Multi floor dungeons are not part of the range of functions of DungeonsXL v0.18.
Note that this is an EXAMPLE FILE. You can't just grab it and assume that it works as is.
The name of the dungeon is defined by the name of the file (without the .yml file extension). A dungeon name must be unique and must not equal the name of a map.
Multi floor dungeons must be referred to by their own name, not by the name of their start floor. Thus, if the name of the example file below were "mfd.yml" the command to play it would be /dxl play mfd, NOT /dxl play MyDungeon_floor_01.
If you intend to create a single floor dungeon, ignore this page. Dungeon configs are only necessary if you wish to link floors together in a multi floor dungeon.
# Dungeon configuration of DungeonsXL (%dungeon name%.yml in
# DungeonsXL/scripts/dungeons/ folder)
# The first floor the players enter.
# Needs at least lobby, ready, start and end signs.
startFloor: MyDungeon_floor_01
# The last floor the players enter.
# Needs at least start and end signs.
endFloor: MyDungeon_floor_12
# A list of all other floors in the dungeon.
# Needs at least start and end signs.
- MyDungeon_floor_02
- MyDungeon_floor_03
- MyDungeon_floor_04
- MyDungeon_floor_05
- MyDungeon_floor_06
- MyDungeon_floor_07
- MyDungeon_floor_08
- MyDungeon_floor_09
- MyDungeon_floor_10
- MyDungeon_floor_11
# How many floors shall be selected randomly from the list before the player gets teleported to the endFloor?
floorCount: 7
# If true, the floors will get removed from the list when finished
# sothat one floor cannot be selected multiple times.
removeWhenPlayed: false
# These values override the values of the
# main configuration file default section and the floor configuration files.
# Optionally all game rules of a floor config, like:
keepInventoryOnEnter: true
# These values override the values of the
# main configuration file default section, but get overridwn by the floor configuration values.
# Optionally all game rules of a floor config, like:
keepInventoryOnEnter: true
Administrator's guide
- General information
- General setup and usage
- Dungeon setup
- Signs
- Game rules
- Linked dungeon configuration
- Dungeon world configuration
- Details
- Examples (WIP)
- Simple dungeon
- Bedwars TODO
- PVP arena TODO
- Mob arena TODO
- Tutorial TODO
- Data structure guide
Developer's guide
Wiki: © 2015-2021 Daniel Saukel and contributors, licensed under CC BY-SA (only unless otherwise stated)