1 DungeonSign RewardChest
Daniel Saukel edited this page 2020-12-28 02:19:11 +01:00

The reward chest sign generates a chest whose contents cannot be taken out of it, but are given to the players when they finish the dungeon. See dungeon chest sign for openable chests.

Line Input Example
1st [RewardChest] [RewardChest]
2nd ({Money reward, level reward}) 125.0
3rd ({loot table ID}) MyLootTable
4th N/A

Loot items can be taken from a container that is placed next to the sign and from the loot table specified in the third line. Consider using a loot table if the loot should be standardized or if chance values per item are needed. Loot tables and chest contents may be used simultaneously. If no chest is placed but a loot table is specified, the sign itself will transform into a chest.

Note that containers other than chests can only be used in Minecraft 1.12.1 and higher.