6 Anti Cheat Support
Jules edited this page 2022-06-15 20:53:57 +00:00

MMOCore will automatically hook into anti-cheat plugins and can be configured to disable certain checks when casting skills.
(Note: Only skills made using MythicMobs are supported)
The way it works, is by specifying different Anti-Cheat types and disable them for a certain amount of ticks.

Adding Anti-Cheat to MythicMob skills

(In order to set up MythicMob skills, [go here](Player Skills#binding-mythicmobs-skills-to-mmocore-skills)) To add Anti-Cheat support to your MythicMob skills, simply add disabled-anti-cheats: to your skill YML file. (The one in MMOCore) You can then add 'flags' with a tick value depending on which Anti-Cheat systems you need to disable.
An example of disabling Flying and Clipping for 20 ticks:

  flying: 20
  clipping: 20

An example of disabling Fast Heal for 5 ticks and Critical Hits for 30 ticks.

  fast_heal: 5
  critical_hits: 30

Available Anti-Cheat Systems

The flag is what needs to be put first, the function is what the cheat is supposed to do. For more information about what each hack does, refer to the Anti-Cheat plugins documentation.

Flag Function
general_exploits Uncategorized general hacks
no_swing Hitting players/blocks without swinging their hand
movement Extreme jumps, speed hacks, etc.
clipping Going through collisions
impossible_action Self-explanatory
inventory_clear Dropping all your items instantly
inventory_clicks Illegal inventory clicking
auto_sprint Always sprinting
jesus Walking on water
no_slowdown Preventing the 'Slow' potion effect
critical_hits Always landing crits
nuker Breaking thousands of blocks at once
ghost_hand Interacting with things through collisions
liquids Mad placement/draining of liquids
block_reach Self-explanatory
elytra Illegal elytra movements
boat Illegal boat movements
fast_bow Shooting max arrows without charging
fast_click Reduced cooldown between attacks
fast_heal Healing more rapidly than allowed
hit_reach Self-explanatory
fast_break Breaking blocks instantly
fast_place Placing many blocks instantly
speed Zoooom!
no_fall Ignore fall damage
illegal_pos Illegal positions
fast_eat Instantly consume foods
velocity Applying invalid velocity to the player
killaura Locked on target

Compatible Anti-Cheat Plugins