2 Game Goal
Daniel Saukel edited this page 2021-10-23 02:13:29 +02:00

The game goal determines how a dungeon game ends.

Game goals are set through the gameGoal game rule. They contain components, which are special game rules that specify how the goal works.

In YAML, e.g. in a map configuration, a game goal is a map that contains the type and its components:

  type: TYPE
  component1: value
  component2: value

Game goal types

Type Description Components
END The game ends when an end sign is triggered by all group members. timeToFinish
LAST_MAN_STANDING The game ends when only members of one group are left in the game.
SCORE The game ends when a group reachs the set score. If no scoreGoal is set, the game does not end and the goal is to survive as long as possible to beat a highscore. initialScore, scoreGoal, timeToFinish
TIME_SURVIVAL The game ends after time has passed. Players win if they survive until then. timeToFinish


Name Explanation Possible values Default value Annotation
timeToFinish The time to finish the dungeon in seconds. If the group has no time left, the players get kicked. Integer -1 -1 = no time limit
initialScore Score used for capture the flag and similar game types. Integer 3 -1 = not used
scoreGoal The amount of goals to score before the game ends. Integer -1 -1 = not used


  type: "END"
  timeToFinish: 120
  type: SCORE
  initialScore: 3
  scoreGoal: 6
  timeToFinish: 120
  timeToFinish: 120