26 Experience Sources
Taner edited this page 2024-04-09 05:59:00 +00:00

An experience source gives you experience for certain professions when certain events occur. Each experience source has its own specific parameters that you can specify in the config with exp_source_name{param1=P1;param2=p2..}. You must specify the parameter amount=min-max corresponding to the bounds between which the amount of experience will be randomly chosen each time.

You can also use experience sources for your main classes.


Let's have a look at an example. These are the default experience sources for the Woodcutting profession. It basically gives the player anywhere from 1 to 3 experience points whenever he cuts a log.

- 'mineblock{type=OAK_LOG;amount=1-3}'
- 'mineblock{type=SPRUCE_LOG;amount=1-3}'
- 'mineblock{type=BIRCH_LOG;amount=1-3}'
- 'mineblock{type=JUNGLE_LOG;amount=1-3}'
- 'mineblock{type=ACACIA_LOG;amount=1-3}'
- 'mineblock{type=BIRCH_LOG;amount=1-3}'
- 'mineblock{type=DARK_OAK_LOG;amount=1-3}' 

These are the default experience sources for the farming profession, which grants some experience points whenever the player harvest any type of crops.

- 'mineblock{type=CARROTS;amount=1-3;crop=true;player-placed=true}'
- 'mineblock{type=POTATOES;amount=1-3;crop=true;player-placed=true}'
- 'mineblock{type=WHEAT;amount=1-3;crop=true;player-placed=true}' 

crop=true means that it'll only grant EXP once it's at it's full growth stage. player-placed=true means that it'll grant EXP even if the player placed the block

Experience Sources Tables (Since 1.9.5)

You can create experiences-sources tables in exp-sources.yml. It links an id to a list of experiences sources that you will all be to reference at once.

  - 'damagedealt{type=physical;amount=250}'
  - 'move{type=WALK;amount=300}'
  - 'from{source=test2}'

  - 'eat{type=CARROT;amount="50"}'

Every experience source

Source Usage Description
From from{source=exp-source-id} Loads all the experience source in exp-sources.yml matching to exp-source-id.
Mine Block mineblock{type=BLOCK_MATERIAL} More info on Mining.
Kill Mob killmob{type=MOB_ENTITY_TYPE;amount=1-3} Killing a mob grants exp
Kill Mythic Mob killmythicmob{type=MobInternalName;amount=1-3} Killing a MythicMob grants exp
Fish Item fishitem{type=ITEM_MATERIAL} Fishing an item of the specified type grants exp.
Smelt Item smeltitem{type=ITEM_MATERIAL} When an item is smelted (furnaces)
Craft Item craftitem{type=ITEM_MATERIAL} When an item is crafted
Brew potion brewpotion{effect=SPEED,REGEN,...} More info on Alchemy
Place Block placeblock{type=BLOCK_MATERIAL} Placing a block of the specified type grants xp.
Repair Item repairitem{type=ITEM_MATERIAL} You can define on sithing.yml the amount of xp for each material. Check here the info about smithing..
Enchant Item enchantitem{type=...} More info on Enchanting
Climb climb{type=CLIMB_TYPE} When you climb one block. The type can be ladder, vines, weeping-vines, twisting-vines. If you don't specify any type it will trigger for all types.
Eat eat{type=ITEM_MATERIAL} Give experience when some specific food is eaten. If you don't specify a material for the type it will give exp disregarding what you eat.
Move move{type=MOVING_TYPE} Give experience for each block travelled the type can be sneak, fly, swim, sprint or walk.If it is not specified will trigger all the time.
Resource resource{type=RESOURCE_TYPE} Gives exp for each resource of type "RESOURCE_TYPE" consumed. Resource type can be mana, stamina or stellium.
Ride ride{type=ENTITY_TYPE} When you move riding a certain entity. Check the EntityType enum to specify the type.
Tame tame{} Exp given for each damage your wolves make.
Damage Taken damagetaken{type=DAMAGE_CAUSE} or all damage cause damagetaken{amount=1} Exp given for each damage a player takes damage from a certain cause. You can do for instance DROWNING, FALL, FIRE or BLOCK_EXPLOSION, Check here the documentation of DamageCause.
Damage Dealt damagedealt{type=DAMAGE_TYPE} or all damage types damagedealt{amount=1} Exp given per damage dealt of a certain mmo damage type.The damage type can be magic, physical, weapon, skill, projectile,unarmed, on-hit, minion or dot.