- Major part of a major code cleanup
- Variable, class and package names
- Package structure
- Replace static fields with variables of an instance of the main class
- Replace field references with getters and setters
- Replace if { if { if { blocks with returns
- Command signs with CommandsXL
- Rewrite sign system with an API to add custom signs
- Use SuperPerms instead of Vault when possible
- Rewrite lives system
- Link maps together to create dungeons with multiple floors
- Added permission node "dxl.bypass" to use beds, enderchests, commands etc. in dungeons
- Rewrote the message system
- Config files (config.yml and languages/en.yml) now generate automatically on server start
- Floor signs to join the next floor
- Beautified a lot:
- Command system rewrite (similar to ItemsXL)
- Send screen messages containing dungeon and floor
- Fix DSavePlayer inventory bug (fixed it provisionally, enough for a Beta build :p )
- Added /dxl break command sothat it's finally possible to get rid of DXL signs and portals outside dungeons
- Deprecated /dxl deleteportal command. It'll get removed sooner or later
- ...and more :)
- Money as a reward: Add one line to your [chest] sign that contains a number.
- Money fees: All you need to do: Put "fee: " to your dungeon config.
- Optimization for 1.8.8: Nothing noticable.
- Command to play dungeons without portal: /dxl play.
- Split keepInventory to keepInventoryOnEnter, OnEscape, OnFinish and OnDeath: keepInventoryOnEscape means whether or not you keep your inventory if you leave the dungeon without an end sign, e.g. with /dxl leave. The old "keepInventory" still works, it contains Enter, Escape and Finish.
- Added MythicMobs support to mob trigger: Just use the same name that you put into your MM config file.
- Bugfixes: No motivation to list them :P
- Added MythicMobs support: Added a new sign that works exactly like the [Mobs] sign, but it spawns MythicMobs.
- Fixed edit mode
- Players didn't get creative mode in edit mode.
- Some more UUID compatibility
- Forgot about some situations where player data is stored. Fixed it.
- Fixed portal bug
- DXL portals are now usable, again!
- Wrote an NMS handler: Adds backwards compatibility to 1.7.8 and higher.
- Updated a lot of deprecated code
- This will guarantee it to work with future updates without huge changes.
- Added UUID support
- Invited players are now stored by their UUID.
- Emergency fix: /dxl edit was broken in 0.9
- Removed Spoutcraft support: Spoutcraft hasn't been updated since 1.6.4, so it's useless to support it.
- Added lives: Players had infinite tries to succeed in a dungeon, so I added a way to make them fail. Check it with /dxl lives and configure it with initialLives: .
- Added possibility to keep inventory in dungeons: You can now configure whether players keep their inventory and play a dungeon with their own stuff or if they get classes. Just change keepInventory: .
- Update to CraftBukkit 1.8.4-1.8.7.
- Update to CraftBukkit 1.8.3.
- Update to CraftBukkit 1.8.
Administrator's guide
- General information
- General setup and usage
- Dungeon setup
- Signs
- Game rules
- Linked dungeon configuration
- Dungeon world configuration
- Details
- Examples (WIP)
- Simple dungeon
- Bedwars TODO
- PVP arena TODO
- Mob arena TODO
- Tutorial TODO
- Data structure guide
Developer's guide
Wiki: © 2015-2021 Daniel Saukel and contributors, licensed under CC BY-SA (only unless otherwise stated)