Player attributes are a well known RPG feature which adds more complexity aka theory crafting to class leveling. By default, MMOCore features three player attributes which are Strength, Dexterity and Intelligence but you can add, edit and remove as many attributes as you'd like.
Attributes are RPG statistics which players can level up to unlock new perks. Currently MMOCore only supports stat buffs but we plan on adding item use restrictions where players must have at least X of a specific attribute in order to use an item. Using attribute placeholders you can also setup conditions in things like MythicMobs skills.
Attribute Menu
Using the attribute menu (which you can access using
/attributes), players can see what attributes they have, level up their
attributes or use an attribute reallocation point in order to
redistribute their attribute points.
Or a better looking version of the same GUI. Check out [this wiki page](Oraxen Support) to learn about custom GUI textures.
Here is another look for the same GUI using another custom texture
Overview of default attributes
The default Strength MMOCore attribute is meant to be leveled up by warriors or tanky classes like paladins because it grants both extra weapon damage for extra damage burst and maximum health for extra tankiness.
Warriors, rogues or marksmen may focus on leveling up their dexterity because it increases their movement speed (either to escape for lighter classes like rogues or marksmen, or to run in the fight for warriors), their projectile damage for marksmen and their physical damage (both physical skills and weapons).
Last but not least, intelligence is mainly for mages because it increases a lot (compared to other attributes) damage dealt by magical skills. It also reduces skill cooldowns which can be used by any other class.
Keep in mind you can fully edit these attributes using the attributes.yml config file. Default attributes are really classic and you can add as many as you want to make attribute leveling more complex and interesting!
Config File
# Attribute ID
name: Strength
# Maximum amount of points players
# may spend in this attribute.
max-points: 40
# Buffs given every 1 attribute point spent
# in this specific attribute.
weapon_damage: 2
max_health: 1%
name: Dexterity
max-points: 40
physical_damage: 1.5
projectile_damage: 1
attack_speed: 0.5%
name: Intelligence
max-points: 40
magical_damage: 2
cooldown_reduction: 1
Every config section corresponds to a player attribute (you may add as many as you want or remove the default ones as well). You need to specify the attribute name which will be used to display the attributes in inventory GUIs, the maximum amount of attribute points you can spend in that specific attribute, and the stat buffs the attribute gives. These buffs correspond to the stats given to the player for every attribute point spent in that attribute.
If you want to disable player attributes, simply remove all the registered player attributes in that config file, and make sure players don't have access to the /attributes
Editing the Attributes GUI
What you have done so far is registering the player attributes in MMOCore. Yet your players won't be able to interact with them if you don't add them to the attributes menu that players can access using /attributes
. To do that, you may open the gui/attribute-view.yml
# GUI display name
name: Player Attributes
# Number of slots in your inventory. Must be
# between 9 and 54 and must be a multiple of 9.
slots: 27
slots: [26]
function: reallocation
name: '&aReallocate Skill Points'
- ''
- 'You have spent a total of &6{total}&7 skill points.'
- '&7Right click to reallocate them.'
- ''
- '&eCosts 1 attribute reallocation point.'
- '&e◆ Attribute Reallocation Points: &6{points}'
slots: [11]
function: attribute_strength
name: '&a{name}'
lore: # {buffs} returns amount of buffs
- ''
- '&7Points Spent: &6{spent}&7/&6{max}'
- '&7Current {name}: &6&l{current}'
- ''
- '&8When Leveled Up:'
- '&7 +{buff_weapon_damage}% Weapon Damage (&a+{total_weapon_damage}%&7)'
- '&7 +{buff_max_health} Max Health (&a+{total_max_health}&7)'
- ''
- '&eClick to level up for 1 attribute point.'
- '&e◆ Current Attribute Points: {attribute_points}'
slots: [13]
function: attribute_dexterity
name: '&a{name}'
hide-flags: true
- ''
- '&7Points Spent: &6{spent}&7/&6{max}'
- '&7Current {name}: &6&l{current}'
- ''
- '&8When Leveled Up:'
- '&7 +{buff_physical_damage}% Physical Damage (&a+{total_physical_damage}%&7)'
- '&7 +{buff_projectile_damage}% Projectile Damage (&a+{total_projectile_damage}%&7)'
- '&7 +{buff_attack_speed} Attack Speed (&a+{total_attack_speed}&7)'
- ''
- '&eClick to level up for 1 attribute point.'
- '&e◆ Current Attribute Points: {attribute_points}'
slots: [15]
function: attribute_intelligence
name: '&a{name}'
item: BOOK
- ''
- '&7Points Spent: &6{spent}&7/&6{max}'
- '&7Current {name}: &6&l{current}'
- ''
- '&8When Leveled Up:'
- '&7 +{buff_magic_damage}% Magic Damage (&a+{total_magic_damage}%&7)'
- '&7 +{buff_cooldown_reduction}% Cooldown Reduction (&a+{total_cooldown_reduction}%&7)'
- ''
- '&eClick to level up for 1 attribute point.'
- '&e◆ Current Attribute Points: {attribute_points}'
The first few things to notice are these configuration sections called dex
, str
and int
which all correspond to one specific attribute. These are the items you can click in the GUI as seen in the GIF above. If you modify one attribute in the MMOCore/attributes.yml
config, you might have to update that config file as well. Let's now go through everything you can modify in this config file.
You can edit the general GUI settings like its name and slots.
name: Player Attributes
slots: 27
Notice how the config sections that fall under the items
section share very similar properties: name
(the item display name), lore
(the item description/lore), item
(the item material), slots
(where the item is placed in the inventory, it can be a list) and function
(what the item does). These can (and should) all be edited to your needs.
Editing Item Slots
If you want to have your item displayed on multiple slots, use something like
slots: [1, 2, 3, 4]
The following formats won't work
slots: 1
slot: 1
Item Functions
might be the most confusing config option. It's used by MMOCore to understand how the item should behave when clicked, and what placeholders to apply in the item lore. A general rule when editing MMOCore GUIs is to never touch them. You can add items with no function to change the appearance of your GUI, you may edit already existing items without editing their function, but you can't randomly edit them as this will mess with MMOCore functionalities.
Editing item functions is required tho when adding or changing existing attributes. Notice how the function for the item which corresponds to the Strength attribute is attribute_strength
. If you are adding an attribute which id is some_attribute_id
, the corresponding item function is attribute_some_attribute_id
. Here is an example of a working attributes.yml
setup + item setup pair.
name: Vigour
max-points: 30
max_health: 2
slots: [15]
function: attribute_vigour
name: '&a{name}'
item: BOOK
Lore placeholders
Choosing some function for your GUI item unlocks a specific set of placeholders that you can use in the item lore. For instance, using the attribute_<attribute_name>
function unlocks these placeholders
- Amount of attr. pts spent by the player in that attribute{max}
- Maximum amount of attr. pts you may spend in that attribute{name}
- Attribute name{current}
- The current attribute of the player. It differs from{spent}
because it takes into account attribute modifiers which can be granted by items or external plugins{buff_<stat_name>}
- a specific buff that is granted for each point spent in that attribute{total_<stat_name>}
- the total buff granted by all the points spent in that attribute
If you try to use a placeholder which MMOCore cannot find, it will display PHE
Last thing: adding new buffs to your custom attribute does NOT automatically update the GUI item lore (which is being used to display the attribute buffs). Make sure you update this manually as well. For instance, the following configs match:
magical_damage: 2
cooldown_reduction: 1
- '&8When Leveled Up:'
- '&7 +{buff_magic_damage}% Magic Damage (&a+{total_magic_damage}%&7)'
- '&7 +{buff_cooldown_reduction}% Cooldown Reduction (&a+{total_cooldown_reduction}%&7)'
But these two don't match, a projectile damage buff was registered in the attributes.yml config, but it was not added to the item lore, so there is no way for the player to know that this attribute grants extra projectile damage.
physical_damage: 1.5
projectile_damage: 1
attack_speed: 0.5%
- '&8When Leveled Up:'
- '&7 +{buff_physical_damage}% Physical Damage (&a+{total_physical_damage}%&7)'
- '&7 +{buff_attack_speed} Attack Speed (&a+{total_attack_speed}&7)'
These two don't match either. The {buff_projectile_damage}
placeholder doesn't exist because projectile damage was not defined as a buff from the dexterity attribute.
physical_damage: 1.5
attack_speed: 0.5%
- '&8When Leveled Up:'
- '&7 +{buff_physical_damage}% Physical Damage (&a+{total_physical_damage}%&7)'
- '&7 +{buff_projectile_damage}% Projectile Damage (&a+{total_projectile_damage}%&7)'
- '&7 +{buff_attack_speed} Attack Speed (&a+{total_attack_speed}&7)'