43 Placeholders
Jules edited this page 2024-10-22 13:40:56 +00:00

All placeholders automatically register upon plugin load, and require PlaceholderAPI to work. You do not need to run any commands to initialize the placeholders. Keep in mind you can access PAPI placeholders from MVdWPlaceholderAPI using {placeholderapi_mmocore_...}.

If you're looking for a placeholder and you can't see it here, do check MYTHICLIB PLACEHOLDERS as well!

Main Placeholders

Placeholder Description
%mmocore_attribute_<attribute>% Current value of a player attribute.
%mmocore_<health/mana/stamina/stellium>% Nicely formatted current resource value
%mmocore_<health/mana/stamina/stellium>_bar% Nicely formatted current resource value AS A BAR!
%mmocore_max_health% Nicely formatted shorthand for %mythiclib_stat_max_mana%
%mmocore_stat_<stat_name>% Returns the formatted player stat value


Placeholder Description
%mmocore_skill_points% More info on skill points.
%mmocore_class_points% More info on class points.
%mmocore_attribute_points% More info on attribute points.
%mmocore_attribute_reallocation_points% More info on attribute points.
%mmocore_attribute_points_spent_<attribute_id>% The points spent on a specific attribute.

Class & Professions

Placeholder Description
%mmocore_level% Main RPG player level.
%mmocore_level_percent% Progression to next level in %.
%mmocore_experience% Returns player experience.
%mmocore_next_level% Returns player experience needed for next level. Works well beside %mmocore_experience%.
%mmocore_profession_<profession>% Profession player level.
%mmocore_profession_experience_<profession>% Returns player experience for the specific profession.
%mmocore_profession_next_level_<profession>% Returns player experience needed for next level for the specific profession. Works well beside %mmocore_experience_%
%mmocore_profession_percent_<profession>% Current progression to next profession level in %.
%mmocore_class% Player class name, or name of default class.
%mmocore_mana_icon% The mana icon for the players current class
%mmocore_mana_name% The mana name for the players current class
%mmocore_exp_multiplier_<profession>% Returns the EXP multiplier for the specific profession ("main" may replace the profession name)
%mmocore_exp_boost_<profession>% Returns how much of the EXP multiplier is provided by boosters for the specific profession ("main" may replace the profession name)

Quests & Objectives

Placeholder Description
%mmocore_quest% Ongoing quest, or "None".
%mmocore_quest_progress% Progress of current quest, or "0" if no quest.
%mmocore_quest_objective% Current quest objective, or "None" if no quest.


Placeholder Description
%mmocore_guild_name% Returns the guild name or '' if none
%mmocore_guild_tag% Returns the guild tag or '' if none
%mmocore_guild_leader% Returns the guild leader or '' if none
%mmocore_guild_members% Returns the guild members or '' if none
%mmocore_guild_online_members% Returns the guild online members or '' if none
%mmocore_party_count% Counts the number of party members.
%mmocore_party_member_<n>% Name of the n-th party member, None if invalid
%mmocore_online_friends% Number of online friends right now
%mmocore_online_friend_<n>% Name of n-th online friend, None if invalid


Placeholder Description
%mmocore_skill_level_<skill_name>% Returns the level a player has for a specific skill.
%mmocore_skill_parameter_<param_id>:<skill_id>% Returns the value of a skill parameter, you can for instance use mana or cooldown as parameter.
%mmocore_bound_skill_parameter_<param_id>:<slot_number>% Returns value of skill parameter, of skill bound to slot with given number.
%mmocore_bound_<slot_idx>% Name of skill bound to given skill slot.
%mmocore_id_bound_<slot_idx>% UPPERCASE_ID of skill bound to given skill slot.
%mmocore_cooldown_bound_<slot_idx>% Returns the remaining cooldown time of the skill in the specific skill slot.
%mmocore_is_casting% Returns true if the player is skill casting, false otherwise
%mmocore_passive_bound_<slot_idx>% (true/false) Is a passive skill bound to given slot?
%mmocore_cast_slot_offset_<slot_idx>% Only when using skill bar skill casting. Returns the keybind the player needs to press in order to cast the skill on the n-th slot


Placeholder Description
%mmocore_in_combat% Returns true if the player is in combat, false otherwise
%mmocore_pvp_mode% True if the player has enabled PVP mode, false otherwise
%mmocore_since_last_hit% Returns time in seconds since last combat hit (or -1 if not in combat). Since MMOCore 1.11.2 snapshots
%mmocore_since_enter_combat% Returns time in sec since FIRST combat hit (or -1 if not in combat). Since MMOCore 1.11.2 snapshots
%mmocore_invulnerability_left% Time left before being vulnerable (when changing region/using the PvpMode command)
%mythiclib_cooldown_pvpmode% Cooldown of /pvpmode