Adjacent spaces caused empty array elements due to how String#split works.
This change removes those empty array elements without modifying anything else.
Adjacent spaces sent by players are removed in PlayerConnection, so this change doesn't affect players.
But it does affect the console, command blocks, Bukkit.dispatchCommand, etc.
Faster version for isSolid() that utilizes NMS's state for isSolid instead of the slower
process to do this in the Bukkit API
Adds API for buildable, replaceable, burnable too.
[Amendment: Alexander <>]
PlayerTradeEvent is used for player purchases from villagers and wandering
traders, but not custom merchants created via Bukkit.createMerchant(). During
discussions in Discord it was decided that it'd be better to add a new event
that PlayerTradeEvent inherits from than change getVillager()'s annotation to
@Nullable, especially since that'd also infringe on the implication of the
event being about villager trades.
Adds a new event for all crafting stations that generate a result slot item
Anvil, Grindstone and Smithing now extend this event
Grindstone is a backwards compat from a previous PrepareGrindstoneEvent
Adds a new method to fetch the location of a player's bed without generating any sync loads.
getPotentialBedLocation - Gets the last known location of a player's bed. This does not preform any check if the bed is still valid and does not load any chunks.
Adds bool param to trigger world particle effects
Adds bool param to trigger exp drops for blocks
Co-authored-by: William Blake Galbreath <>
while some of these may of been true, they are extreme cases and cause
a ton of noise to plugin developers.
Use ApiStatus.Internal instead of Deprecated for actual internal API
that continues to have use (internally).
These do not help plugin developers if they bring moise noise than value.
Expose an entities spawn reason on the entity.
Pre existing entities will return NATURAL if it was a non
persistenting Living Entity, SPAWNER for spawners,
or DEFAULT since data was not stored.
Additionally, add missing spawn reasons.
Co-authored-by: Aurora <>
Co-authored-by: Jakub Zacek <>
Adds an event for when the server is going to destroy a current block,
potentially causing it to drop. This event can be cancelled to avoid
the block destruction, such as preventing signs from popping when
floating in the air.
This can replace many uses of BlockPhysicsEvent
Allows using ExactChoice Recipes with easier methods
Redirects some of upstream's APIs to these new methods to avoid
usage of magic values and the deprecated RecipeChoice#getItemStack
Currently OfflinePlayer#getLastPlayed could more accurately be described
as "OfflinePlayer#getLastTimeTheirDataWasSaved".
The API doc says it should return the last time the server "witnessed"
the player, whilst also saying it should return the last time they
logged in. The current implementation does neither.
Given this interesting contradiction in the API documentation and the
current defacto implementation, I've elected to deprecate (with no
intent to remove) and replace it with two new methods, clearly named and
documented as to their purpose.
This event is invoked when a player has disconnected. It is guaranteed that,
if the server is in online-mode, that the provided uuid and username have been
The event is invoked for players who have not yet logged into the world, whereas
PlayerQuitEvent is only invoked on players who have logged into the world.
The event is invoked for players who have already logged into the world,
although whether or not the player exists in the world at the time of
firing is undefined. (That is, whether the plugin can retrieve a Player object
using the event parameters is undefined). However, it is guaranteed that this
event is invoked AFTER PlayerQuitEvent, if the player has already logged into
the world.
This event is guaranteed to never fire unless AsyncPlayerPreLoginEvent has
been called beforehand, and this event may not be called in parallel with
AsyncPlayerPreLoginEvent for the same connection.
Cancelling the AsyncPlayerPreLoginEvent guarantees the corresponding
PlayerConnectionCloseEvent is never called.
The event may be invoked asynchronously or synchronously. As it stands,
it is never invoked asynchronously. However, plugins should check
Event#isAsynchronous to be future-proof.
On purpose, the deprecated PlayerPreLoginEvent event is left out of the
API spec for this event. Plugins should not be using that event, and
how PlayerPreLoginEvent interacts with PlayerConnectionCloseEvent
is undefined.
Entities must be dismounted before teleportation in order to avoid
multiple issues in the server with regards to teleportation, shamefully,
too many plugins rely on the events firing, which means that not firing
these events caues more issues than it solves;
In order to counteract this, Entity dismount/exit vehicle events have
been modified to supress cancellation (and has a method to allow plugins
to check if this has been set), noting that cancellation will be silently
surpressed given that plugins are not expecting this event to not be cancellable.
This is a far from ideal scenario, however: given the current state of this
event and other alternatives causing issues elsewhere, I believe that
this is going to be the best soultion all around.
Improvements/suggestions welcome!
This adds a separate event before an entity is spawned by a spawner
which contains the location of the spawner too similarly to how the
SpawnerSpawnEvent gets called instead of the CreatureSpawnEvent for
Dropped as it does not apply due to the earlier PreCreatureSpawnEvent patch not being applied
This adds a bunch of useful and missing Tags to be able to identify items that
are related to each other by a trait.
Co-authored-by: Jake Potrebic <>
Co-authored-by: Lena Kolb <>
Co-authored-by: Layla Silbernberg <>
Co-authored-by: Newwind <>
Modifying of permissions was only half protected, enabling concurrency
issues to occur if permissions were modified async.
While no plugin really should be doing that, modifying operations
are not heavily called, so they are safe to add synchronization to.
Now, all modification API's will be synchronized ensuring safety.
Additionally, hasPermission was victim to a common java newbie mistake
of calling if (containsKey(k)) return get(k), resulting in 2 map lookups.
Optimized it to simply be a single get call cutting permission map
lookups in half.
Adds an API to allow plugins to instruct a Mob to Pathfind to a Location or Entity
This does not do anything to stop other AI rules from changing the location, so
it is still up to the plugin to control that or override after another goal changed
the location.
You can use EntityPathfindEvent to cancel new pathfinds from overriding your current.
This adds the ability to cancel the death events and to modify the sound
an entity makes when dying. (In cases were no sound should it will be
called with shouldPlaySound set to false allowing unsilencing of silent
It makes handling of entity deaths a lot nicer as you no longer need
to listen on the damage event and calculate if the entity dies yourself
to cancel the death which has the benefit of also receiving the dropped
items and experience which is otherwise only properly possible by using
internal code.
The key can be retrieved via methods Location#toBlockKey() and
World provides lookup for blocks by long key via method World#getBlockAtKey(long)
The formatting for the key is as follows:
10 bit y|27 bit z|27 bit x
The y value is considered unsigned while z and x are considered two's complement
Y range: [0, 1023]
X, Z range: [-67 108 864, 67 108 863]
Adds the following:
- Add proper methods for getting and setting items in both hands. Deprecates old methods
- Enable/Disable slot interactions
- Allow using degrees for ArmorStand rotations (via new Rotations class)
Co-authored-by: SoSeDiK <>
Add Entity as a Source capability, and add more API choices, and on Location.
Co-authored-by: Esoteric Enderman <>
Co-authored-by: Bjarne Koll <>
Called when a player is firing a bow and the server is choosing an arrow to use.
Plugins can skip selection of certain arrows and control which is used.
Adds ability to control who receives it and who is the source/sender (vanish API)
the standard API is to send the packet to everyone in the world, which is ineffecient.
This adds a new Builder API which is much friendlier to use.
Fires an event anytime an enderman intends to teleport away from the player
You may cancel this, enabling ranged attacks to damage the enderman for example.