13 Quests
Taner edited this page 2023-10-20 12:23:15 +00:00


MMOCore is NOT a quest plugin. It does provide a very simple solution for quests including an objective/trigger based system which can be sufficient if you don't want to use another complex quest plugin.

If you however want to make a more complex storyline you will have to use another quest plugin which is why we've decided to make MMOCore compatible with the most used and advanced Spigot quest plugins:

At the moment, this just mean you can fully disable the default quest module and use another plugin. In the future, features like quest-based conditions (having completed a specific quest) will be implemented to MMOCore and MythicLib.


Quests are series of objectives the players must complete in order to earn some loot and experience. There are various types of objectives, like going to a specific location, talking to an NPC, killing X mobs, bringing items back to an NPC... Some of these objectives require extra plugins like Citizens for NPC objectives or MythicMobs for extra mob objectives.

Parent Quests

Quests may require that the player has completed some other quest beforehand, therefore you can setup some sort of storyline.

Quests have a specific set of actions (these are called triggers), like messages or commands, performed when the player completes an objective. These may be used to explain specific things to the player, or to give them quest items or rewards.


Whenever a player starts a quest, he can keep track of the quest progression, both in the quest GUI and on the bossbar where he can see what his current quest objective is. The bossbar also tells him how close he is from finishing the quest.

Quest Menu

Players can see available and unlocked quests in the quest menu, which they can access using /quests.

Setting up quests

The following paragraphs go over setting up a new quest. All quest config files are located under the /quest folder.

Quest Example

# Levels players must have in
# order to unlock this quest.
    main: 10
    mining: 5

# Quest name displayed in the quest menu.
name: 'A Whole New World'

# Quest lore displayed in the quest menu.
- 'This is the tutorial quest.'
- 'Lore example...'
- ''
- '&eRewards:'
- '&7► Wooden Tools'
- '&7► Leather Armor'
- '&7► 100 EXP'

# Quests the player must finish
# in order to unlock this one.
parent: []

# Cooldown in hours. Don't put any
# to make the quest a one-time quest.
# Put it to 0 to make it instantly redoable.
delay: 12

# Objectives the player needs to
# complete. Once they're all complete,
# the quest will end.
        type: 'clickon{world="world";x=56;y=68;z=115;range=5}'
        lore: 'Head to the camp.'
        bar-color: PURPLE
        - 'message{format="&aGood job, now get some oak logs!"}'
        - 'sound{sound=ENTITY_EXPERIENCE_ORB_PICKUP}'
        type: 'mineblock{type="OAK_LOG";amount=3}'
        lore: 'Get three oak logs!'
        - 'message{format="&aGood job, now give these logs to the blacksmith."}'
        - 'sound{sound="ENTITY_EXPERIENCE_ORB_PICKUP"}'
        type: 'getitem{type="OAK_LOG";amount=3;npc=0}'
        lore: 'Give these oak logs to the blacksmith.'
        - 'message{format="&aGood job, now talk to the blacksmith again to claim your weapons!"}'
        - 'sound{sound=ENTITY_EXPERIENCE_ORB_PICKUP}'
        type: 'talkto{npc=0}'
        lore: 'Get your weapons from the blacksmith!'
        - 'message{format="&aNow go kill 5 skeletal knights to finish tutorial!"}'
        - 'sound{sound=ENTITY_PLAYER_LEVELUP}'
        type: 'killmythicmob{name="SkeletalKnight";amount=5}'
        lore: 'Kill 5 skeletal knights!'
        - 'message{format="&a&lYou have successfully finished the tutorial!"}'
        - 'sound{sound="ENTITY_PLAYER_LEVELUP"}'
        - 'mmoitem{type=SWORD;id=CUTLASS}'


The config above is one of the YAML file you can setup in the quests folder (one YAML config per quest). The first config option is level-req feature. This determines what level the player needs to be in order to unlock the quest. Our default config sets it to level 10 main, and level 5 mining profession.

After that, you can set the name of the quest that is displayed in the quest menu. The initial name that you set earlier is just for ID purposes in the config.

Next, you can set the lore of the quest that is displayed in the quest menu. Just a reminder, adding rewards here will not actually give rewards. It is just for show.

Next option is the parent option, this determines if there is another quest the player must finish in order to unlock the specific quest.

Next option is the cooldown on the quest. If you want it to be a one time quest, you put nothing in the option. If you want it to be instantly redoable, set it to 0. Otherwise, the cooldown is in hours.


Next, the quest file lets you put in the objectives. A quest is a series of objectives a player must complete in order to earn some rewards. Inside of an objective you have the type, lore, and the triggers.

Type is what determines what the player must do, Lore defines what the quest tells the player to do, and triggers determine what happens when the player completes the actual objective.

Since the objective lore is displayed on a bossbar, you can change the color of the bar for every objective using bar-color: <COLOR>. A list of all the available colors can be found over the Spigot javadocs.

Triggers can be either used to give information to the player about the RPG story line or instructions for the next objective, or simply quest rewards.

Objective Description Format
clickon Player has to click somewhere in the map. clickon{world=<world-name>;x=<x>;y=<y>;z=<z>;range=<radius>}
mineblock Player has to mine X blocks of the same type. mineblock{type=<MATERIAL>;amount=<amount>}
killmob Player must kill X vanilla mobs. killmob{type=<ENTITY_TYPE>;amount=<AMOUNT>}
goto Player has to go to some location. goto{world=<world-name>;x=<x>;y=<y>;z=<z>;range=<radius>}
getitem Player has to give a Citizen NPC an item. getitem{type=<MATERIAL>;npc=<Citizen_ID>;amount=<AMOUNT>}
getmmoitem Player has to give a Citizen NPC an item from MMOItems. getmmoitem{type=<MI_TYPE>;id=<MI_ID>;npc=<Citizen-ID>;amount=<AMOUNT>}
talkto Player must talk to an NPC. talkto{npc=<Citizen_ID>}
killmythicmob Player has to kill X mythic mobs. killmythicmob{name=<mythicMobsInternalName>;amount=<AMOUNT>}

Trigger Types

A full list of available triggers to be used in conjunction with these objectives can be found here.