39 Player Classes
Jules edited this page 2024-09-21 11:55:58 +00:00

Due to popular demand, one of MMOCores trademark features is its customizable class system! This paragraph goes over the important features of classes as well as how to configure them.

Our class system aims to provide a completely user determined class creation system that looks good and works good. We have picked up where other plugins have been abandoned!

Choosing a class

In order to bring up the class selection menu, type /class.

Profess Menu

Class Points

In order to pick a class/change your current class you will need one class point. You get these via admin command. With this versatile command, the server administrators can hand out class points however they choose, either when leveling up or using a special item with a command bound onto it..

Class Points

Default Class

The default class for players is human, and that is what players are initially. They are able to gain experience and level up this class, but it should only be a temporary class as it has no skill and lower stats. As soon as they get their first class point, they should switch to another class! The default classes are Mage, Marksman, Paladin, Rogue and Warrior.

Class Configuration Overview

Each class is divided into its own class file within the folder for organization and easy modification. You may create as many classes as you want, and you may modify/remove the default classes without worry. Creating new classes is as simple as copying the format from the default folders and giving it your own creative ideas.

In order to create a new class, copy and paste the mage class config file. This is a simple class template which already has all the features explicitely written in its config file so you know what to start from.

The following paragraphs will guide through class configuration; pickup a class config file, open it and explore it along with the wiki:

Display Options

These are the first options you will see when opening class config files. These display options let you determine how your class looks in the class menu.

    name: 'Mage'
    - 'The Mage has mastered the power of the'
    - 'Arcanes, taking down any enemy on his path'
    - 'using powerful magic & ranged abilities.'
    - '&a+ &7Mana Regeneration'
    - '&a+ &7Health Regeneration'
    - '&a+ &7Max Mana'
    - '&c- &7Max Health'
    - ''
    - '&8&lStrength'
    - '&7  Attack Damage: &c1 &7(+&c0&7)'
    - '&7  Attack Speed: &c4 &7(+&c0&7)'
    - '&7  Max Health: &c18 &7(+&c0&7)'
    - ''
    - '&8&lDexterity'
    - '&7  Knockback Resistance: &a0% &7(+&a0%&7)'
    - '&7  Movement Speed: &a20 &7(+&a0&7)'
    - '&7  Speed Malus Reduction: &a0% &7(+&a0%&7)'
    - ''
    - '&8&lIntellect'
    - '&7  Max Mana: &927 &7(+&91.2&7)'
    - '&7  Health Regen: &90.13 &7(+&90&7)'
    - '&7  Mana Regen: &90.2 &7(+&90.04&7)'
    item: BLAZE_POWDER:10 #10 is the custom model data

The name option corresponds to the class name, used in placeholders and info GUIs. The lore and attribute-lore options correspond to the class description displayed when a player selects his class using /class.

Important note: editing the lore and more specifically things like Attack Damage or other attributes does NOT actually edit those attributes, it's purely cosmetic and only affect how they look in the /class menu.

The item option corresponds to the icon displayed in the same GUI. You may use custom model data to change the class icon using the following format:

    # Format: <material>:<custom-model-data>
    item: 'BLAZE_POWDER:1'

Experience Curve and Max Level

More information here. This is your main class' experience curve ie it defines how much experience a player with this class needs to reach the next level.

# Must match an existing exp curve filename from the 'expcurves' folder
exp-curve: levels

You can also setup a maximum level so that players cannot keep scaling and earning stats.

# Players cannot go further than Lvl 100
max-level: 100

Experience Tables

Just like professions, player classes have experience tables too. Experience tables are not to be mistaken with experience curves. Experience tables determine what happens when a player levels up his main class.

Learn more about experience tables here.

Additional Options

These are very diverse yet important class options.

    default: false
    display: true
    off-combat-health-regen: false
    off-combat-mana-regen: false
    off-combat-stamina-regen: false
    off-combat-stellium-regen: false
Option Description Default
default The class that a new player will spawn in with false
display Whether or not the class should display in /class true
off-combat--regen regen only applies when out of combat false
needs-permission The class needs the permission mmocore.class.<class_id> to be unlocked false

Class stats

Class stats are the statistics given to the player when he levels up. It's one of the most essential RPG gameplay feature. (Watch out, the config section is called attributes and not stats).

        base: 18
        per-level: 0
        base: 27
        per-level: 1.2
        base: .2
        per-level: .04
        base: 0.13
        per-level: 0

The most important part of balancing your classes: every class stat scales on the player level. You can edit the class stats here. The stat formula is the following: stat = <base> + <player-level> * <per-level>.

By default, all classes will use the base stats from stats.yml so you do not have to specify anything redundant in the attributes section. Changing these will override the formulas specified in stats.yml.

You may also add min/max caps so that classes don't get too overpowered:

        base: 18
        per-level: 3
        max: 80

Mana Display Options

Every class can have a different mana bar (mana for mages, rage for warriors...). The char option corresponds to the character which will be used to display the player's mana bar inside a chat message. The color config section corresponds to the color being used to generate that bar. The icon option corresponds to the mana icon displayed on the player action bar.

    char: '♦'
    icon: '&c♦'
        full: DARK_RED
        half: RED
        empty: WHITE
    name: 'Rage'


Subclasses are classes which are available only when players reach a certain level. This is a way to make your class architecture more diverse by adding multiple new paths and playstyles.


Simply give the class ID and the level at which the subclass should be unlocked. When a player has a subclass available, a slightly different menu will pop up when using /classes. Nothing else is different for a subclass. Display, attributes, skills, etc are all setup the same. That obviously means you will need to create a separate config file for your subclass and put its reference in that subclasses section.

Since you most likely want your players to access these subclasses only by leveling previous (sub)classes, you will most likely use the display: false class option (see above) so that your subclass does not display in the class list when using /classes.


        level: 1
        max-level: 30
        unlocked-by-default: true
        #Doesn't have any impact as this is an active skill
        #needs-bound: true
            base: 5.0
            per-level: 3.0
            base: 5.0
            per-level: -0.1
            max: 5.0
            min: 1.0
        level: 3
        max-level: 30
        unlocked-by-default: true
        needs-bound: true

This is the place where you define the skills that your class has. You will need to setup the level at which the player will ** that skill**, the maximum level of that skill (i.e the max amount of skill points a player may spend on that skill).

Since MMOCore 1.12 dev builds, you may also toggle off the unlocked-by-default option (which is toggled on by default) if you don't want that skill to be unlocked by default. When toggled off, this skill has to be unlocked through the use of a command, quest trigger, or whatever you want. This means that you can have an item, an attribute, a class level up table, or even a skill tree unlock that skill.

Another option is needs-bound that is used ONLY for passive skills. If set to false the passive skill will directly be usable even if it is not bound to any slot. If this option is not filled it will take the default value defined in config.yml with th e field passive-skill-need-bound.

You might also want to change the skill characteristics, so that a fireball cast by a mage deals more damage than a fireball cast by a Paladin. What you can do is add skill modifiers which edit specific numeric values of that skill using the same formula as if you wanted to setup class stats:

    level: 1
    max-level: 30

    # There
        base: 5.0
        per-level: 3.0
        min: 5
        max: 20

That means that the fire storm spell will deal 5 base damage, plus 3 damage for every skill point the player spent in that skill. Keep in mind skill values do not scale on the player's level directly, but rather on the skill level, which you can upgrade by 1 for 1 skill point.

Skill Slots (MMOCore >1.12)

Skill slots enable to bind skills and are thus necessary in order to cast a skill. You can define a name, lore and a material/custom model data to change the apparence it has when no skill is bound to the slot.

Each slot can also use a formula which will determine the skills that can be bound to it. This formula uses Skill Categories and can enable you to make all the restrictions you could think of for each slot. If no formula is specified, all the skills will be boundable to this slot. Each skill category will need to be surrounded by <> for the formula to work. For example formula: "<FIREBALL>"means only the FIREBALL skill can be bound to this slot, formula: "<PASSIVE>" means only passive skills can be bound to the slot. You can use the !(negation), ||(or) and &&(and) operators to make more complex formulas.

Skill buff triggers (More about triggers here.) can also be linked to each slot. Those will only apply to the skill that is bound to the slot and will check that the given skill matches the formula. If it doesn't match it then no buffs will be given to it. You can then for example make slots that give -10% cooldown or give 20 additional damage to any skills bound to it.

Slots can be locked or unlocked using the associated command & triggers. They will be visible in the GUI and usable only if they are unlocked. The option unlocked-by-default enables you to precise if you want your slot to be locked or unlocked by default and will be set to true if don't fill it. If a slot that hasn't been defined in the config is unlocked through a command or a trigger it will just be a default slot without custom properties on it.

Finally, skills can now be bound to slots using the command /mmocore admin slot bind . This command will work even if the designated skill is not considered "unlocked". However, doing so will only bind the skill to the slot without unlocking it. You can force a certain slot to be bound only through the command by forbidding manual binding with the option can-manually-bind, set to true by default.

        name: "Skill Slot I"
            - "&eReduces by &610% &ethe cooldown of"
            - "&ethe skill bound to it."
        #Can only be bound to active skills.
        formula: "<ACTIVE>"
            - 'skill_buff{modifier="cooldown";amount=-10;type="RELATIVE"}'
        name: "Skill Slot II"
            - "&eGives &640 &eadditional damage to"
            - "&ethe skill bound to it!"
            - "&eThis slot is for AQUA & FIRE skills."
        formula: "(<AQUA>&&<ACTIVE>)||(<FIRE>&&<ACTIVE>)"
            - 'skill_buff{modifier="damage";amount=+40;type="FLAT"}'

If you are updating from old version this is what you have to add to your class configs to see default skill slots

        name: "&aSkill Slot I"
        unlocked-by-default: true
        name: "&aSkill Slot II"
        unlocked-by-default: true
        name: "&aSkill Slot III"
        unlocked-by-default: true
        name: "&aSkill Slot IV"
        unlocked-by-default: true
        name: "&aSkill Slot V"
        unlocked-by-default: true
        name: "&aSkill Slot VI"
        unlocked-by-default: true

Linking a skill tree to a class

Skill trees are class based which means that the skill trees you can see and your progress for them depends on your current class. Each player can only progress in the skill trees linked to its current class. You can link skill trees to a class like this:

#For the mage class
    - 'general'
    - 'mage-arcane-mage'

Casting Mode Particles

This option determines the particles displayed when the player is in casting mode. At the moment, the particle effect pattern cannot be edited (elegant particle helix rotating around the player): you may only change the particle used to draw that helix.

    particle: SPELL_INSTANT

Some particles require a color to be displayed, like the Redstone particle which is named DUST in Minecraft 1.21. The following format will let you modify the particle color.

    particle: REDSTONE
        red: 255
        green: 100
        blue: 0

Some particle require you to provide a block, which you can do using the following format. Some examples include BLOCK, FALLING_DUST and DUST_PILLAR in 1.21.

    particle: BLOCK_BREAK
    material: DIRT

In order to disable casting particles you will need to delete the cast-particle section from your class config file.

Event Triggers (deprecated)

Event triggers let you perform specific actions when a specific event happens (player leveling up, dealing physical damage, choosing his class). It's the feature that you should be using to give your players attribute and class points as they level up.

    - 'mana{operation=GIVE,amount=2-3}' # Rage charges when dealing weapon damage
    - 'mana{operation=GIVE,amount=2-3}' # Rage charges when dealing phys damage
    # Give a class point when leveling up
    - 'command{format="mmocore admin skill-points give %player_name% 1"}'
    # Run a message when you reach the Farming Profession Level 2
    - 'message{format="&eYou leveled up &a&lFarming &eto: &aLevel %mmocore_profession_farming%&e!"}' 

Important note (can be confusing): events differ from the triggers. An event is what takes place, like a player leveling up or choosing his class, while the trigger is the action performed in response to that event. When setting up your class event triggers, you need to specify what action is performed (trigger), and when it is performed (event).

Option Usage Description
Main Class Level-Up level-up Triggers on every single main class level-up
Specific Main Class Level-Up level-up-{#} Triggers on a specific main class level-up
Multiple Main Class Level-Up level-up-multiple-{#} Triggers on every {#} main class level-ups
Profession Level-Up level-up-{profession} Triggers on a profession level-up
Specific Profession Level-Up level-up-{profession}-{#} Triggers on a specific profession level-up
Multiple Profession Level-Ups level-up-multiple-{profession}-{#} Triggers on every {#} profession level-ups
Melee Damage melee-damage Triggers when the player takes melee damage
Physical Damage physical-damage Triggers when the player takes physical damage
Magic Damage magic-damage Triggers when the player takes magical damage
Class Chosen class-chosen Triggers when the player chooses a class from the /class menu

Triggerable events, for the most part, should be self-explanatory; For the multiple level up triggers, if you were to specify a 2 for the trigger, that would fire the trigger at every interval of the number 2 - 2, 4, 6, 8 and so on.

A full list of available triggers that can be used in conjunction with these events can be found here.

Disable classes

What if you want to disable classes, skills and leveling (this is doable since MMOCore can be used for its profession system only)? What you can do is:

  • fully empty the /class folder (do not remove the folder otherwise it will be regenerated). From now on, MMOCore will use an EMPTY class that does nothing for any player. This also has the effect of disabling leveling (because the class will only have one level with no leveling rewards) and skills because skills are bound to classes.
  • delete the /class and /skills command.
  • edit the /p player menu so that it doesn't display class info anymore.